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Posts posted by Yiddo

  1. Thanks, yeah exactly who cares as long as it is paid back.Trust me I will be doing cartwheels going in payin if off every week while the growth is coming in,unlike if I was to get it and spunk it away on a 2 week holiday in Ibiza!


    very true, or you could just borrow the money, have your ht, and then tell the loan company to go fcuk themselves and go on holiday to ibiza aswell to show off your new hair.


    What clinic in turkey are you planning to go to?

  2. Also did you fellas tell your Gf/wife about the huge expense or hide it from her? So far I have told no one and I don't think I am going too, not even my family.Its just one of those things I'll go through myself, hop on a plane few days in Turkey,few grafts, back on the plane, no one the wiser :)


    Well done for getting the loan. Who cares what bs you tell them as long as they give you the bloody money.


    You said your not telling anyone, if you have a bird though, it's going to be very hard to keep it from her, unless you don't see her for a month.


    What clinic are you going to in turkey.?

  3. How anyone can say this is a fantastic result is beyond me.


    I agree, and there is a lot of worse photo's than that of him. It wasnt a good result at all. 2 HT now at the age of 26 ! Probably out of donor now aswell, if he starts to dip at the back and progress to a nw7, he is going to look very odd.

  4. Rooney had his second HT at the same clinic on saturday. Apparently it took 9 hours, i wonder how many grafts he got. I thought his donor looked pretty thin to me, but its going to be interesting to see how this one turns out, because i didint think his first one was that great.

  5. lol..not now old red nose has retired, or do you mean for city ?


    This is very good news for the UK, i wonder what the price structure will be..

    So him operating here certainly puts pay to the idea that he only operates on spanish patients because they have the right fue characteristics then ?.:D

  6. I dont want to talk out of turn here or offend the clinic in anyway, as they post some good results but i have to say, just my opinion, is that sometimes the photos that the clinic put here and on other forums, dont quite sit right with me. To me, in my unqualified opinion the only diffrence looks to me is that the guy has his hair brushed forward, but i could be wrong.

  7. Ive been consantly monitoring the italian hairloss forum for about 3 years now, and Dr Koray Erdogan dominates it and has done for sometime, as ive said his result are fantastic, and its not just one or two, it a massive catalougue of them thats continually updated and added with new patients. The general average amount seems to be around the 3000 graft mark and from what i can gather the majority of his patents seem to be from Italy or Turkey. Im looking at having fue surgey at the end of this year. There is 3 surgeons that im juggling with and this Dr seems to be winning me over.

  8. Yes Sharma i have had this procedure done myself, and it was one the most appawling experience's i have been through. I paid a fortune when i was 21 to sit in a chair, have my head shaved in the style of a monk and then have a mesh wig made out of cat/ferret hair glued to my head. I was then expected to accept that this looked good, smile and get on with my life. It looked horrendous and my mates would of spotted it in a second.


    You are a rep for this ridiculous company sharma, we are not stupid. I have also seen your posts on other forums too. Your company prey on people with a sensitive subject and con them into this ridiculous ''strand by strand'' gimick.


    Do us all a favour and do yourself one aswell and.....FCUK OFF !!

  9. Hi BrianR and Jotronic,


    I can assure you that the patient has not used any consealer to take this photos however i can ask the patient as he is posting in a different forum his case to step in and clear any suspicions.





    Well, how can you explain how his crown and his mid scalp is much thicker and fuller when that part of his head was not operated on ?

  10. You have made an excellent decision mate, its not even worth taking a risk on this guy. What did you say to the clinic , did you tell them the truth as to why you cancelled and what did they say. ?

    Also who was the clinic you originally booked with, ? So let me get this straight, Michael May goes round clinics over the UK covering operations for Dr's that cant perform the operation due to absence etc ?

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