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Everything posted by Belgiumdude

  1. Hi, i wondered if there is someone who ever used this topical solution. I read in articles that this combined with rogaine should be more effective. Does anyone know of this product? Thanks Greetz.
  2. Im sorry to break it to you guys but i was reading in the paper today and there was a study about attractiveness of bald men. They altered pics to give bald men a full head of hair and cive versa and in 98% of the cases, the women found the pics with hair much more attractive. Also in 98% of the cases the women found the bald men to look considerably older than they actually were. I can agree more that for some guys it works, for ex. bruce willis and andre agassi look great with their bald head, but that is a very small percentile of men who can make baldness look great. Positive note was that the women found bald persons less agressive, but i sure doesnt make up for the 98%. Greetz.
  3. Hey man, how is your healing coming along? How you had any problems so far? i hope not. Happy healing/ growing Greetz.
  4. maybe you could use a thinner needle when the eye of the needle is smaller than 1 mm2. Off course itll be more difficult to get the hair through the little hole. Greetz.
  5. i am having a HT within the next 2 years, i really cant live like i want to when i am not happy with myself. I am now on proscar for over a month now and i hope it halts my hairloss, this means less follow-up work, if it doesnt, no problem, that means more follow-up work. I will have to work my ass off for the $$$ for the transplants but i decided i can not care about it. I am also putting my hope on cloning when i might run out of donor. I know it isnt a smart thing to do to hope on things that arent here yet but i live today, not tomorrow. Now im off to the gym, mirrors all over the place but i didnt have the guts to look into them the last year, and i hate it!!! Greetz.
  6. we are in the same situation, letting it go, yeah right. I even avoid mirrors which close to a window because the lighting isnt good, can you believe that. And for the self-confidence, even worse, i always use to have fun like hell, always laughing and now, i even have trouble looking someone in the eyes too long, this is by far the worst thing that has happened in my life, i always took pride in my appearance but now ... i now spend more time on this website than i do outside outside the privacy of my home, life is a bitch when you're balding. And then i am in a stage of little hairloss. When my hairloss comes to a point when they are making jokes of it, oh my, i really dont know what i might do to that joker. Greetz.
  7. i actually zoomed in because when i leave it in cm2, it is very hard to see, that is why i also added the 100g/cm2, cause you could compare. Greetz.
  8. i made a drawing with autocad to compare, it doesnt even come close to what hape made, but i dont feel the urge to pull 100 hairs out of my head and stick them in an eraser if you guys could tell me what the diameter of a hair is, and what the diameter of the FU is, i might try to add hairs and put the drawing in a 3d-perspective. Greetz. [This message was edited by Belgiumdude on October 12, 2003 at 03:15 PM.]
  9. Hi guys, i was just reading teddw2s's hair transplant experience and he told his original density was 82 grafts/cm2 and he got an HT of 45 g/cm2. So my questions are: - is the original density you have the same over the entire area? ( top, crown, back... ) - does the doc first see what density you have before discussing the density you would like in your transplanted area? ( because some guys are doing 90gr/cm2 in one session, but if your original density is less, it would be a little odd to go higher ) Greetz.
  10. Hi guys, i was just reading teddw2s's hair transplant experience and he told his original density was 82 grafts/cm2 and he got an HT of 45 g/cm2. So my questions are: - is the original density you have the same over the entire area? ( top, crown, back... ) - does the doc first see what density you have before discussing the density you would like in your transplanted area? ( because some guys are doing 90gr/cm2 in one session, but if your original density is less, it would be a little odd to go higher ) Greetz.
  11. Hi maverick, i think this answer is for me thanks for the update, i never heard about avacor but you and manko just made clear i dont need to know it. Thanks for that. Could you perhaps take some pics of your transplant when it starts growing, me too am a 2 to a 3 on the NW-scale and i would love to see your reslults, so if you have the opportunity of taking some pics, please do. Good luck and happy growing, and again thanks for the info. Greetz.
  12. Hi man, im also 21 and a NW2 to 3. I have some questions for you: - what is avacor? - you say you are a NW3, how can you see regrowth in the crown if you still have your crown area with a NW3? - Who was your doc and how many grafts did you get? Thanks Greetz.
  13. Hi anonymous, i completely understand you, but if you might experience regrowth in you hairline, i dont think it will be after 3 weeks. I am on proscar for a month now and i actually dont see any change. Also no bad shedding so i dont know what to think. Good or bad, i dont know, but the shedding really is a good sign, i really understand this must be freaking you out, i would be posting the same if it happened to me. But stay on the meds, dont stop and give it at least a year. I think in a few weeks/months you might see some change. Hang in there. Greetz.
