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Posts posted by parable

  1. Rnao~ Check out Rocky, he is sometimes on the forum! He recently had a procedure with Knudsen, so he should be able to tell you more about it!


    I've found him to be a very ethical and caring person but have yet to have a procedure by him.. His setup at the office is tight and his assistants seem like they have experience but just ask him to see a patient.. As I have yet to

    see any too...


    And at the end of the day that's what count's mate~ THE RESULTS...


    So Ask Him... and find out!!

  2. Hey bro... I heard that you said money was not a problem for you...If that is the case I think your better off going elsewhere to get a trasnplant...

    I'm from Australia and have heard about Martinick... She uses all follicular units and practices the lateral slit technique as well however I have yet to see many results of hers in person as well...

    So although I think she is one of the better doctor's around make sure you do your research and go with the best it trully isn't something to take lightly!!

    Take it from me, I know



  3. Alright I hear you...

    Though I believe there aren't too many who will have to agree with you when you say others here believe he does great work...

    Besides you just contradicted yourself when you said that your hairline would look just like mine if you had it short... Coz that would obviously mean you have great amount of ridging, pitting, and wrong angled grafts...!!


    So tell me is that really a great result as you profess...!!???



  4. Alright brotha let's do this...

    Hit me at ______...


    In regards to seeking legal advice I have already seen a top Barrister who has told me already they are in breach of....(I'll let you know more in the e-mail)...


    And I will post 1 more e-mail to Barry White to give him one more chance to make things right!!

    I'm after a refund but if he refuses then I'll take the next step!!


    So as not to give too much info away on this site bro, hit me up with an e-mail and we'll take it from there!!


    Thanks El Guapo....

    Look forward to hearing from you



  5. YOu Are One MAd A** DUDE BRO...!!!

    I'd APPRECIATE it from the bottom of my heart if you could do that website for me!!!

    Aye man I don't want to stress you or burden you or anything.... but Thanks so much!!

    Besides hit me with an e-mail if you need any more photo's or details!!!




    And ABO~ You say your results are good right! WELL It seems to me without a doubt that MArcus told you to write that!!... Considering you've only posted once and your style seems the same to MArcus It seems like a load of garbage to me!!


    I now know over 5 patients in the last year who are completely dissapointed in Dr. BArry White's work and wait till they come out!!!


    But if what you say is true about the quality of work....Then I don't understand why Barry wouldn't do the right thing by me and compensate me for the ShiTTy work he Did!!!




    P.S~ GOOd LUck with your decision EL GUAPO with you transPLant... MAke sure You get it Right 1st Time Round BRO!!

  6. I have a question regarding hair growth in ridged and compacted area's...


    If you see my pictures you will note that there is a great deal of ridginess and that my recipient area is elevated from my first tranplant 1year ago..(photo's are in the post your photo section)...


    So what I want to know is, will it be possible to have another transplant and have the transplanted hairs grow in these areas with success??


    Thanks Doct's.



  7. I have a question regarding hair growth in ridged and compacted area's...


    If you see my pictures you will note that there is a great deal of ridginess and that my recipient area is elevated from my first tranplant 1year ago..(photo's are in the post your photo section)...


    So what I want to know is, will it be possible to have another transplant and have the transplanted hairs grow in these areas with success??


    Thanks Doct's.



  8. Hey fellas,

    I was wondering if any1 knew the best way to get rid of ridging and bumpiness in the recipient area?


    I heard of getting cortisone shots... But I believe that it can cause hairloss where it is applied..


    Is there any other way of removing ridginess and bumps??


    Thanks for the reply's



  9. Hey fellas,

    I was wondering if any1 knew the best way to get rid of ridging and bumpiness in the recipient area?


    I heard of getting cortisone shots... But I believe that it can cause hairloss where it is applied..


    Is there any other way of removing ridginess and bumps??


    Thanks for the reply's



  10. Bro.. did You let Pat know your situation??

    Speak up and let him know dude...

    As I'm sure he'll take note of your situation..

    After all He asked us all to hold him accountable for his recommendations!!






  11. Hey Marcus..

    Please don't take my words out of context...


    Firstly I told you before that the photo's you took were at 3-4months post-op and they are the only ones your Father 'Barry White' took until the last one he took at November (I will post this one) !!!


    Four months is too early to determine anything as the postors already know...

    I remember that consultation as well, being pissed off before going in but thinking I will give it more time before I say anything...


