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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. 9 month pic update. This is probably about as good as it gets? I don't know. It's definately much better than before surgery...but it definately shows me that I have more work to do. Off to prep for a second surgery...oh decisions! What does everyone think? Do you think that another 2000 grafts in the front will be good to fill in the front for the most part? What do you al think? Thanks
  2. Hey Hair, Thanks for the update man! I'd say you must be a slow starter on this one....looks like you probably have a lot more growth in store for you, but it does look like it's coming along! 2500 grafts is a decent number of grafts...though short from a full head of thick hair, but you should see many more results! Question: did you have an HT before or is this your first? Thanks, and talk soon! Bill
  3. Hair, That's a good point...I am honestly not certain...I think what I want is a dense hairline and front half, but of course, I still want some coverage in the back....so I don't have this thick front and bald back...but, I don't know...it's a very good point to think about though. Thanks. More feedback is appreciated! Bill
  4. Thanks everyone, Yeah, I'm trying to figure out my next move....I am contemplating between docs for my next surgery...Katz of course, since I feel he did a good job, and also True, and also Feller. I have no experience with Feller at all, conversations or not, but I know he has a good rep, True I've talked to by email....and Katz of course I've been in touch with and talked to. Ultimately, it's confusing for me, because there are so many different philosophies out there. I am trying to get pics from different patients of Katz and True in their before and after stages to see more of their work. I am definately happy with the work that was done, don't get me wrong, but I'm trying to plot out my next move very thoroughly because I know I don't have an endless supply of donor hair. Both True and Katz will probably do the same number of grafts for a second HT, however, Katz feels that it's best not to put all 1800 in the front, figures about 1200 in the front, and 600 in the back, whereas True seems confident with putting all 2000 in the front at once. Both docs agree that doing a third session will not be a problem because they both remove the old donor scar in each subsequent surgery. I have not had good luck hearing from Feller personally, only his secretary or the girl who answers email. She is very slow to respond and very short in words. Anyway....it seems that "dense packing" is becoming quite prevalent, whereas some docs are still more conservative with it. Putting all 2000 in the front is honestly what I would want to do on my next surgery...but again, there are mixed views on this. Based on my circumstances and my pictures, anyone have any veteran opinions on this? I still want to talk to Feller too...because I am sensing, though I could be wrong, that he would be the one to be able to do the most amount of grafts in one sitting, and honestly, as long as it's "safe" meaning I get the most potential growth out of it, I'd much rather go for one more session being a megasession, than 2 more sessions, though who knows...I may end up doing that anyway. Well, I digress....thoughts? Bill
  5. Hi all...I just posted my ...ok...almost 7 months pictures! Take a look and tell me what you think! I also finally got a haircut on the top for the first time since the procedure if you can believe it. All the hairs are not even which is a good thing....though the longer hair gave the appearance of more density. I think the barber cut it a little too short, so I'll probably grow the top a little bit again...but not too much. Don't want a comb over appearance...blah. Also...need some advice... In your veteran experience...how many more grafts do you think I need in the front half to make it dense enough to see very little to no scalp? How many in the back? Obviously, I have a finite amount of donor hair...but, I'm just curious what you all think. Also...there has been much controversy over dense packing vs spreading out surgeries over 3 or 4 sessions, etc. Does anyone have a conclusive answer on this? Thanks. Bill
  6. Hey J020! Thanks for the updated pics. I see what you mean now...I can't see it clearly, but I do see hairloss....well, welcome to the club...and good luck on your HT. I forget if you said this already, but because you are so young...make sure that you get on Propecia to prevent further loss...because there is a good possibility that you will lose a lot more. My only fear for you is you'll get an awesome HT, it will look good, then you will begin to lose more hair, etc...and have to fill in the areas. But we all gotta start somewhere. Just start using the meds that will help prevent further hairloss if you are not. Bill
  7. I believe both True and Feller perform FUEs in NYC. Bill
  8. J020...do you have any clearer pics that we can see your hair? Honestly...I think a lot of the confusion here and the different posts are because noone can really tell your level of hairloss. Personally, I can't see any thinning in your hair whatsoever. In my opinion, from the pics I see, you don't need any grafts, but get on Propecia ASAP to prevent further loss! BUT...if you have clearer pictures, we may be able to decipher it easier for you. BUT, anything anyone says here...shouldn't be regarded as gospel. Schedule some consultations with docs, or even do virtual consultations...BUT, get more clear pics if you are going to do virutal consults! Cheers! ---Edit ---- About shockloss....there is always a risk for shockloss...which is one reason why I don't think it's worth going under the knife if you still have pretty thick hair. BUT, in theory, only the hairs that are destined to fall out may not come back with shock loss, the rest will come back. Bill
