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Everything posted by FenderPlayer

  1. I somewhat understand what youre going through - Im one month out from a 3000 graft procedure with Feller, and look like an idiot right now since the front was shaved down. Everyone ends up going through this and says it's worth the wait, and hey at least youre 2 months ahead of me! Feller's posted enough stuff on here and so have his patients that show consistent great results, so at least you know you chose a good surgeon. Just a couple more months and youll be fine man. Everyone who goes to him seems to end up happy with their result, so just try to be patient and your growth will be there soon!
  2. Yeah you're definitely right, I wouldn't think of a friend any differently, but as we all know, the person balding does think of themself differently. Thanks for the compliment on the result so far, and I'll definitely keep posting monthly updates at least.
  3. Amount of time off really depends on the person. I don't believe Bernstein shaves the recipient area, so all you really have to be concerned with is the redness if the dr just fills in the hairline you have. For me redness was basically gone around the 12 day mark, but each person is different. If the Dr. builds a new hairline, people might notice because you'd have nothing covering the grafts until they shed which also varies with the individua, person. Shedding of the grafts could take between 2-4 weeks.
  4. From what I've seen, in my opinion Dr. Lindsey is your best bet.
  5. Best of luck! From what I've seen Rahal does excellent work, so you're in good hands.
  6. you should really consult with one or more of the coalition doctors. upon seeing you they'll be able to tell you whether you are a candidate for strip/fue as well as how many grafts you need. without seeing you this cant be estimated. As far as session sizes, I know Dr. Feller does "postage stamp" fue sessions, which are small - i THINK around 200 grafts. There are plenty of great doctors not far from you. Feller, Dorin, True, Bernstein and more. HTN also has a virtual consult form to save you time from actually traveling to the doc if you can take pics.
  7. PhilUK, You've chosen a great doc. Judging from his other repair results posted, youll end up with a great result as well. If you're interested exactly how your day will go with Dr. Feller, myself as well as many others have posted reviews of him with a rundown of how the day went. I know reading those helped put my mind at ease at least. Good luck with your upcoming surgery.
  8. What about taking finasteride now if you want to conceive in 3 years or so? Is there any effect on fertility?
  9. I have a question for any doctor that advocates LLLT. If lasers grow/thicken hair, why don't all people working at supermarkets and the like have ridiculously hairy hands? Just a thought...
  10. It was a tough decision for me as well. I had considered it for over a year. For me my main hesitation was my age being only 22, but in the end I decided to go for it. As long as you chose a reputable doc (either one you mentioned seems great) you should be fine. Best of luck in your decision.
  11. I'll be as patient as possible! At this point it'd just be nice to look even the way I did pre-op or even close to it. I can't wait to get rid of these damn hats haha. As far as looking in the mirror, it actually bothers me less to do so now than before the transplant. Probably just since I know in a few months something should be sprouting there and I'm just anxious to see, rather than dreading looking. Anyway, I just added the scar pictures so head on over and take a look if you're interested.
  12. My question I had was if I was going to experience any shock loss would it have already happened by now, or is it still possible to happen at this point?
  13. I just updated my blog with pictures from yesterday - one month after my hair transplant with Dr. Feller, so i figured I'd post on here to let people know incase they were interested. The link to my blog is below.
  14. I just updated my blog with pictures from yesterday - one month after my hair transplant with Dr. Feller, so i figured I'd post on here to let people know incase they were interested. The link to my blog is below.
  15. A good friend of mine went to Dr. Bernstein and is very satisfied with his result. Before choosing a doctor i makes sense to consult with more than just one. There a many great doctors in NY that you'll find listed on Hair Transplant Network. Good luck choosing your doctor.
  16. Penzo, The fact that you go out on a limb to accuse Dr. Feller of paying people to say good things about him is absolutely ridiculous. The reason I have posted pictures and plan to post more and stay active on this forum is that I want to hopefully help people in making their decisions about who to go to for an HT. Since this site helped me pick my surgeon, I figure I would try to help others in that same manner. I guess your ridiculous idea that people would get a surgery and move on with their life doesn't apply to me, or the many patients of all clinics that post on here. To go out and attack another clinic in the manner you did simply shows insecurity in your own.
  17. My redness was entirely gone 10-12 days post op. Still stuck wearing a hat though since my Dr. preferred to shave down the recipient area. Best of luck!
  18. For how long would you guys want to see daily updates? Let me know and that's what I'll do.
  19. Your result is just amazing. I hope mine is that good in a year!
  20. Good to know - only a small price to pay for a new head of hair!
  21. I had my first HT this past tuesday and was just curious - how long is it generally an annoyance to sleep on the staples?
  22. I had my first HT this past tuesday and was just curious - how long is it generally an annoyance to sleep on the staples?
  23. I just created a blog on this site. For anyone interested, here's the link to it. http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=876
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