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Everything posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE

  1. Hey thanks for answering some of my questions in the past. Could you possibly post some postop pictures of the front and donor closures? Curious to see you work. Thanks
  2. Cortisone "steroid" shots are used alot to treat hypertrophic scars . It wont prevent stretching but will help with people who develop keloids type scars like ths guy
  3. You picked a great surgeon. Grow well. Keep us updated. Have any pics?
  4. What NN said is so true .ITS NOT OVER! Im a classic repair case example. I didnt see hardly any growth until 6 months and even then it was minimal . Im at 8 months now and things are looking SO much better,with new hairs seeming to sprout everyday. I starting using a combination of Retin a and the foam in month 5. Dont know if that was the reason Ive had this big growth spurt or was just a slowgrower but it sure didnt hurt.
  6. Dr Mejia Thanks for your detailed reply and and for not using ehlers-danlos syndrone - lack of collagon as the main reason scars stretch. Everytime I hear that I want to put my fist through this screen. I have a couple questions though. The first one is you said there are ways to measure scalp elasticity. Are there more ways then to just move the scalp up and down. My second question is you say loosening up the skin to reduce tension. Could you elaborate on that? I agree with everyone and understand that there are just too many varibles making it impossible to predict what will happen,especially in repair and multiple sessions. It just SUCKS when you hair starts looking good in the front ,now you have to worry about the sides and back
  7. If you just go for ONLY the revision and take whatever grafts that gets you ,youll have a MUCH better chance of a thinner scar. If you go for another session youll probably be back to where you started,unless your stretchback was caused by something you might of did. The majority of wide scars that were closed properly was because too much donor was removed to fulfill your frontal needs Its a sucky tradeoff but it it what it is. Excessive tension is usually the MAIN culprit. No matter who the doctor is its almost impossible to meet you expectations in the front and just take the perfect amount of tissue from the back without some form of tension, especially in multiple sessions where laxity is an issue. The great news is ths SMG is stepping up to the plate and standing behind you. That is rare these days.
  8. This post was more about me venting from hearing on here and other sites some doctors claiming ehlers-danlos syndrone was "probably" the reason for the wider scars. Most of the time its from trying to meet the needs up front. Yes I would rather have hair in front and a wider scar, but I just wish they was more consistency in the back as there has been in the front.
  9. I believe the lack of collagen I read on here is from ehlers-danlos syndrone The percentage of the population with this is very low and obviously lower in the ehlers-danlos syndrone group recieving a transplantbut the percentage of above 3mm scars on here is pretty high I believe is its just unpredictable and less of a concern to patients and doctors . It seems alot of doctors say if it comes out great then wonderful ,if not you have ehlers-danlos syndrone, or your previous work screwed you. Im done with any other strip after this revision but I wish there would be more advances to the donor other then trico,because trico is a waste in multiple sessions and in a stretced scar
  10. Ive brought up stretched scar questions several times with no response. Twice as the main subject and more than a few times within a discussion and even on the live chat with only one doctor response. Does the scar mean as much to anyone as does the frontal growth? Has it EVER been the fault of the doctor? I keep hearing its our healing and if so ok but has anyone ever wondered why only a few doctors have shown tons of scar photos with fine lines. Is there a secrect ? They say 50% of the people with ehlers-danlos syndrone can touch their nose and tongue together. Besides the doctor doing what he always does and us doing all we can to stop stretchback ,shouldnt there be some signs that the scarline will stretch beforehand besides the tongue thing,or is it just rolling the dice?
  11. My money is on B . Joes just a mellow country boy that wont mess his hair up.
  12. My signature I removed has NOTHING to do with SMG . They are classy, caring wonderful people who will never abandon you. Dr Shapiro takes great pride in his work and isnt satisfied until you are . Though there are good surgeons out there I would let any other touch my head after going to SMG
  13. Hey Janna , Whats up,you never gave me your number, but you still get my vote
  14. I was told internal sutures can cause MORE harm then good ,due to inflamation. Alot of doctors have adbandoned internals,and just use staples
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