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Posts posted by its752

  1. Hairypalms, It's totally simple coming to the U.S. or Canada. The clinics really take you under their wing immediately. I just had an online consult, a few photos and got an estimate of number of grafts, agreed with the clinic on a date to go there, booked a flight online and called a cab. In the end I was refunded money because the doctor didn't feel I needed as many grafts as first estimated. I mean it's very ethical!!! The compassion for the patient is taken to another level.

  2. snakeoil, It takes about 2-3 weeks to get your passport in the mail. Its easy. First, if you don't already know, you can get your ID. photo almost anywhere in town, local post office, drug stores, copycenter locations, on and on. Take your driver's license with you. Secondly, you take the photo to--in my case I just heard from the place I got my photo taken that the local library had applications you fill out and then wait in line for 15 minutes for an interview just so they know for sure your not a terrorist. The lady took my photo and application and said good bye. In a short while I got my passport in the mail, and once I had that I moved on to tell the clinic, they gave me some open surgery dates, I took the one I wanted and when the doc was available. I checked out flight information online, booked and paid for my flight, and then called the clinic back to confirm my arrival date. They had a hotel room reserved for me when I arrived. At the end of the surgery they reimbursed me a good amount for my flight also. I think you said it best, by the way, when you referred to both docs being A++, but just call the clinic directly from their website phone number,and I'm sure they'll you who can deal with the repair work. Good luck and sorry for the last post!!

  3. Arrie, You should give Pantene"Full&Thick" a try. I'm not 100% sure it's by "Pantene" but when I double check, I'll let you know. It might be good in your case with thinner hair to alternate with Revita and Pantene. Revita might--might leave your hair a little limp because of the emuoil in it, but then the Pantene will balance that out. I've heard it's awesome to make your hair look a little thicker.

  4. me&myhhair, If you start Proscar, Propecia or Avodart take it with the long-haul in mind, even heard a doc online say 2 years to really see if it's working so don't even miss a dose. Travel anywhere a great doctor is, and don't limit yourself tothe bay area unless you want to. The great doctors will fly you to go see them and pay part or all of your hotel--plus flight.

  5. BuckWheat, I've heard another person say that Revita left his hair feeling soft. I just started on it yesterday and so far no dryness. I'm sure the ingredient: Emuoil is what is responsible for keeping your hair soft. I would only count on an HT to regrow hair though.

  6. ng2gbald, I just got "Revita" in the mail today, but have seen some posts about Nizoral and yes it's only being used 3 times per week, but I've yet to hear using it for only 8 weeks. The ingredients in Revita are impressive! I had read recently about coffee in a study and in mass doses--if I remember correctly how it dialates or stimulates the capalaries around the hair follicle or scalp, or something of the sort. I get my botttle of Revita today and one of the ingredients is caffeine. They really put good things in it, Copper Peptides, Ketoconazole and the list goes on.

  7. Byehair, I totally agree with you about some doctors' websites lacking more detailed before and after pictures/video. Wanthairs said plainly that he went to another doctor because Dr. Rose's website didn't display more B&A photos. It's definitely key to have a great website when you're a great doctor.

  8. leica, I went out the country to get work done and haven't researched any doctor in SoCal, but that should be the fun part for you. I am glad, however, that I agonized over how I wanted my hairline drawn and was certain of that when I met with the doctor. There's too much going on the day of the surgery and that's something you might want to work out beforehand.

  9. leica, Your considering price per graft and then asking, what's the difference between FUT and FUE? For your sake, first get educated on hair transplantation!! You'll want to strategize how your going to use your donor hair by looking at others who have your same or similar hair loss situation and then making the plan with your doctor. The best doctors in the world are going to charge you half of$9 per graft and will pay part of your flight and hotel.

  10. josh-b, Up until about six months ago, I was not very happy with my results of two smaller HTs which started back 4 1/2 years. I just hadn't gottten the results I had hoped to get. Today is another story!! I finally got the results I had at one time only dreamed about, and I'm only 5 1/2 months post-op. I ended up going to the clinic(thanks to this website) that time and time again had the best proof of their work and techniques that were a cut above to say the least. Almost anyone can start an. HT journey today and be confident that they can get the result there looking for well into the future

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