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Posts posted by Yiddo

  1. I didnt ask, i should of really. I couldnt even make a guess to be honest. Im not sure what danish surgeons are like, but i suspect harley street.


    I have a friend who is always at the training ground, and is close to a few players, and he said no one ribbs him over it, before or after. I dont think a lot of the players have noticed from what ive been told.

  2. Ive met christian numerous times, at the lane, around the training ground etc. Yes he has had a ht, its not an advanced hair studio wig like stephen ireland wore for a while.


    I asked him if he had touched up his "barnet" and he laughed. I said was it fue? He said yes, i told him it looked good, and that im gonna have it done.


    He had it done when he was 21, so that is very young. Be interesting to see if he holds onto the rest, because he will beplaying catchbup now

  3. The clinic sounds like cosmedica, which is where i went one month ago. I got 4500 grafts. I will do a thourough write up about my experience soon, but im currently travelling through thailand, cambodia an australia.


    Have i taken a big risk going to this clinic ? Yes i have......dr does extractions and slits, technicians place the grafts..


    It was a risk no doubt so time will tell. I went for a very conservative hairline. From what i have heard about this clinic they do hit the results. Its a basic clinic, aftercare isnt great, english isnt great, its what it says on the tin. I went in with my eyes wide open.


    Everything is healing well so far with me.......but time will tell

  4. Wow london lad is back..he is a forum legend....good to see you back posting. Your hair looked great after your second, but if you can get a third and you can afford it why not. I bet this has cost a fair bit though...


    I remember reading about you years ago, infact i had my first op last week. Hope you heal and grow well.

  5. I've found this whole thread fascinating and I've learnt a lot, still a little confused but ive always been a bit slow. I have only been really considering fue, but what this thread has taught me is to still way up all the options, and strip is not dying out or for yesterday. At first I thought Dr Feller and Dr Bloxham were trying push it on us as it's what they practice, but I know now that's not the case. It's just to make us think, and to educate us. So big thanks to them.

    This has been a good read.

  6. How many threads does one doctor get to monopolise to such an extent while promoting their practice? Let's be frank, Dr Feller has got A LOT of exposure so far from these FUE bashing threads, and why would other docs want to come on here and risk getting into a slanging match with him?


    I have to agree..im just a normal poster considering a ht, and I'm totaly confused about everything. There's a doctor writing how wrong it is to have large fue procedures, and yet all I'm seeing on every forum is large fue procedures.


    From just observing through this thread, I haven't been impressed with Dr Feller's way of getting his point across, I personally wouldn't even consider going to him, even if he was the greatest surgeon on the planet.


    Without meaning any offence to either dr feller or dr bloxham, all I can take from this is two doctors pushing something, and in my opinion, in quite an arrogant manor.


    Sorry just my opinion and I'm just a nobody.

  7. I think H and W are a brilliant clinic, and if I wanted strip surgey these would be the guys I would go to, even with the odd bad result..shit happens. No one's perfect...you can't hit the bullseye every time.


    But...this operation was a failure, the patient isn't happy, everyone reading this thread can see it was a failure. I know it can obviously be a shot to the ego when you are so good at something, and you don't quite hit the level your use to hitting.


    Just give the guy his money back as promised, hold your hands up and admit it was a failure and move on. I think everyone will respect the clinic a lot more for that, rather than trying convince us that this was a good result.

  8. From what I have read about dr acar is that he doesn't do any of the procedure himself.


    It is a technician clinic. Very cheap 1800 euros for 4000 grafts. Hotel included, but the problem is you don't know who will be operating on you that particular day.


    I read a review the other day about a patient who went for his operation and dr acar wasn't even there that day.


    It's a risk, but that's not to say they don't produce good results. All operations are a gamble, but going to these technician clinics make it an even bigger gamble. But it may well turn out ok.


    I was considering this clinic, because the price really sucks you in, but for that little extra bit more money, I want a dr who actually participates in the operation.


    The next price bracket up who I'm considering is..dr civas..dr kul...both 1 euro..they both actually do the operation themselves..then there is dr demirsoy 1.5 euro.

  9. Just watched this again, this lad to me looks scared shitless, by the sounds of this he hasn't done much research. I wouldn't be surprised if he has applied to an advertisement in the back of fhm or something, offering a discount to make the tv programme or something.


    This lad is in no way ready for this, and to me this is wrong. I'm not sure how many grafts this guy is having, but I'm willing to bet it's probably around 2500, which isn't going to meet anywhere near his expectations. He is now going to have an ear to ear scar which is now going to prevent him from shaving down. This dr knows full bloody well he can't pull this off, yet he has gone ahead just to get some publicity...says everything about the majority of uk clinics.

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