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  1. I had my procedure done over three years ago. Six months prior I had my photo drivers licence taken, and it was then that I knew I HAD to do something. (I am 41 and have kept every old licence I've had since I was 17). It is amazing what you don't notice day-to-day...but keeping all of your drivers licenses for comparison is a real jolt! Anyway, it was my original intention to tell NO ONE! Even my live-in girlfriend. I took 4 weeks of vacation to hide from my co workers, and wore caps and hoodies in the fall and winter. Of course my father knew because the surgeon would not let me drive myself home after the procedure, so I had to call my father to come get me. Obviously I could not keep it from my gf due to the bandages. (Forgot about how to hide that part of the procedure). Plus I didn't realize the swelling I would soon have. Long story short, my dad told my mom, who told absolutely everyone she met! Despite me asking her not to say anything to anybody. I was very self conscious for months wondering if my procedure was obvious to anyone who I dared make eye contact with. Then came that horrific day that I feared the most...a large family gathering (two years ago)...where my mother was telling absolutely everyone...even going so far as yelling across the house for me to "Come over and show everyone your new hair!" Well for the last three years I felt the need to "hide it". I even felt a sense to hide from myself even when looking in a mirror. (I would never really look, only glance.) Until last week... it was time to have my drivers licence renewed... Once I saw the new photo, and compared it to my last, I was floored! I didn't quite look like a 17 year old, lol, but I now look very close (hairline wise) as I did in my 20's! As a matter of fact none of my coworkers ever suspected a thing until I finally said something this week. I even showed them my old and new photo licenses to give it perspective. They were amazed how much hair I have, and even more amazed they didn't realize how bald I was before. I've worked with the same people for over 20 years, yet no one knew. So now everyone knows, and I'm relieved. I no longer feel stressed thinking that people have been whispering behind my back all this time. Give it time, and when that time comes, you'll know when to confide in others.
  2. Two weeks "might" be enough time...the scabs take at least 10 days to fall off. The redness, I really don't quite remember. Myself, I took four weeks off work. (I know most people can't do that though.) As far "hiding-out" for a short while and thinking people won't know that "something's going on up there", is kinda hard to say too...depends on how much you had done and where you did it. It's been over 6 months since my procedure and I am just now getting out of my hide-it stage.
  3. Oh and on another note....this regards "professionalism"... When I first went in for my consultation, I asked if I could meet any of their former patients, or at the very least see pictures of their work. The response I got back was: "would you want just anyone to call you up and ask to see you?" and in regards to seeing photos I was told something about "patient privacy". Now for the good part... Several hours into my procedure, the "salesman" who gave me a lecture on patient privacy comes walking into the room with a prospective client to "observe a procedure being done"....(and no, no one asked my permission to do that). When I went back in to have my staples removed I did call him on this, to which his reply was "well, he was hesitant on whether or not to have a transplant and I told him that I could save him a couple thousand dollars if he went right after you were done." (mind you, I apparently paid to have the two technicians flown in from out of town, and this was the "savings" this other guy was going to benefit from because I had already paid for their travel expenses). Mind you, he followed up with "well, let us know if you want any touch up work done, and we will schedule you back-to-back with someone else, which will save you some money the next time"...... Any comments out there............????
  4. I will be 38 in a few days.... Anyway I didn't mention that when I had the staples removed the staples on the right side came right out with no pain what-so-ever. The left side, that was another story. At one point I wanted to turn around and break his arm in two because it hurt so bad. And no, the doctor didn't remove them, it was, well I am not exactly sure who he is, took them out. He did leave the room half way through to call the doctor on the phone and there was a debate on whether or not to leave them in another day or two. My staples were in a total of 10 days I recall. At any rate, I just clenched my teeth, and had them all removed. I know what you're all thinking, and yes I will make an appointment in a week or so and see what they have to say.... I remember them mentioning the "possibility" of doing some "touch-up" work in January .....ummmm I don't think so, least of all not at that place.
  5. I am five months post-op and when I touch the area above the left side of the incision scar I have the sensation of "pins and needles"... Anyone else have this?
  6. With the amount of graphs I had done, and the sales pitch of having everything "packed right in there", I guess I never expected to have to wait 12 months.... I wouldn't be so worried about it if I saw new hairs coming in as the weeks go by, but after the intial shedding what came in is all I have, and the hairs are so spread apart that I can actually count them. When the scabs all came off, I was happy with anticipation of how things would be. After all, in the begining I litterally had a 5 o'clock shadow up there. Can the rest of all that still be dormant after 5 months? What makes it even harder is that I keep my hair long, trust me I dont look good with short hair. Anyway, everything that I have read from the other posters is all true....the redness, scabs, shedding, etc etc. I still have yet to see a post from anyone who says that they are happy with what they had done. The posts from people saying "well, I'm going back in for my third, forth, fifth transplant".....now THAT is discouraging.
  7. i had the procedure done in erie pa, wont say the doc's name....i was supposed to go back for pictures a month ago, and am to ashamed...i know he will say...."you look good to me"...i used the transplant calculator i found using this site. i had the number 2 area done, with 2000 graphs.....way more than what the calculator calls for, for "appearance of full thickness".......so do i make a fuss or what? going through surgery again doenst sound so hot. i also still have a strong tingling sensation on the left side of my head where the incision was done....that hasnt gotten any better either.
  8. i had a transplant 5 months ago...i still dont know if i had done the right thing. i had 2000+ graphs on my forehead due to a receding hairline, nothing done to the top or temples. at the time of the procedure i was told "boy we really loaded you up, youre gonna look great!" well, 5 months later all i have is sparse coverage at best, and do my best to hide what i had done... i will give it the rest of the winter to see what happens, wearing hoods and hats right now is the only way i will go out in public...but come spring time...what then...shave my head? is it too soon to worry about this, was i expecting too much? would love to hear from anyone who feels they are, (or were) in my situation. Thanks
  9. i had a transplant 5 months ago...i still dont know if i had done the right thing. i had 2000+ graphs on my forehead due to a receding hairline, nothing done to the top or temples. at the time of the procedure i was told "boy we really loaded you up, youre gonna look great!" well, 5 months later all i have is sparse coverage at best, and do my best to hide what i had done... i will give it the rest of the winter to see what happens, wearing hoods and hats right now is the only way i will go out in public...but come spring time...what then...shave my head? is it too soon to worry about this, was i expecting too much? would love to hear from anyone who feels they are, (or were) in my situation. Thanks
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