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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. bump to observe 3 week 5 day photos. Comments? Questions? Advice?
  2. Hello everyone, thought I'd give you all an update: I just got a haircut today, 2 clip around the sides and back....whew, does that feel better. I'm 3 weeks and 5 days post op and I've just added some 3 pictures. I have posted pictures of the side views, hairline, and top of the head, and the donor scar. About at 3 weeks, I started shedding some of the little hairs on top of my head...unfortunately, I think some of the longer hairs are shedding too. There is still some pink on top of my head...hopefully that will fade within the next month. But I do know that I have seen some people who have kept their pinkness in their scalp for many months. Hmmm....well, we'll see. Also, I believe I have experienced some shock loss around the donor area....there is a little more hair missing around the scar when I look in the mirror. It's not bad though, I can live with it....but I do hope it grows back soon. I posted a picture, though I'm not sure it really shows the shockloss all that well. I can see it in the mirror though. Anyway, please post comments and/or questions. I'd be happy to answer anything, or read any comments. Thanks. Bill
  3. Follicular....very interesting indeed. I hear ya...I had respect for this guy too, though I was concerned about him getting too much sun on his grafted head. Always a concern the first month. Bill
  4. So...interesting thing....kind of random, but I thought I would share it: I was at the Jersey shore (Ocean City) this past Saturday August 20th, and I see a dude who must have just recently had a hair transplant walking on the boardwalk. I just found it interesting because I've never really seen that before. It was kind of strange to me, but very cool actually. I could identify with the guy immediately. I probably would have gone up and said something if I wasn't with 2 people that didn't know I had an HT myself. I had some concerns though for him...because it seems like he just recently had the HT, though I could have been mistaken. I saw him from the front first and he was walking the opposite way on the boardwalk. He was sporting a buzz cut. Hair in the front were obviously grafts, and it made me turn around after he passed to get a look at the back. Scar was obvious, looked relatively fresh in my opinion...or at least obvious. My concern for him was that if it was indeed a fresh HT, he shouldn't have been walking around without a cap...exposing his head to the sun at the shore. Anyway...I am curious...I know not all people who have HTs post on these boards...but was anyone from this board in Ocean City, NJ this weekend? Maybe it was someone from here? Hmmmm...that would be interesting. Bill
  5. So...interesting thing....kind of random, but I thought I would share it: I was at the Jersey shore (Ocean City) this past Saturday August 20th, and I see a dude who must have just recently had a hair transplant walking on the boardwalk. I just found it interesting because I've never really seen that before. It was kind of strange to me, but very cool actually. I could identify with the guy immediately. I probably would have gone up and said something if I wasn't with 2 people that didn't know I had an HT myself. I had some concerns though for him...because it seems like he just recently had the HT, though I could have been mistaken. I saw him from the front first and he was walking the opposite way on the boardwalk. He was sporting a buzz cut. Hair in the front were obviously grafts, and it made me turn around after he passed to get a look at the back. Scar was obvious, looked relatively fresh in my opinion...or at least obvious. My concern for him was that if it was indeed a fresh HT, he shouldn't have been walking around without a cap...exposing his head to the sun at the shore. Anyway...I am curious...I know not all people who have HTs post on these boards...but was anyone from this board in Ocean City, NJ this weekend? Maybe it was someone from here? Hmmmm...that would be interesting. Bill
  6. Hey harry, I feel your pain man...thought HairBeThere's words give me comfort too. I'm 3 weeks post op and I believe I am experiencing some shockloss too. I take comfort in the fact that this is considered normal. But let's face it. We all hate it! So how far are you along harry? Bill
  7. First I just wanted to share that I've been using Propecia for over 10 months now and have experience 0 side effects. I second the fact that the studies on Propecia's website show that very few men have side effects, but of course it can happen. None for me, and I'm 10 months in. so hopefully that gives you some comfort. I have some reservations about Proscar...and I've seen one or two other members from either this site or another post the same concern. using Proscar, though obviously over 4 days are getting 5mm, and though it averages out to 1.25 mm which is .25 mm more than with Propecia a day, there are other concerns. The proscar pill pay contain 5mm of Finasteride, but most likely it's not evenly spread out through the pill. That being said, one day you may be getting 0mm of Finasteride (problem), and the second day you may be getting 3mm of Finasteride (overdose though possibly not harmful...I'm not a doctor so i couldn't tell you that). But if you put it all together, you may not be getting enough finasteride in one day to stay in your system when needed, and other days you may be taking too much. Proscar isn't actually designed for MPB, though obviously people use it. I can't attest to whether or not it's as effective as Propecia, but this is just one of my concerns for those who use this drug. What are some other's thoughts on this? If I could do it all over again, I would have gotten on Propecia when i was 22 years old and minoxodil at the same time. Minoxodil 5% I believe was working for me for a bit, and then as foolish as I was, I stopped....I don't even remember why. My hairloss started to continue and then about 1 year later I resumed Minoxodil 5%. Well, it started itching my scalp which made me stop due to excessive itching. Then