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Posts posted by parable

  1. Hi Guys,


    National Hair Institute has a terrible reputation in Australia. They advertise heavily and they used to be recommended on this site a while back.


    They got kicked off this site partly because of my experiences with them. I know over 5 different cases were people are dissatisfied with their work.


    Even Dr. Wood's mentioned that he has had former patients coming from National Hair Institute seeking repair Heck, when I walked into his clinic looking for repair work Dr. Wood's guessed it was Barry White (founder of NHI Australia) who performed the work without me even telling him.


    Guys, trust me they are terrible. They're better options out there!

  2. Guys,


    I rarely post now days. But let me tell you to keep away from Barry White.


    He was recommended on this site years ago but based on my experiences was booted off.


    Terrible surgeon with many unhappy patients that I know of. Contact me and I will point you to them.


    The only surgeon I would reccommend is Woods or Campbell in Australia.

  3. This closing technique is nothing new...


    It has been around for awhile as I know one doctor in Australia by the name Of Dr. Marzola who told me about using this technique a while back if I chose to do a scar revision with him...


    At the time I didn't know too much about the technique and thought it was too good to be true... So I contacted another prominent doctor that Doctor Rose has worked with and He told me that is wasn't too good a technique to use...


    Whether it is a good technique (I certainly hope so) as it would help many (not having to graft scars)...

    Please fill us in Doctor as to why it offers us more benefit that the normal 'double suture' closure techniques that are widely in use now..

  4. Dr Fuzzy~ Good to know you're doing the research mate...The more you do the better!!


    In regards to the strip scar you are right in that patient physiology plays a big part... However let me say that Dr. White doesn't tell patients this and that I know a couple of others that have wide linear scar's as well...


    Also as for the hairline, Yeah the pictures of it were shaved down because it looks so terrible grown out...But I never told you that the hairline was so low too...Just alittle over 5cm from the top of my eyebrow which in my case was over 2cm to low...


    But anyway moving on from that I just had the rest of the grafts removed via 'Hairline Clinic' on the weekend..So I am glad that this period of my life is now over..I'm full on looking forward to moving on now!!


    I just hope you do the right thing budd and good luck in your selection of doct!!


    Qvarnis~ Dude just two days later...You must of been in for a shocker aye!

    I hope it turns out well for you but then again what can I say...


    So anyone else out there just make sure you do your research man...As some doct's reallt don't have your best interests at heart...



  5. hey Fellas,


    I haven't posted here in a while as I guess I have moved on to bigger and better things in regards to repair work and what not...


    But let me just state that after round one of reapir work with DHI from the terrible work I received from Barry White I still think it is wiser for anyone contemplating going to him to look else where...


    Qvarnis, I sincerely hope your work turns out O.k so you don't have to go through the crap I went through but with that being said I know of way too many patients that have been messed up by Barry and crew so if I may express my opinion here Dr Fuzzy or any1 else in OZ look elsewhere...Go to Martinick, Wood's or Knudsen as I know from seeing these doct's that their work is superior to Barry's....

  6. Fellas just to let you know,

    "John Travolta" has never had a transplant and is quite receded right now...


    He's around a norwood 3v and there is proof he wears a piece...


    Go to farrels site and look under 'Hairloss Open Topic' and you'll see a thread about him with pictures and all showing his noggin,....



  7. Man, No offense to Beverotti..


    But I sure am glad that DHI (from the sounds of it) are still evolving and upgrading their technique since learning it from Dr. Jones...


    After hearing all this fuss and crap about Jones it can make one shiver with the thought's that Jones was DHI's instructor...


    Besides P.Mac Do us all a favour, if you don't want to answer those question's posted earlier at Hairsite publish your answer's here...


    I'm sure most of us will find your side useful!!....




    P.S~ WassUP ElgUaPO... How You BEEn CHAp??

  8. Hey L,

    Thanks for the encouraging words and in regards to that Aussie dude....That's one funny A** story man.. I know alot of us like to drink but this fella must be a true 'YOBBA' (StEVe IrwIN TWIn)...LOL....


    In relations to your comment~


    "Being in business myself I have always lived by the term "Under promise and over achieve". I honestly believe that DHI is "over promising and under achieving (nothing to say they are not)".


    I spose I have a difference of opinion again, since nobody will know the final answer until these guys who had work recently (FUE) show their final results...


    I also noticed you said something about those who had first hand experience with them in Europe are not buying into their hype and beleive you may be correct...

