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Posts posted by its752

  1. Hair2day, I used permanent color a couple times and it did nothing adverse to my scalp or hair. It does the job of staying on your hair longer as opposed to semi-permanent color that washes out after a few washings, but I stopped it only because I could not find anything that looked natural enough. I did discover that there's a product called "unred" liquid drops that you add to the color when your mixing and it supposedly takes that red or orange look that always seems to accompany coloring your hair.

  2. thanatopsis_awry, No worries, thana, I didn't even assume anything about your post other than just what you were inquiring about. Written text seems to take on a meaning of its own a lot of times. The Emperor: I agree with you. And what I can say is whatever it is that H&W is doing sure worked on me because in prior HTs the final result was always weak. This time it was a whole different animal!

  3. thanatopsis_awry, When Jotronic comes on he can better describe the reasons how H&W give mega-sessions when appropriate. I can tell you first hand they keep a large staff on hand always, but aren't loose cannons on giving huge sessions either. In my case it was recommended I get 2000 grafts even after paying for more and getting a partial refund, so the ethics are definitely present.

  4. chucky, It goes even further than what's in the foo-foo drinks. What people don't realize is the sugary drinks and other bloodsugar spiking foods cause your pancreas to over produce insulin to compensate for all the sugars/bad carbs coming into your body. If you don't mind getting type 2 diabetes that's fine.

  5. Usually Starbucks, but other coffees also. As long as I get atleast three cups per day. It has great health benefits!! I've been keeping my eye on the data about coffee for years now. One article read: Of all foods and beverages in the U.S., coffee ranks the highest in antioxodants! One study done stated a reduction in gallstones in men by 30% and another study stated 50%.

  6. bla_bla, Learning the hard way, I can tell you now that I wouldn't roll the dice when it came to an HT doctor for anything. Look hard for patient satisfaction with photo proof!! All doctors come across sincere and they are. In the end whether there nice and polite is still fine, but did you get something you'll really be happy with.

  7. ng2gbald, I think if it were that weak so as not even to be able to half way style your hair in atleast a couple different directions there wouldn't be nearly the enthusiasm as there is about transplantation. Have you seen guys like Jotronic and many others who look pretty damn good! I can't say for sure if sides and back densities vs. top densities would be any different or not though, in regards to your question.

  8. Way2Go, In a small number of cases where a person is a bad n5 or 6 and moves away for a few years then returns to see his old friends does it ever get noticed--maybe. The enviornment isn't interested in you or I--guaranteed! I recently went to a meeting, even after wearing a hat around for a few months after my surgery, walked in sat down and guess what? The people there were interested in one thing: What they had to say. From time to time you might get a "You're hair looks good", but even when I look at my hair I can't compare unless I see before and after photos.

  9. anonymous man, That's the very first time I've ever heard of someone stereotyping a bald guy as a junkie or loser or criminal etc, etc so don't even let that be a factor in shaving your head down. You might also be surprised that when you turn 40 or so that you feel exactly the same inside as you do today. That's all up to you.

  10. bchap421, Janna's correct. I had the same situation as yours: I had two prior surgeries, two years apart and went to my third with extra scar tissue that the doctor ended up removing. He let me know at the time that it was taking a bit longer to remove the strip for that reason. The doctor and tech ended up using stainless steel staples to close the donor area which is also part of the "tricophytic closure technique".

  11. kriss, I had the same concerns before I had a surgery, but it is possible and doctors work between native hairs routinely with great results. Back in the day was another story, now with ultra tiny blades under high magnification transecting has been reduced to a minimal if any. You still want to get a well-known doctor from this site though. Type "transection" in the "Find" function here and read all about it!

  12. Rambler, It would be a good idea to start with more pictures of your affected area so you can get the very best advice from the other members here, and I can assure you because I've seen and heard of worse repair cases than yours that you should be able to get that covered up very nicely. The blades to make incisions for the grafts today don't leave marks!

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