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Posts posted by its752

  1. JoDirt, You have no idea what your leaving yourself open to--disappointment!!! Of course a doctor is going to show compassion but don't confuse that with hardline evidence that include patient's before and after photos and cutting edge techniques the doctor is using via his/her website. You really can't get better first-hand experience and advice from members here who have gone before you to use doctors recommended and have a proven track record.

  2. GQnDn, I got first-hand experience on this one because I wore a hat for 3 months postop and I kept thinking about what others were going to say or what they might think about me always wearing this black hat and bottom line: Others are really not that interested in you or I there worrying about what the guy in the hat is thinking of them. After I stopped wearing it, nobody said a thing either way so I hoped I quelled some of your worry.

  3. djdennis, I personally didn't want to compromise my grafts with anything! I was advised to use a pure, no-perfume shampoo after the shampoo the clinic gave me ran out. I bought "Naturelle" non-perfume/hypoallergenic just to be safe at a beauty supply store, and I'm still using it 6.3 months postop. After 2-plus months postop I started using "Tricomin" a spray with Copper Peptides. It was the only other thing I would use in trying to continue healing while trying to hopefully reduce redness in the recepient area because of its healing potential.

  4. GQnDn, Apparently they can stretch. I noticed immediately postop if I even tipped my head slightly forward I could feel the tensing up in my donor and the muscles connected to that area making the scar want to pull apart somewhat, so try to be carefull even tying your shoes, and for a few months don't do any "rows" if you weight lift or any pulling motion, etc.

  5. KS, Copper Peptides is the other ingredient in Revita that caught my attention. I know it's been tested and is a proven healer in the first 7 days or so after an HT and surely couldn't hurt after that 7 day period to keep using, but I personally can't pay $27.00 plus S&H every 12 or so hair washings! I have no clue of what it takes to make the product, price-wise I mean, but common sense tells me it's wayyyy overpriced!

  6. Bill, That is absoultely true for me also. I reach out more when I feel good about the way I look. It's like night and day how you're perceived by others when you feel good. I won't even get the same responses when I'm tired. It really comes down to having your attention flowing outwards versus inward on yourself. Mrjb, I read an article in "Men's Health" on vanity and contrary to to prior thinking that it was something to be avoided, actually has been found in study after study to benefit the proprietor: promotions, more confidence, better health, the list just goes on and on!

  7. thanatopsis_awry, You've got to be thankful that you found Dr. Feller, and not do what so many others have done unknowingly by getting a smaller substandard session! Hopefully the industry will continue to gradually get better by following the techniques and bigger session sizes, when appropriate, of the top clinics now operating--thank god!!!! Until then, the top clinics will continue to get the increase in patient business and satisfaction.

  8. Dewayne, Nobody here is talking in terms of "follicles" but instead "grafts" and I can only go by what I've read about your degree of hairloss that if you do the 4000 grafts as recommended by Dr. Wong you would be happier with your hair sooner than having just 1700 done. Hopefully you won't end up going down the road of 3-4 smaller sessions over a longer period of time and the agony of waiting each time just to be see disappointed. Like most here, you would probably even get a second session after the 4000 just to do a touch up somewhere.

  9. Rambler, I really didn't think that my HT would grow in like this! After two HTs in the past 4-5 years with weak results, I wasn't even excited about posting any immediate postop pics this time around, but at 3 months postop this time it started coming in and hasn't stopped! I am 6.2 months postop now, but I was already totally happy at only 4 months. The 2451 grafts that I received had nothing to do with donor supply or otherwise. The doctor knew that 2000+ grafts would take care of it pretty well and he was right!!

  10. Eman, First of all I want to let you know that the journey in and of itself is the fun and exciting part!! You may look back on this post some day and laugh at the idea that you thought you may not have the energy or care at 40 to want to get another HT, but I'm letting you know, unless you just throw in the towel completely on living that won't be the case at all!!

  11. Rambler, I can tell you from my own experience with H&W that even after I paid for 3500 grafts and wanted all 3500 placed the doctor recommended only 2000 for me once he saw me in person. After I cryed like a baby, he managed to place 400 more grafts, and the clinic refunded me the difference! I was aware that the techs were getting off early but still had to be paid because of my smaller session, but the doctor still chose to do what was ethical.

  12. Eman, It really comes down to one thing: Using your donor hair efficiently over the years and a great doctor knows the importance of that. The doctor has about 7000-8500 grafts to work with and that definitely goes a ways and in the worst scenario if you're left with some area slightly missing, for me, that would be a small price to pay for having hair on your head the majority of your life, don't you think?

  13. Dewayne, I can't find any photos of you, like transplant_dude mentioned. A doctor I consulted with a few years ago and their consultant told me I only needed 800 grafts--it gave me a little peach fuzz. After looking at dozens of before and afters realized that 3500 + should have been the real number.

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