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Everything posted by Mahair

  1. http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Gallery/guest_details.asp?GuestID=10
  2. Not me personally. But I have spoken to someone who wears a hat non stop from his surgery. The scar was so wide he was desperate enough to have Leavit correct it. Of course they made matters worse. I beleive Didocias victim is 24 has eccessive ridging in the frontal third with unnatural coverage. His hairloss was accelerated to reveal a balding crown. Previously full., And is living in misery over the 1/2" wide by 8 " scar given to him.Now he has a sparse tufty third on a plateau (ridging)with nothing behind it and a hard to cover donor scar. Maybe Didocia just had a bad day. Oh well.
  3. Well Raise the flag and a big yippee. An MHR Quack that didn't ruin someones life. JUst set them up for a lifetime of surgeries. Once again Yippee.
  4. Ask her why they don't stop using mini-grafts to reduce shockloss.Anyone who associates or has anything to do with MHR could work in a concentration camp and sleep easy. Find better freinds .
  5. I saw your pics. You lucky dog. You should look like 10 miles of torn up road lol.I was butchered in Mass. Great state.Glad you found the site before you do anymore.
  6. How about Propecia instead of a transplant? Now thats an idea. Three months prior thats simply B.S.
  8. Isn't that MHR? There are several reasons not to go forward.You might not even be a candidate.
  9. Stay away from these Quacks. Do you want disfigurement over your hairloss?
  10. Yea , My doctor was part of the fraud bigtime. He way oversold the surgery and promised great results.He butchered my head beyond repair. The funny thing is my hair wasn't that bad. Even the technitian said I didn't need a transplant. Perhaps I should have gone to Mc Donalds.MHR SUCKS. I will get payback Quackdalin. If I were you Id run back to Greece.
  11. Mahair


    MDM, Now that you have found this forum will you see a real doctor or are you happy with mini - micros?
  12. PAI is a junior MHR . They do less damage but suck all the same.
  13. Lynette, You realize you could look horribly worse, right? I don't like the idea of females going for this invasive and possibly counterproductive surgery.
  14. If you are a 2 you will regret this for the rest of your life.
  15. See how likeable Mike is when you have problems. Consultants are trained to be er "likeable". I liked Steve and he sent me to the butcher.
  16. Slow down kg. You have your life of hairloss ahead of you.
  17. Hes in hollywood Pat. I'm sure hes seen enough great results.
  18. I guess the real question is. Can a hair transplant cause hairloss. Yes.Very much so. I never smoked or drank prior to my transplant.
  19. Stay away from a guy named PUIG.He has disfigured many a soul.
  20. Well that depends. Usually a hair transplant leads to several hook ups. So for the second you really should be tested.
  21. Mahair


    Yea, Looking like crap is what MHR is all about dude. Be thankful you were not physically damaged for life.Thats at no extra charge.
  22. You will need to take hairloss meds for the rest of your life. Weather they agree with you , make you impotentent or whatever. Some even get manly bitch tits.Your donor is darker and courser than your natural hair so styling adjuncts will provide some camoflage(provided the surgery did not kill your existing hair)Thinning blonds do best with this surgery.Micro grafts are fancy plugs.
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