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Posts posted by Yiddo

  1. You would be suprised how well concealers hold up in the rain. Wayne Rooney wears a ton of concealer on his hair and he plays football in the rain. Sometimes it actually takes shampoo to remove it. But i could be wrong. I dont think he had a HT. He may well wear a half piece, but my bet would be concealer.

  2. What do you mean exactly when you say he has been recommended to you by the London Hair Transplant clinic. Do you mean he is their surgeon ? To be honest i would stay away from any London / Harley Street hair clinic, the dont have good reptutations.

  3. Well firstly it would be good to know what dotors or clinic said what ? Also what type of procedure are you looking at FUE or FUT. Regarding donor, im certainly not going to argue with what any doctor or clinic have said, but donor hair from a photo can be decieving. Someone could have very good donor, but if cut short in a certain light, angle of photo etc, their donor can appear to look poor. Your best bet is go to a clinic and have a consultation. In my opinion i certainly wouldnt say that you donor is ''not good ''. Ive seen a lot of clinics perform fantastic results with donor a lot less depleted than yours. Your not dipping at the back yet which is a good thing. I sent my photos to a lot of FUE clinics in europe, lots of clinics in turkey with my donor hair grown out to a grade 5, and they reckon i clould get 4000 + grafts wise. I also sent photos to some clinics with my hair at grade 2 and the clincs said it was hard to tell because of light etc, so i would have to have a consultation. Have a look at some photos online , also at european FUE forums and i think you will be suprised what can be achieved. But bottom line i think when it comes to donor, unless its blindingly obvious its poor ( which its not from your photos ) then the only way you will know is if you have a consultation.

    Good luck mate.

  4. Just looked at their website. Interesting. They claim to have a new no scar technique called F.E.N.D.I !! Which sounds like bull***t to me. They seem to pride theirselves in the fact that their clinic is ''luxury''. It does look luxury but thats not what you there for is it. If i want a luxury stay somewhere, i will go and stay in a top hotel and get a hooker!

    They have no prices on their website which is worrying, and no display of patient results. Also never heard of the Dr's either. Be interested to here what peoples opinions or if they have heard of this technique,

  5. Keep it to yourself. If things go tits up with her she will use it against you and blab it around.


    You could mention the new one and say its your first. Why feel the need to mention the others, their done now and dont matter now.


    I agree. If your happy for other people to know then tell her. If you dont want anybody else to ever know dont tell her.

    Never underestimate what a blabber mouth a women can be. She might only tell someone in a nice way, but she will tell someone, its in their nature.

    My missus has already told her best mate that im thinking of having one later in the year. Ive not even had it yet and she's opened her fcuking gob.


    As bobilero says, if things go tits up she may tell everyone and embarass you, Woman can turn like the wind. Once you have told her, thats it, no going back !!

  6. my God.... I got confused between Dr. Bhatty (which you mentioned) and Dr. Bhatti (in India). Both sound similar.


    Dr Mabroor Bhatty is a surgeon for Transform Medical Group in the UK which is where HB went to. As it says in their title, they are a medical group clinic that does a bit of everything.


    Dr Tejinda Bhatti works for the Darling Buds Hair clinic in India, it looks to be a very good up and coming fue clinic.

  7. Dr Bhatty...Yes i have heard of him on a few other forums. Seems to also be a cosmetic surgeon aswell from what ive heard. So a bit of a jack of all trades. You wernt to tell. You are not the first. Many people arnt aware of forums such as this, so they just go with the first clinic they see in a magazine or advert, and many have come off far worse than you have. Usually it ends with an ear to ear scar at the back of their heads, thousands out of pocket and unatural looking growth, and it ruins their life. It happened to a good friend of mine. I nearly went with the Hospital Group about 7 years ago. I signed the paperwork all ready to go. Found the forums, then found the horror stories. So i said thanks but no thanks. Sadly i didnt find forums like these before i went to Advanced Hair Studio when i was 19, but thats another story.

    My point is, i know it doesnt feel like it now but it could of been worse, a lot worse. As we said mate, wait the 12 months, go from there. Youve found this forum now, so thats a good thing. It will be ok mate.

  8. I am not sure if I should name my Dr, will I get in trouble for that? I had about 4 techs working on me.


    No you wont get into trouble at all. Why would you ? All you are doing is documenting your results ( or lack of ) and informing us who did it. We know the who the clinic is. They woudnt complain if you were on here saying how great your results were, so they have no right to complain now.

    The only person who has the right to complain is you. But i do understand if you dont want to. With that clinic, the chances are pretty high that the surgeons name would not be familiar on here anyway. So maybe just wait untill 12 months. Then go from there. Good luck mate.

  9. No to be honest. I think the writing was on the wall here from your 6 month photos. Obviously wait the full 12 months because you might be a late grower, then get on to the clinic for a refund. I think you have probably gathered and found out now that Transform medical is not a great clinic for a HT.

    Good news is you havent used a lot of donor and it is fue, so you dont have a horrible ear to ear scar at the back of your head. Wait 12 months, tell them you want a refund, then if you are still up for it, choose another clinic that has a good reputation on here. Good luck mate, it will all be ok.

  10. Yeah i saw Pat Nevin last night on MOTD. He did look as though it was recently done. Didnt look as though he had his crown touched though. I saw Fletcher and thought to myself that he looked as though something had been done.

    I looked up the clinic where Johnson had his op done, i know their reputation is bad, but how come we cant mention their name. ?

  11. He has a conscience, and isn't a great salesman. He would make more money if he did mostly FUE. He would do a bigger session if you insisted enough.


    What a ridiculous post.. Probably the most ridiculous thing ive read.


    '' He has a conscious and isnt a great salesman''


    Of course he isnt a great salesman, he is a HT surgeon.. If he was a salesman he would be working for a second hand car lot. !


    '' He would do a bigger sessions if you insisted enough''


    Err... no he wouldnt, he would do what he believed to best for his patient..



    By the way i am pro fue and agree its up to the patient, if they are well informed and they make their own decision then thats up to them, and as much as i respect Dr Feller and Spex i dont totally agree with everything they have to say regarding Fue... but you have to respect their opinion.

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