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Posts posted by parable

  1. But just before I post my photo's...

    I find alot of what you wrote really disturbing~.


    1."An unnaturally low hairline"; I am looking at your after photos in June of this year with hair growing through four months after the procedure and your face looks balanced and in proportion, furthermore the hairline was designed with your input so nothing was done that you did not approve of prior. I am happy to post the photos so everybody can provide an opinion on them.


    ~O.k Now let me clarify- What I opted for was temple closure! You remember Marcus after all you were the one that I had the consult with and drew the line on my head... I never asked for the centre of the hairline to be dropped lower!


    2. "A hairline that is still red after 10 months"; Again I am looking at the photos and I would define it as slight discolouration or a little pink.


    ~Now let me tell you the recipient area is still red-pinkish and photo's do not bring them out the way seeing it up close does..


    3. "It would quite clearly not be visible had you not shaved your head. I am happy to post the photos so everybody can provide an opinion on them."


    ~ Firstly my head is not shaved! (It is buzzed)and regardless whether I shave/buzz my head or not the recipient area should not be pinkish anyways..Are you trying to tell me that everyone who has a transplant has to keep their long to cover the redness (10-11 months post op)!??


    4. 1300 grafts and the density is real low"; Looking at the photos once again taken in June of this year the growth looks good. I am happy to post the photos so everybody can provide an opinion on them.


    Yeah, well wait till I post my photo's. Your in for a shocker Marcus...For One I knew that the density would not look like that of a teenager...But I'm telling you along with the input of other doc's that their is no way 1373 grafts were implanted into my scalp!!- Or that Not all of the grafts grew (remember I've had no growth since around the 6month mark)!!


    5. "Ridging, bumpiness and a wide 6mm scar"; The first two points are impossible to assess from a photo and require feel so I cant provide an opinion on that based on the information I have to hand at the moment


    Forget feel, When you look at my photo's you'll see with the naked eye the ridging, bumpiness I am talking about!


    5. Regarding your scar at the back of the scalp I don't have a photo of it but I have seen it and I didn't think that it was excessively wide whether it is 6mm or not is open to interpretation as you appear prone to exaggeration. We have seminars where we bring past patients along to show there results and there scars and some of them are as wide as yours if not wider


    ~Prone to exaggeration... You better watch what you say to me!! Let me post photo's and show how wide the scar is!

    Also you have seminars were past patients of yours

    come and show their scars?!! And their wider than mine?!!

    That's got nothing to do with healing characteristics but that Barry Whites donor closing skill's are pathetic!

    Besides having the donor scar is not the issue. I'd knew I'd get one but did'nt expect it to be this wide..(I bet all your former patients who come to those seminars didn't expect it either)!!


    6. Regarding operations on 18 year olds; I am unsure who exactly you are referring too I do however recall a 15 year old kid who we saw not long ago, we did him and his dad.


    ~I feel sorry for the little fella.. Now he probably has a big a** scar on the back of his head that he has to deal with!!!


    Now finally I will post the photo's!!...

    I do NOT give you permission to post mine coz the photo's I got from you were all in very dark lighting angles!

    Just wait till I post mine and then everbody will know why to keep away from your clinic!!!!

  2. Thankyou for you reply...

    So you want to post photo's now!!

    Well let's do this!!

    I've got photo's left right and centre as of today and we'll let the public decide if the surgery was any good!!!!

    And I'm sure that most people will disagree with you...

    In regards to Barry saying it was a shiTTY jOb...

    I have to admit they were not his exact words... However I asked him if he would be happy if he had gotten this work and he clearlyt stated he wouldn't have been!!....(admit to the truth BArry)

    WeLL now I'm posting photo's so HERE we go....

  3. Thanks Lorenzo for the support..Appreciate it!!

    What you said was exactly right chap!

    I'm tired of us fellas who have been F***ED up

    by Doctors and dont do nothing about it!!

    We pay large sums of money that we've worked bloody hard for, not to mention that a lot of us go in debt to get these procedures, and then they do below par work and say 'OH well, it's your fault your body just reacts this way!!

    ~Piss off dickhead~

    You think I'm a fruity or something??


    FeLLas we need to take a stand, (I'm serious!!) especially when We come to a place like this and SOMEONE recommends them!!

    Man I got screwed over and I want to be compensated for... And I believe y'all should TOO!!


    It's good to see you looked into my case 'PAT' but this is just the beginning bro! It aint over until we sought this thing out!!


    Besides have you seen my photo PAT?

    Out of all the things I mentioned to you I forgot to say that the whole recipient area is elevated as well!!

    Hope it helps


  4. Thanks for your empathy mate...

    I do have pictures but dont know how to send them.. Gimme your email and I'll post em to you..

    Besides I'm going to Wood's in about a week.. so I'll see what he has to say...

    The money factor is the only thing that concerns me with this dude though....

    DamMMm IT!!...

    (Barry White should pay for this repair work the PunK!!!)

  5. Thanks dude for the feedback!

    One of the tech's also bragged about doing work on an 18 year old...

