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  1. Ummm...I'm happy with the work I had done 2 years ago I'd go in and see your doctor. With before and after photos it should be pretty obvious if there was a problem with growth. However, my experience was the same as ts808 and Mrjb where I had significant growth from the 5-8 month point with continued thickening to about the 14 month point. Hard to tell without seeing but I wouldn't be overly worried yet
  2. Action, I know HTs are the highlight here but talk to quite a few of the respected HT doctors out there before you do anything. My HT turned out great as did many people's that are on this forum. However, 21 years old with significant loss and a definite pattern would worry me about your suitability as a candidate. I know it is probably not what you want to hear. However, if even one doctor evaluates you in person and says its not a good idea you should see HUGE red flags. Many doctors will gladly take your money regardless how you end up. I'd definitely start by talking to a doctor about Propecia. If anything it would buy you time to see if it can stabilize your loss and possibly regrow some hair. You have your whole life to get a HT...don't rush into something and find out that you don't have the donor hair to accomplish what you want/need...or worse end up looking horrible in the future with no way to fix it. You can contact me at slomo30@hotmail.com if you have any questions.
  3. I had redness for 4 months or so also. I know its not fun and nothing I can say will make it better at this point. At 4 weeks you are in the "ugly hair" phase where you just really can't do much of anything. The only comment anyone made about the redness was that someone mentioned I'd gotten too much sun. Its definitely more apparent to you than to most other people. The good news is it's all worth it in the end. For me a couple of months of redness to have my hair back was a tiny price to pay in retrospect (easy for me to say now).
  4. Any product should work to conceal the scar. I'd recommend Prothik or Fullmore personally just because it would be difficult to apply Dermatch back there.
  5. Dart

    60 days

    Grats on making it to 60 days! I had several times where I thought I saw new growth. But, it wasn't till around the 80 day mark until things actually started kicking off some. Feel free to write me for the address to my web site if you want to compare your current results. Dart slomo30@hotmail.com
  6. You say you are "losing your hair." With that statement I'm assuming that you still have some to work with. Have you looked into concealers to get you through the short term? You have nothing but time and they are a cheap alternative for now. Plenty of posts in the concealer section on which ones work well. Oh...and I'd definitely see a doctor about Propecia if you haven't. Its not cheap either but its less than a HT by far and might slow down the loss. Lastly, I agree with the previous posts...if you have to do it save up your money and go to someone that will do it right. Dart
  7. If you find one let me know. With the new airbrush tanning fluids I wonder if you could use them to darken the area? I've heard they last about a week. Let me know what you find out.
  8. Dr Bazan has been talking about his form of HM for awhile. If I remember correctly he referred to it as SIT. He's been the dark horse in the HM race to this point so his web site is out of the blue. I've never even seen a post talking about results from his HT procedures let alone anyone talking about him actually performing HM. Regardless I see his announcement/web site as a good thing for 2 reasons. 1) Though I'm beyond skeptical at this point he actually could have made the major breakthrough that allowed him to come up with a repeatable working protocol for HM. If this is the case in a couple of years (he's talking about external trial patients in Sept 2004) donor hair problems could cease to exist. 2) The more likely but equally beneficial thing would be that he's trying to jump the starting gun and claim winning before he has actually made the breakthrough and perfected the procedure. This would make him huge amounts of money and gain him a lot of publicity even if he never had a hair grow. The good thing there would be that every current HM program would most likely accelerate so that they aren't left with nothing. Interesting news to say the least. Would be nice if it's as good as it sounds but I'll want to see quite a few pics and patients before I save up $36k and throw it down on the table (especially when I read the part about not being able to control the direction of the hair growth).
  9. Hi Rooster, To be honest I've never looked around to see if there was anything I could buy locally. I remember reading a post once on another site that mentioned a product but I can't remember the name. You didn't say when you're leaving for the meeting but my order for Toppik only took 2 days to get here using rush delivery and they offer overnight delivery as well, which would probably get there Wed. My last Dermmatch order was awhile back and I can't remember how quick they were but I think they only send normal first class USPS. If you do order anything don't get any aerosols (Prothik/Fullmore) as they will have to ship those via ground and they will take closer to a week. Vocor1 also wrote a post awhile back where he managed to use an eyebrow pencil in a pinch to get by. Anything that brings the scalp color closer to the hair color is most likely going to help. I'll keep researching to see if I can find anything else. And no TexasNW2, I'll do my part for my hair loss brothers but I'm not driving to Michigan tonight to deliver him Prothik like I had to do with you Dart
  10. Interesting...was the new growth in a previously slick bald area? I remember at 4-5 weeks I thought I had new hairs growing also but then I realized that they were probably just hairs that were in the resting phase that would have popped up at that time anyway. There has been a significant amount of growth now at 3 months. Dart
  11. beamrboy, Seeing a doctor about Propecia would be an excellent start. It probably won't regrow your receeding temples but it can slow things down and hopefully retain your hair in the crown. I'd definitely hold off on a HT for a few years at your age. You need to see how your hair loss is going to progress. Just think of the time you wait as an opportunity for technology to continue to improve. To get through the present I'd recommend potentially changing your hairstyle and/or using concealers if it is affecting your lifestyle that much. Some guys hate concealers but they bought me much needed time and using them was a morning ritual that was as quick and simple as brushing my teeth. There is an entire forum dedicated to shampoos, sprays and concealers with a lot of good info. If you ask any specific questions there I'll be glad to help. Dart
  12. Baldbozo, Darn, I'm not worried about me as my scar appears that its going to be very small but I always like to hear that things are going well for other people. I'll still keep hoping that things go well for Balloonman . Dart
  13. I just read that Dr Feller thinks your scar regrowth rate may be up to 65% at this point! That's excellent news!! If it is true I know that some people may be vindictive since you were a bit brash about their growth rates but I'm happy to hear good things are happening for you. To go from an inch and a half scar to a half inch FIT'd scar has to be a huge improvement. I hope that the density continues to improve over the next 7 months and that more hairs decide to pop up and make their way in. Keep us updated on your progress and as always pics would be great. Dart
  14. I just read that Dr Feller thinks your scar regrowth rate may be up to 65% at this point! That's excellent news!! If it is true I know that some people may be vindictive since you were a bit brash about their growth rates but I'm happy to hear good things are happening for you. To go from an inch and a half scar to a half inch FIT'd scar has to be a huge improvement. I hope that the density continues to improve over the next 7 months and that more hairs decide to pop up and make their way in. Keep us updated on your progress and as always pics would be great. Dart
  15. Joe HT, Welcome to the board and thanks for posting the pictures! You have awhile for everything to grow out so that you can do some reseach now There are some outstanding doctors talked about here. I'd definitely consult with them over the next year rather than going back to the same place just for the cheaper prices on second procedures. Hope things go well for you! If you have any questions or need people to talk to this is the place to go Dart
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