    But I believe that stem's from them having had the strip procedure a while back, I heard they messed a few people up. So maybe you should consider that...


    Either way I don't think their newer doc's like Zontos and crew had any part in that.. So it seems their trying to pick up their antics in their new endeavours...


    Well regardless I'm on the same boat as you in wanting great FUE done (extraction and Recipient) not to mention good pricing so let's be patient and let the good times roll BRotha!!




    P.S~ I hope P.MAc answers Them question's you posted that was on Hairsite or anyone else for that matter...

  9. Lorenzo,

    I respect you man...Since being cautious and skeptical is the right attitude to have in this business..


    However you must realise that in order for these guys to market the way they do, then they must have some proof things are going as planned...(I Remember P.MAC saying somewhere 'Hairsite' I think, that they've had good results already, but some people don't want their pictures on the net).. Whether it is true or not I don't know but it is one thing to advertise in papers etc. But on a Hairloss site?? Now that is another venture...


    This is were people with the most knowledge and scrutiny share ideas and if DHI don't deliver then I tell you what these guy's have had their last leg in this business...!!!


    Now in regards to DHI having a large working roster I agree, that's why it's imperative to have a doctor like Zontos work on you rather than a unknown... I know he's been at it less than a year but not only do his extraction look good but so do his hairlines...


    I guess it's looking bright for those who are down with FUE, wanting megasessions and great hairlines.. But like you said, well just have to give it a couple more months for the final results...



  10. Hey brotha,

    All I can say is research to the max...Check doctor's websites, patients, other helpful websites....


    And try not to limit your choices due to finance.. Easier said than done...

    But this is you head man and you've been screwed before...



  11. I have to agree to some extent with y'all but in regards to this statement I have a different opinion~


    "Even if you show final results it is very difficult to judge because every clinic has the beauty of picking the best patients pictures to post"


    While this may be true, you guys have to remember that at least 4 other guys have recently had work with DHI (Samson UK, Gonzo etc.) And they are fully covering their procedures with pics as well. So if things don't go as plan, we will all be hearing about it sooner rather than later...


    Akonsta and DHI I applaud you for pushing the envelope and hope all turns out well for ya's!...You've got me interested in getting some work from you's so lets just wait and see the final results of 'LEE' and the the others



  12. I'd have to agree....5 clumps may have contained a couple hundred grafts...!!


    However it's good to see you done your research though, but if I were you I'd call Doctor Molton up and inquire about those wasted grafts...


    Grafts are too precious too waste!!




  13. Chap, You're the fella that went with Dr. Molton In W.A right???....


    My question to you is how come you didn't go with Jennifer Martinick as she is in W.A as well??


    I heard that hair transplants are only part of Dr Moltons practice as he also does other cosmetic work...


    To be honest with you I think you could have done with a better doctor... And in regards to the left over grafts...

    Did he throw them out or were they transplanted elsewhere??

  14. Thanks Arfy,

    I heard bout that V-beam and like you, I don't know much about it!...Besides I heard Jones got rid of it from his office anyways??....

    *correct me if I'm wrong*


    The info you gave me was very informative and I think I'll just look into it a little more...


    However I was wondering if a normal laser like a lightsheer diode system would be alright or if It would take a layer of skin off like you mentioned.. I don't want any negative results!!..


    But besides all this I'll most definately go with Wood's but it's always good to educate oneself!!


    So thanks Arf.



  15. Hey Arfy... I know you had FIT on your hairline to repair the pluggy work...


    My Question to you and all other FIT/FUE repair patients is do you have scarring at your hairline as a result of the FIT work...??


    Since the Hairline I now have is way too low I need to remove the majority of the grafts and redistribute them.. But want no visible scarring..

    I was wondering if that was possible??



  16. Hey Arfy... I know you had FIT on your hairline to repair the pluggy work...


    My Question to you and all other FIT/FUE repair patients is do you have scarring at your hairline as a result of the FIT work...??


    Since the Hairline I now have is way too low I need to remove the majority of the grafts and redistribute them.. But want no visible scarring..

    I was wondering if that was possible??



  17. Bro I tried the Lasercomb and didn't think it did all that much..

    Used it for a couple of months and although the hairs feels nicer and fuller straight after usage the effects were off!!...NO regrowth with it!...

    Besides you now have a 5 month refund policy so if you don't respond to it you can always return it....



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