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Everything posted by Clint69

  1. Hey Guys, Since today is my three month mark, I thought I would take some photos. I updated my two and three month markers. Month two was really rough as I look much more bald than when I started. At month three, I have a significant number of hairs that have broken the surface and it is starting to define a hairline. It appears that I will be an early grower. There is hair sprouting everywhere even though the photos are not picking it all up. I am looking forward to month four. I am optomistic at this point. Please let me know your thoughts.
  2. Hey Guys, Since today is my three month mark, I thought I would take some photos. I updated my two and three month markers. Month two was really rough as I look much more bald than when I started. At month three, I have a significant number of hairs that have broken the surface and it is starting to define a hairline. It appears that I will be an early grower. There is hair sprouting everywhere even though the photos are not picking it all up. I am looking forward to month four. I am optomistic at this point. Please let me know your thoughts.
  3. Looks real good Eman! I have enjoyed following your progress. Hopefully I will join the club soon. I have my "three month" in a couple of days and I already have growth. Clint
  4. For me, I had no concerns about Dr Rahal and his staff. Of course, if you are getting an HT, there are risk factors that you should always consider regardless of the Dr. You should be aware of all of the possible risks before you book your HT. As I did my research, Dr Rahal was one of the Drs that is producing consistently good results along with other Drs like Feller, Shapiro, Hassan and Wong and a host of others. What sealed the deal for me were three things, Dr Rahals ability to produce superior results with a seemingly fewer number of grafts, very few if any complaints about his work and also his hairline design. That being said, once again there are always risk factors that should be considered with any Dr. You just minimize them by chosing a Dr with a proven track record. Anxiety is very normal.
  5. My experience with Dr Rahal and his staff was excellent. If you have any specific questions, I would also be more than happy to help.
  6. Good deal Buba. Have you seen any little hairs popping through yet? If not, hopefully you will see them soon. I just hit my two months today so I am still feeling like I am in the ugly duckling stage. I feel that I have less hair than when I started with. Not easy times by any means. Anyway, hope all is well. Glad to hear you ditched the hat. Clint
  7. Good luck to ya Bill!! I am going to guess 2717 grafts. Hope all goes smooth. Clint
  8. Hey Peanut, I see no demonizing or slander coming from anyone. Chill dude.
  9. Thanks for the info Bill. This is a good explanation. Are you aware of any other weight lifting supplements that could potentially cause hairloss aside from testosterone boosters?
  10. I am still in complete amazement of your before and after photos. Dr. Rahal really fixed you up right. For a person who has given significant contributions to this forum, you are certainly well deserving. Congrats. I will be excited to see your month by month improvments. Clint
  11. Roman, Who was your doc? How many grafts did you have placed? Any pics? How about some pics showing the results of the product you are promoting. Thanks
  12. Although I am a fairly new member and my opinion may not hold much weight, I would just like to point a couple of things out. First, I am not questioning the fact that the original poster is not happy with his results . With that being said, I do not think the pictures are clear. They are poor quality. Without seing detailed before pics, up close, I am not sure that it is fair to make a complete assesment of the end result. There, IMO is a definate change and maybe even an improvement. Also we are looking at this from the patients perspective. Again, I do not question the validity of his feelings but I have not seen anyone bring up the possability that the expectation of the patient may have been too high. Most of us know the risks of an HT but for the most part, myself included, I have to constantly check the reality of the final result and understand that I will not likely have the hair of Brad Pitt. He may be unhappy but a combination of progressive hair loss along with too high of expectations can be a bad combination. This could very well be the best result for the patients situation. Even though Dr. Feller could have toned it down a bit in his response, I can understand his frustration. I can also understand the frustration of the patient. It would be tough to expect one thing and get another. On a final note, anyone who does their research understands that multiple procedures are likely, especially if you have an HT at a young age such as this patient. We rarely get the one HT "fix all". I would think that a Dr such as Dr. Feller explained this to him.
  13. Canadian, I think the comment "happy it's over" is very fitting. Yes, I am still wearing a hat everyday. Thanks god I own my own business so wearing a hat is acceptable. I do still have some redness but it is more like pinkness now. It is fading little by little and so is the scar. The scar and pinkness still have a ways to go yet. All we have to do now is sit around and wait for growth. Maybe we will catch Eman in a few months!!
  14. We are nearly in the exact same spot. My pics look very similar to yours. I am about 2 weeks behind you. Hopefully in a few months, these times will be distant memories and we will be celebrating our new manes.
  15. Giants, I am interested to have you elaborate on this subject. Is this your opinion or do you have some sort of data to substantiate your claim? I do not mean that as an "in your face" comment. I am genuinely interested because I would love nothing more than to use creatine with no side effects of hair loss or shedding. My experience was with a product called cell-tech.
  16. Pats205, I am genuinely interested in this thread. I really have no dog in this fight but it is seriously annoying to watch you be so evasive regarding the question of a refund for a customer who has poor growth. By avoiding the question, you are losing more credability by the post. Why can't you just answer the question directly instead of skirting the issue. You just sound like a cheezy sales representative when you give those evasive answers.I am just giving you my opinion based on an outsiders perspective.
  17. Rogaine does not contain finasteride.
  18. Very,very nice results in the patient gallery. Impressive to say the least. Web site looks good with easy navigation. A+
  19. I have heard that some using other brands of minoxidil have had issues and after switching to the rogaine brand, things were fine. I have never used other brands of minoxidil so I can not be sure. If you buy the rogaine brand, I think your safe. That being said, results do vary from person to person but in general it is effective. Also, I think that general opinions regarding laser combs is that they are ineffective. I wouldnt waste your money on one.
  20. My scabs were exactly the same. They were all off by week 4 but most of them fell between week three and week four. Good luck, now the wait begins.
  21. rjnebbo, Side effects are certainly not BS. Just because you have not had them does not me that you will not or that others have not. XXY, The only complaints of side effects that I have heard anyone complain about was dry scalp. That can be addressed with certain shampoos and conditioners though. Being that you are a NW1 or NW2, I would say that is a good option for you. There are other sides that have been reported with rogaine but nothing significant IMO. Side effect information will be included in the literature that you receive with the box when you purchase rogaine. It really is a good product. Good luck, CLint
  22. Although I do not have a humiliating story to share, I can relate to the "hat pull". If I ever had a bad hair day of course I would put on a hat. It was certainly embarassing to have it taken off and occured on many occasions. I appreciate you telling the story, it was a good read. Clint
  23. XXY, Welcome to the forum. Basically most opinions on here will gravitate towards three products. The first being finasteride which you say you had sides from (so did I), the next is rogaine and many folks on here will use Nizoril 2% shampoo. Only finasteride and minoxidil are proven to regrow hair. Nizoril 2% will be more for scalp health. 2% needs a prescription in the US. Regarding minoxidil, I actually had good luck with it. I did show some regrowth of strong, non miniturized hairs. In a worse case senario, it should slow down the process of losing your hair. There are some folks that like natural things such as a good daily multim vitamin and other natural supplements. Things such as MSM and Biotin are good for the growth of hair but not growing new hair. Of course this routine should always include some form of exercise and finally good eating habits. Beyond that, if you are looking for a more permanent solution, you may want to consider an HT. If that is the case, this is a great resource for beginning your research. Hope this helps, Clint
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