  9. Perhaps it's my naivity or the fact that I'm not as experienced as some of the veterans here, but I see no reason why he shouldn't proceed with an HT, if he finds the right Doc who can do a good job. i have seen patients with more hairloss than him get excellent results. It obviously will depend on your donor area and how much donor hair you have, but if your donor area has 4k to 5k grafts in it, I say, by all means, go for it if you find the right doc! You are young, that is your only downfall with this, BUT, most of your hair is already gone in the front...so as long as you write off ever doing any crown work if/when you lose the hair there, you should be satisfied. My advice...do your homework, check out some top docs, and see what they say at the consultation. What I am saying here is my opinion only and should not be taken as gospel. Good luck! Edit --- Added Material --- It is good that you are taking Proscar and it has stopped or at least slowed down your hairloss! Bill
  10. good stuff! I have a feeling that the light brown might be a perfect match...but who knows! My hair is like a golden blondish brown...hard to describe...some lights it looks dark, and other lights it looks truly blonde. Might be hard to match completely! Bill
  11. Thanks man! I should be getting it on Friday...per their email. I ordered a light and medium brown...so we'll see how it goes. I hope I can get it to match my hair color...if not, then back to the drawing board! Can you blend the colors? If so...how hard is that? Any experience doing that? Bill
  12. Ok...I took the plunge and ordered some Dermatch...I normally wear a hat everywhere...so I am going to give this a shot to see what happens!!! Your pics with Dermatch look so good Robert that you have inspired me...so here I go! Hopefully after one or 2 more HTs, I won't need it anymore! Bill
  13. Thanks Bonzo and Robert, Robert, Yeah, I guess when I go for a second consultation, I'll see what the doctor says about my donor supply. I definately have a thick head of hair...in the back and sides....wish it were still true for the top....but we'll get there eh? yeah, even after the first HT, I got what seems to be plenty of hair left back there...even at a clip 1 haircut, I can't see any hair missing, but the scar is still a little red. So I'll keep you posted on all that...especially with pics as I continue on. I get conflicting opinions, however, from doc to doc as far as when I can get a second HT. Most docs and people on this board say to wait at least 8 months to a year, whereas a few docs are saying I could get one now (6 months). What do you think? Bill
  14. Hey Robert, Yeah, I'm pretty happy at what I'm seeing. My plans, however, for the future are (with docs recommendation of course), is to hit the hairline and front half with a good 1600-2500 grafts depending on doc recommendation, then do a 3rd surgery and focus on the crown...which hopefully by then...I'll be good to go...but we'll see of course. Thanks for the support! Bill
  15. 6 Month Pictures Added! Please let me know what you think! I'm glad to see we can post pictures again! Comments are always appreciated. Bill
  16. Darn...I still can't post pics...guess I can't do a 6 month update yet. Any word on the pic posting problem? Bill
  17. Hey Robert, Thanks for the post. I can be patient...no problem . I just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one having the problem and that the appropriate people were aware. Thanks again! Bill
  18. Hey..is anyone else here having problem posting photos? Even when I try to create a new photo album or try to modify my photo album, I get an error stating that my request cannot be completed at this time. This has been going on for a week... Bill
  19. Hey..is anyone else here having problem posting photos? Even when I try to create a new photo album or try to modify my photo album, I get an error stating that my request cannot be completed at this time. This has been going on for a week... Bill
  20. Hey action, 1600 to 2000 grafts will definately help you out and give you some hair in the front...just don't expect it to be very thick. If finances are a problem, you could always start with 1600 or 2000 and then add more later. Bill
  21. Hi action, I am no expert by any means, but first a few questions: Do you take finasteride or minoxodil? I personally haven't had much luck with minoxodil, although it does work nicely for some...some even state that they swear that it work on the hairline. If you don't take finasteride, I would suggest looking into it. BAsed on the picture you provided, it looks like you will indeed lost more hair in the middle section, and possibly more. Finasteride could potentially stop your hairloss where it is. You should definately do your research as to what doc to use, etc, but it looks like you would definately benefit from a larger session, 3K-5K depending on what your donor area can handle. A good doc will be able to restore a natural looking age appropriate hairline and fill in a lot of that area nicely. Again, however, consider taking finasteride if you don't, because you will definately lose much more hair, especially since you are only 21 years old. I feel for ya man...I started losing my hair when i was 22 years old. Bill
  22. This is an interesting topic indeed. My doctor for example, Dr. Katz is more on the conservative side and only does 1600 max at a time...and one of his beliefs is simply what has been stated here...that doing too many grafts at once could "potentially" ( Bill
  23. well...outside of not being able to post pictures...all is well =P Hope the pictures upload gets resolved soon! Bill
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