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Posts posted by Yiddo

  1. Ive been reading on another forum about this clinic. A young lad of 22 who was receeding quite a lot, used this company and went to their clinic in malaga. Although the work looked good, they gave him a very low hairline which really beggars belief. As far as this Dr Kremner, ive never heard of him. But this clinic seems to be some kind of chain, ( like Ziering medical ) they have clinics everywhere and trade off the name. Whats more worrying is that one of their UK Dr's is none other than Dr Rogers !! Not good ..I would never entertain going to this kind of clinic as i see at as a bit of a lottery as to what kind of results you might get.

  2. Believe me i know all about AHS, i fell for their ''strand by strand '' (bull*** )scam at the tender age of 20. Head shaved, wig placed on, the lot. As far as Shane Warne, from what i remember he was only losing it slightly in the crown, he still had quite thick hair, so he could wear concealer on his crown or something. I met him about 3 years ago, he was still doing the adverts then aswell. My local pub is opposite Kent County Cricket Ground ( i hate cricket by the way, and told him so ) and he was over there watching a game, and came into the pub. He has been in a few times, and ive met him face to face and had a chat with him, and he doesnt wear their wig. Believe me, i would be able to spot one a mile away, I still have nightmares about having that thing out on my head now.

  3. I'll start off by guessing that most posters who disagree with this decision are well above age 20.

    Being a young man suffering from MPB myself, I know just how big of a blow it can be to one's self confidence and view of their life. This 17 year old patient may have less concern of the possible irregular hair he may have a couple years down the road (He may plan on shaving it then) in place of his near future. You must understand that these early years are very important in terms of aesthetics. I've started losing my hair at age 18, 4 years ago. Back then was my "prime", and I would have given anything to keep the hair I had then because looks were everything. Even though I am still young, as time goes on the importance I place on my looks lessens. By the time I'm late 20s - 30 years old, when It's "acceptable" to get a HT, I might not even have the desire to do so. So I am not in disagreement with the decision for this patient to undergo surgery (assuming the results were desirable) as the time period in one's life is very important.



    21yearsandscared.......The thing is your missing quite a few points and being a bit niave here. Firstly it has no relevance whatsoever what age most of us are that disagree with this HT. Your sounding as though none of us know what its like to be going bald at a young age. This is a hairloss forum, of course we know what its like, thats why we are here. We know exactly how important it is in the early years, we have been there and done it.

    You refer to '' he may plan on shaving it then ''..well unless im mistaken, this was FUT, so he cant. That option has gone. I think you need to read through this thread again, read our concerns, his future loss, his state of mind if his hair loss gets worse. What will he look like when he is 40, or does life end at 25? Im not trying to patronise you here, but remember there are a lot members here who are 30 plus, who were 18 once, and started losing their hair.

  4. Most all doctors including myself will take from the safe donor area. However, as you start doing megasessions and trying to transplant 6000 grafts over time, eventually you expand outside the safe area to avoid the scars from blending together. The evidence is supported by presentations .by fue doctors at national meetings. You can also find megasession fue pictures on line showing the fue scars outside the traditional safe donor area. It is generally not an issue until advanced hair loss. In most cases patients have good density already with little risk of advanced hair loss. In that case neither fut or fue would be visible.


    I havent seen many cases online with 6000 gr fue, because im pretty sure the average person cant produce that amount to be extracted, but i have seen quite a few 5000 gr, and none that i have seen have been outside the safe zone. As jayukdht points out, what would be the point ?


    Just to re ask GNX1's question again, what method do you specialise in Fue or Fut ?

  5. UK43, you are right im sorry if i offended you in any way. I was just a little concerned for you that was all, but your right its not my place to say what i would or wouldnt do, you are just documenting your results for the rest of us to see, and for that im sorry. The work does look good amd im sure you will have a great result, The last thing someone needs after they have had a HT is an idiot like me saying things like that to you. I didnt mean any offence. Again im sorry,

  6. The thing is UK43, as much as im sure you will get great results, and i hope you do, it is usually standard practice for the doctor to actually do something. Just getting a magic marker out, planning your hairline, giving you some bandages at the end and letting the assistants do it is simply not good enough. If it was me, i would be concerned that the Dr didnt at least extract the grafts. You have also had a lot of crown work done, you need a Dr's artistry to help design this, for example a natural swirl. This takes years of practice and artistry at this skill, not to just let the assistants ''get on with it.'' As i say, the work looks clean, and i really hope you get the results you deserve, but if it was me there is no way i would just fly over to Turkey on a hope and prayer and let a load of assistants cut my head open.

  7. I have no idea what everyone else is talking about???? I went to this clinic recently and they are very professional and the best at what they do! I would recommend anyone who is concerned with hair loss see this clinic. I have had the best treatment and aftercare, I am so happy.




    What a load of rubbish. Do you have any pictures ?

  8. Im guessing it was probably Harley Street Hair Clinic ? How many grafts did you have ? That hairline also looks pretty low aswell. I hope it all will be ok for you cos its not nice to hear things like this. You still have good hair anyway, and it doesnt look like too many grafts have been wasted, so worse case scenario you could get a refund and go somewhere else, but hope you dont have to. Good luck mate.

  9. I had dealings with this clinic, but i didnt have an operation though, thankgod. I purchased a years worth of advodart. This was about 8 or 9 years ago. The cost came to about 500 quid. I paid with my credit card, and a few days later the pills arrived.

    But it turned out that an error had been made and my card had been declined so the payment didnt go through, but the pills got sent out anyway. I got a call about a month later from a very irate Norton ( i presume it was him, he said he owned the clinic ) demanding his 500 quid, i just kept laughing at him, which made him more and more irate.


    I knew i was moving house within a few weeks anyway, so i told him there was no way he was getting his 500 quid, his mistake , tough s**t, so f**k off ! He was screaming down the phone as i hung up. He kept calling my mobile for weeks, i had great fun winding him up, when he phoned i would put the phone next to a stereo and play it loud, laugh at him, swear at him.. call the clinic when i was drunk etc etc( i think you get the picture ), i changed my number in the end, but it was good fun all the same.

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