    In regards to the e-mail I wrote to you, it wasn't an extortion letter I just let you know the facts that you were kicked off the network and the members made their decision!!


    Now in regards to declining your photo's That's right.. On the 22nd of Dec. I posted an independant photo taken by a top doct. and look at the quality of the pics!!!


    And in regards to your quote~

    "The photos that i have are inconsistent with the density of hair that you now show in your photos".


    Is the whole point of my argument.. What seems to have been alright in terms of growth that is, Is where it pretty much stopped growing (at 4-6months post-op)..

    The right side is now not growing all that much and looks really low in density. I have EXPERT doctors opinions who say that there is no way it looks like 1300grafts were transplanted!!


    Now in regards to your final quote~

    "Your intention is to get money out of us and your leverage is this and other mediums like it"

    What makes you think that's my agenda when all I ask for is you to do the right thing by me and refund me!!

    Besides do you know who my family is and what they do, I doubt very much I need a handout from you but rather want justice as I don't feel they should be the ones that should fork out the money for your terrible work!!


    I will post the photo that Barry White took

    10.5months post-op later



  12. Son OF a PLug...

    I JUSt want too see If he will Give me my refund firSt!!..


    Besides You Say the scar is what I want fixed uP...

    Although that is true it's is only half of it!!


    Have you seen the ridging, bumpiness, divots/pitting and remember the graft count is real low...(not many are growing)..


    So I'm not after a free transplant I'm after repair work.. I completely understand as time goes by if I need another transplant my own money will pay for it..


    However this repair work is something I should not have to pay for!!



  13. Rnao~ Thanks for posting the truth bro.

    It's good to inform fellow Aussies of the risk in getting a transplant with 'Barry White'..


    And Barry/Marcus...

    How about contacting me... And settling this issue..


    You know I'm after a REFUND... So how about doing the right thing and compensating me...


    The evidence is completely overwhelmingly in my favour and to be honest with you, I doubt that you want me to post my photo's of the hairline at a reasonable length...


    Coz I've now got them!!! (with good lighting and all) and let me warn you These fellow members are going to be even more shocked when they see the results!!!


    Last time you said we'd let the public decide if Barry White's work was any good or not and guess what? No one went in your favour!!!...


    And you know what? If I post these photo's

    It's going to be the icing on the cake!!!



  14. Thanks El Guapo..For keeping it real...


    And Vocor 1~

    If I could grow the hair out I would to try cover this mess, but like I said the right side doesn't even grow that much. So it looks really awful.

    You got the left growing in abit (but the density is real low) and then there's gaps all the way through the grafted hairline.

    You got some growing here and some spots where there is nothing. It's rediculous!!


    And in regards to the photo that Marcus is talking about~ It's one that was taken 4months post-op where the hairline is not even close up.


    What photo are you members going to go by, one that is 4 months post-op or a photo that is 11months post-op...

    I thought that in regards to transplants, the longer you wait the better it's meant to be.. but not so in this case!!!



  15. Marcus,

    you fully got an attitude don't you chap!

    You just don't want to admit what a crap job your father performed!!


    Let me tell you I did you justice posting the pics with a buzzed head... How are you going to continue an argument when hands down people have seen the divots, terrible pitting/ridging and then you have the guts to come back at me with more photo's....


    If and When I feel like posting another photo it will be the recipient area alittle longer where you can see the right side is not growing much at all..

    And once again why should I grow out my hair to cover the divot's/ridging underneath!!??


    You and your father at National Hair Instititue have been kicked out of the Network because your work is not up to par... So give it a rest and pay for what you've done!!!


    Once again I do not give you permisssion to post photo's based on the fact they are taken in dark lighting angles...(how do I know) because I have them!!!


    So don't go make up some crap about it not suiting my argument!!!


    The posters now know you and your father's clinic aren't any good and unlike the other reputable doctor's here who would compensate on such a mediocre procedure you try to argue against me!! You have no ethics or compassion and you are suffering the consequences...


    Besides the posters know the truth! And the reality is They aren't the ones that are going to do me justice so like I said do right by me and redeem yourselves or suffer the consequences!!


    And once again Marcus, thankyou for contacting me aye (being sarcastic)... I've waited all this time and you still haven't contacted me but prefer to e-mail in this forum even after I emailed you!!


    Signed, sealed, delivered...


    ~YOu messed up~



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