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Posts posted by its752

  1. hairdude83, "Naturelle" makes a lab tested hypo-allergenic/fragrance free shampoo that is as pure of a shampoo as you can buy. I use Nizoral 2-3 times per week but didn't want to add more chemicals into the mix, ie; gel, thickening cream and whatever. I get it at Sally's beauty supply here in California, but you can try a beauty supply store in your area.

  2. matt_99, The first step in the whole restoration process is: Stabilize your hair loss, like Way2Go said by getting a prescription of Propecia or Proscar. It works primarily on the mid scalp and crown areas. After atleast a few months or more of using the Proscar and getting stabilized and getting educated on this site about hair transplantation, you'll be in a much better position to have the knowledge to go in and talk to a doctor about what you really want. From what I have heard and read, doctors do prefer that a patient be knowledgeable about what they want when speaking with them.

  3. agentHarley, I had the same concerns about redness and decided not to compromise my new grafts with anything. I came so far and didn't want to throw a monkey wrench into my efforts. A few people have mentioned using aloe vera gel, so there is one option for you. After 3 months or so I started using "Tricomin" spray which contains "Copper Peptides" an ingredient that aids in healing immediately postop but again it didn't really help with the redness.

  4. NN I personally thought about going to a stylist to get a new cut and maybe some highlights in my hair, then remembered from experience how I and stories of countless men and women always get a stranger telling them what looks good on them and how disappointing it turns out. It's really an individual thing, and I think messing around with your hair on your own is a better bet and eventually it will click for you like it did for me.

  5. anonymous man, I've heard story after story about hair loss and feeling hopeless, and I would have never thought about it had it not been for the HTN and the internet. I've concluded without a doubt by reading stories and cross referencing that with actual people I see in public and the look, body language, etc, that hair loss is a real source of pain. I think by what you say of your degree of hair loss you're in a better position to have a good outcome from an HT; don't you think? I don't think your vain or blame you one bit for wanting to look better. It just shows that you're willing to stay in the game and will do what it takes to do so. Is there any one thing you can do at this point to feel better about yourself day by day? Keep in mind one thing also that when you cross paths with your girlfreind or even think about her that it could be a bit of a downer but only until that whole thing gets resolved.

  6. Rambler, When I came online a few minutes ago I couldn't believe it was the same guy, you, posting your post HT pictures!! It seems like just a few weeks ago or less you were contemplating your situation and that your girlfreind looked at you real weird after you thought she saw your pitting; I hope that's accurate. You really took care of business quickly and went to Canada. I'm really surprised you got such a big session. I was thinking that you were probably going to do 1000 grafts or so!! Nice!! Dr. Hasson is a super-surgeon and that includes his artistic ability. You can see the ultra steady hand and straight lines he draws. I'm glad to see he did your temples also. I have a lop-sided head somewhat, one ear is lower than the other and I wanted a "point" on my hairline like a couple actors, Andy Garcia, and Dr. Hasson drew it in unbelievably symetrical, compensating for the uneveness to leave it perfect!!!! A freind of mine saw it and couldn't believe it either. You have a lot to look forward to and enjoy!

  7. KamCal, What I love about Dr. Hasson's approach is the way he dense packed your front third or closer to front half thoroughly and then will cover the other area(s) another time. The 4 month to 4.3 is amazing! I just imagined at 4.3 months the phone ringing all of a sudden and a girl saying, KamCal can we get together now, I can't find you on that Norwood scale anymore.

  8. BuckJohnson, An excellent shampoo is out now, and I'm talking about the number of ingredients that make it the best and that is "Revita". We need people like you, IMO, that are willing to test out different products and even produce a product and continue to use it for an extended period of time to see if anything really works for slowing down or even stopping hair loss. Checkout the ingredients in Revita to make your own comparison. I've been on Propecia and now Proscar going on 10 months combined and I've been keeping a good eye to see if it will have any good hair loss effect on me so I can report any good results with certainty and not just repeat what others are saying.

  9. timothy t, I just read less than two weeks ago on this forum from a poster that whey protein powder a couple times a day can help hair growth. I bought "Solgar" brand whey powder and it's real good and disolves thoroughly in milk, o.J., or even water.

  10. struggling, I would tell you that the details do work themselves out as you go along and get more and more information. I chose a doctor who prefers shaving you down on top so I wore a hat for 3 months. I started walking and doing everything pretty regularly almost immediately--except for not lifting anything even moderately heavy, pulling, pushing so as not to stretch my donor, and I quickly found out how many muscles, tendons are connected to that donor area. Post some pictures to get a better idea of what your hair looks like now, and the last important thing by far is: Don't hesitate to go anywhere in the world to see a great recommended doctor. It's easier than driving 3 hours, and you're reimbursed partially if not fully for hotel and flight!

  11. MBM, I know the looks and the feeling you go through--exactly!! The one moment feels like an eternity and like everyone knows, but they don't! That one lady, like you said, will never see you again, and if she did see you down the road, first wouldn't remember, and second would maybe think at that time, I like that guy's hair! I read an article sometime ago and still have it in "Men's Health" magazine that describes the benefits of vanity. Study after study describe that people that really take good care of themselves reap the rewards-big time, promotions, more attention, happier, the list goes on!! The article made total sense to me!

  12. I think the system in place now for charging a patient per graft, whether 1 hair or 4, is more than fair for everybody. The doctors and techs are bending over backwards to stay with the times as it is and producing great results for the most part, so let them continue to work hours on end without having to split even more hairs at their expense not to say anything of having get used to to a whole new system that surely isn't going to benefit the ones doing all the work.

  13. mrsportsy, There's no real way of getting around a doctor's prescription to get Proscar, but there's a term used when a drug has two intended purposes for prescribing, and a doctor most certainly should prescribe it. I don't know of any online pharmacies, but someone should chime in soon. If you've seen a doctor already for pre-HT they also should prescribe it.

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