  14. Hi, i know what you are talking about, i am 21 and a NW2 to a 3. First of all, dont panic, i know you will have serious doublts about the shedding but this is normal. It is actually a good sign, because it means the meds are working. The hairs that you shed were weak hairs and strong are going to come in their place. You are using the meds 3 weeks now, hardly enough time before making a conclusion, if the meds dont work after a year, than you can make a judgement, but what i am reading now, i guess the meds will do good things for you. In case of the 30 hairs on your pillow, that is nothing to worry about, we loose about 100 hairs a day, also guys with no hairloss. Hairloss isnt how much you shed, but how much of the shedded hairs dont grow back, that is what baldness is all about IMO. I really think the meds will do good things for you, please keep in mind that propecia and minox work the best in the crown and midcalp area, if you are very lucky, maybe in the front part. Also remember the meds are for keeping the hair you have, not regrowing hair, although you might experience regrowth in the crown-area, where it is most effective. Good luck with the meds and try not to panic. ( And i know that is very difficult, but we have no other options at this time ) Greetz.
  15. very nice. I dont want to sound greedy but could you perhaps make the same with 100 grafts ( original denksity ) to compare? Greetz.
  16. Check out this site here: http://www.regrowth.com/hair_loss_diagnosis/savin_frontal_hair_loss_scale.cfm I guess i was about a 2, maybe just a bit over, on the savin scale at the age of 17 and now am a NW2 going to a 3: http://www.hair-restoration-info.com/groupee/forums?a=tpc&s=5696015661&f=1466060861&m=4096063234 I am getting 22 in december so it might be 4,5 years in between those 2. Please comment, thanks. Greetz.
  17. wow, i really lost track of this thread, sorry man. Well, that is another thing, my father is 55 and has NO hairloss at all, not even receding temples, my brother, who is 26 now also has NO hairloss, my grandfather diede at the age of 80 or something with, believe it or not, NO hairloss. I am the screwed one in the family, i realy am. Only my grandfather at mothers side was about a NW4 when he was 75 or so. 75!!! Also none of the females in my family have any kind of hairloss. In case of the quote i added, what makes you say that? I am on proscar for about a month now, so too soon to tell if it works or not. Please not that when i looked at pics of me being 17, i already have some little recession of the teples, realy not that much, probably a NW2 at most. So now, almost 5 years later i upped 1 class on the NW-scale ( at most!!! ) because i realy dont think i already am a NW3. My assumption is that i am somewhere in the middle. So my question is: if i lost not that much ( keeping that every lost hair is VERY MUCH out of consideration ) in 5 years time with no meds, wont it be possible that i lose less in the next 5 with the meds? I can already guess the answers i am going to receive but please, give me some good news for a change MAKE ME HAPPY Greetz.
  18. I have checked out his site and he just doenst impress me, i also read from a poster that he had an HT with Dr. Devroye and had only 5% growth. It looks like you live in Spain, so if you are willing to come to Belgium, you should also be willing to go to USA or Canada where the top docs are. I once send Dr. Devroye an email to get his prices and he was more expensive than the top docs. This is something you will have to live with for the rest of your life so it is best to go to the best of the best, you will even end up with more money left in your wallet. Also get opinions of the top docs by email, there is no cost in that and a lot of them even will give you a good deal for your flight, hotel,... Whatever you decide, good luck Greetz.
  19. I agree with Justin, i think it is best to start with propecia. You never know if it might loose it's effect in the far future and then you can switch on avodart which is stronger. Greetz.
  20. Hi, im sure the swelling will be over soon and in a few days it is: bye bye staples, must be a big relief. Have you by any chance had the opportunity to take some pics? I would love to see what 90grafts/cm2 looks like. Best of luck. Greetz.
  21. Hi man, thanks for the boost in confidence, believe me when i say that i really hope you are right, i really hope i can stop my hairloss to where it is right now. It is good you still have it all on the sides. The less that needs to be tranplanted, the less $$$ it will cost you. How many grafts do you think you will have to get transplanted? Are you going for a high density? Good luck Greetz.
  22. I see you are a NW2-3, excactly like i am, although i am only 21. Reading posts like yours about propecia and avodart gives ma hope that it is possible to stop my hairloss where it is right now. I wish you all the best and please provide us with some pics if you through with the HT, i am always very interested of the results of guys with the same hairloss like i have Good luck Greetz.
  23. I think you are absultely right. It is possible you might start losing hair in the future, hopefully you wont, but the hairline frames the face. M personal i would rather have a good hairline and a balding crown than a good crown and recessed temples which i really dont like. I hope you can had the HT if this is what you really want and i am sure you made a good choice for a doc. What are you on the NW and what is the density you would like to achieve? Good luck. Greetz.
  24. i also think he should be very happy with his results. His hair looks great in my opinion. Good density and it looks natural to me. Congrats to him.
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