    Now that I realise the situation they really should of turned me away.. The POOftah's!!

    Only had minimal loss a Norwood two at the most..

    Well regardless I'm going to see wood's next week and see what happens...

    ~KEEp Away FrOM This MOTHa F*CKEr~


  6. Dude to be honest, I don't know much about her except from a few e-mail's I've recieved from her.


    But one thing I know for sure is keep away from Dr. Barry White in Melbourne..


    He messed up my scalp hardcore dude.


    However their is a great doct. in Sydney by the name of Dr. Russel Knudsen.. The doct. has helped me out tremendously (repair work)!! and even done Burgo's hair..


    He uses Lateral slits as well so check him out bro!


  7. Hey guys I've kept my silence for a while now and I think it's time for me to open my mouth and say a few things.


    If you're in Australia and considering having a tranplant with Dr. Barry White (in Melbourne) change your mind.

    He's a total dick who plays on peoples emotions.


    He's given me an unaturally low hairline that is still red after 10months post-op.. Not to mention Ridging, bumpiness and a wide 6mm scar!!!

    I had over 1300 grafts and the density is real low and I only had a little region to cover. (no grafts have grown since the 7month mark).


    I am in my early 20's and have to say I have never left my house since surgery without wearing a hat. I never go to family functions or even chill with my boys anymore because of how embarrasing this is..


    Doctor White even admitted it was a shit job and when asked what I should do about it, he had no decent reply. He seemed dumbfounded and had no compassion!!


    I am totally disapointed with this outcome and WARN all fellow ausies to keep away from his shitty clinic.


    I've got photo's to verify my claim so I'm not b.sh**ing...


    Also I'm very dissapointed that Pat recomens this guy.. You need to do your homework as your the reason I went to see him....(I'm pissed off)



  8. Hey guys I've kept my silence for a while now and I think it's time for me to open my mouth and say a few things.


    If you're in Australia and considering having a tranplant with Dr. Barry White (in Melbourne) change your mind.

    He's a total dick who plays on peoples emotions.


    He's given me an unaturally low hairline that is still red after 10months post-op.. Not to mention Ridging, bumpiness and a wide 6mm scar!!!

    I had over 1300 grafts and the density is real low and I only had a little region to cover. (no grafts have grown since the 7month mark).


    I am in my early 20's and have to say I have never left my house since surgery without wearing a hat. I never go to family functions or even chill with my boys anymore because of how embarrasing this is..


    Doctor White even admitted it was a shit job and when asked what I should do about it, he had no decent reply. He seemed dumbfounded and had no compassion!!


    I am totally disapointed with this outcome and WARN all fellow ausies to keep away from his shitty clinic.


    I've got photo's to verify my claim so I'm not b.sh**ing...


    Also I'm very dissapointed that Pat recomens this guy.. You need to do your homework as your the reason I went to see him....(I'm pissed off)



  9. Hey guys I've kept my silence for a while now and I think it's time for me to open my mouth and say a few things.


    If you're in Australia and considering having a tranplant with Dr. Barry White (in Melbourne) change your mind.

    He's a total dick who plays on peoples emotions.


    He's given me an unaturally low hairline that is still red after 10months post-op.. Not to mention Ridging, bumpiness and a wide 6mm scar!!!

    I had over 1300 grafts and the density is real low and I only had a little region to cover. (no grafts have grown since the 7month mark).


    I am in my early 20's and have to say I have never left my house since surgery without wearing a hat. I never go to family functions or even chill with my boys anymore because of how embarrasing this is..


    Doctor White even admitted it was a shit job and when asked what I should do about it, he had no decent reply. He seemed dumbfounded and had no compassion!!


    I am totally disapointed with this outcome and WARN all fellow ausies to keep away from his shitty clinic.


    I've got photo's to verify my claim so I'm not b.sh**ing...


    Also I'm very dissapointed that Pat recomens this guy.. You need to do your homework as your the reason I went to see him....(I'm pissed off)



  10. Hey guys I've kept my silence for a while now and I think it's time for me to open my mouth and say a few things.


    If you're in Australia and considering having a tranplant with Dr. Barry White (in Melbourne) change your mind.

    He's a total dick who plays on peoples emotions.


    He's given me an unaturally low hairline that is still red after 10months post-op.. Not to mention Ridging, bumpiness and a wide 6mm scar!!!

    I had over 1300 grafts and the density is real low and I only had a little region to cover. (no grafts have grown since the 7month mark).


    I am in my early 20's and have to say I have never left my house since surgery without wearing a hat. I never go to family functions or even chill with my boys anymore because of how embarrasing this is..


    Doctor White even admitted it was a shit job and when asked what I should do about it, he had no decent reply. He seemed dumbfounded and had no compassion!!


    I am totally disapointed with this outcome and WARN all fellow ausies to keep away from his shitty clinic.


    I've got photo's to verify my claim so I'm not b.sh**ing...


    Also I'm very dissapointed that Pat recomens this guy.. You need to do your homework as your the reason I went to see him....(I'm pissed off)



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