I tried a number of scam products due to lack of experience and research like Folliguard, and Nism, and that was the extend of it. i wasted about 2 years on those products and my hair only got worse. then I tried a minoxodil 2% (didn't itch my scalp), revivogen combination which just made my hair one big goopy mess because of all the topicals i was putting on. Revivogen had no effect on me and my hairloss only got worse and worse. It wasn't until about 10 months ago that my hair was already really thin, practically gone, that I read about HTs, Propecia, etc. So I have taken the plunge after awhile of researching both into the HT world since I was deemed a good candidate at a NW5a, and got on Propecia to try to preserve the existing hair I have. 1 HT gave me decent results, but now I just finished number 2. Number 2 looks more promising because the number of grafts were increased from 1600 to 2249 and Propecia seemingly is helping me maintain my existing hair. All that to say, what I learned was...get on Propecia as soon as possible and use it with Minoxodil. Bill
  8. harry, Thanks for posting on the boards. My advice to you would be, if you don't know what DHT is, don't even consider a hair transplant until you do some studying on hairloss in general. I agree 100% with arfy. Get on the meds as long as you aren't experiencing side effects. DHT is what attacks your hair follicles and slowly kills them. Propecia blocks DHT in most men and helps maintain and possibly even grow back some of the dying hair that was once effected by DHT. Minoxodil is a stimulant that does not block DHT. It will help possibly regrow some hair, but it's not as effective as Propecia in most people. Research both meds, go to Rogaine's site and Propecia and read about them and what they can do for you. I hope this helps. Bill
  9. Thanks for the posts Hair and Arfy. I figure it would help those checking out this doc to be aware of why they were being told to avoid that doc. I didn't know much about this doc before your posts. Thanks for the info. Bill
  10. kg007, Thanks for the response. I'm glad that docs are confident in doing the work there. So what hangups are you still having then? You say you are still not sure, is there anything I or other people here can help you with...maybe questions you still have? None of us can make decisions for you of course, and having another HT is a big decision and costly. So if you need any additional input, feel free to ask. Keep us all posted and I hope everything works out for you! Bill
  11. Hey Kg, I see what you mean about the thinning, but it seems to me that in order for the thinning to become obvious, you have to really try to make it obvious, by coming hair over to the right and left so you can see the thinning. I'm curious what you would look like if you just styled your hair straight back what the might look like. Anyway, since you are on Propecia and your hairloss has stabilized, that's definately a good thing. See what your doc recommends as far as a treatment, but I still think your hairline looks pretty healthy, though a little thin. I'm curious to see what you decide. Keep us posted. Bill
  12. Hey Kg, Well, I'm not sure who else shares my opinion, but it seems to me that you have a very nice looking and natural hairline with a good amount of natural hair in the front. In my opinion, I would leave the hairline alone. There is a possibility due to shockloss of a net loss, though I know you have been explained those risks so you are aware. Personally, I think your front portion looks great already, very natural and thick. Leave it alone...focus on the crown and save some grafts for if/when you lose more in the front. I"m not sure how old you are, but you look young....you never know what might happen and you may lose more hair. Just my opinion. Bill
  13. Hi Ken, I'm glad to see you have progressed past the swelling phase and worrying about putting on a hat and all that good stuff. I've been there twice before now, and only 17 days post op from my second procedure...so I'm a bit behind you...and just as impatient even though I know how it works out. My advice to you at this point, is just stick to your regimine, whatever that is, which hopefully includes Propecia and maybe Minoxodil, etc. In about 3 to 4 months you should start seeing some good sprouting and in about 6 months you'll look like a new man. I'd love to see some pictures if you have any....of before op, right after op, and then now. When hairs start to grow, it would be nice to see more pics so we can chart your progress. Hope all is well. Bill
  14. RMD, Good to see that others are sharing in this with you. It can be disheartening as I told you to see other's sprouting and earlier times while you are waiting. And even I said I was worried for you because I don't have enough experience to know whether 4.5 months post op and still waiting was normal. But it seems like all is well, so take deep breaths of relief, and get ready to start seeing growth soon. You have my email address, so keep the emails coming with your progress. Keep taking pictures too at this point so you can start comparing pictures. That's the best way you can see if you are getting desired results. Write soon. Bill
  15. Hey Arfy, Wow, I never even heard of that doc. So why not go to him? I'm only asking, not because I ever intended to go to him, but because I think it's important for those who suggest not going to a doc to back up their suggestion with evidence of poor results or poor methodology. So if you would indulge me and the rest of the readers, it might help others in their decision making process. Thanks man! Bill
  16. I agree with both Terry and GuitarPlayer. I never heard of the product you are using, and since I have tried a number of herbal remedies over the years without any success, I am not on the only medicine proven to combat hairloss, which is Propecia and Minoxodil. I agree with GuitarPlayer....try using it only at night and then wash your hair in the morning. I personally use Nizoral and Nioxin...two different shampoos. Note: The shampoo I use is not designed to regrow hair, but it helps cleanse the scalp to make it optimal for hair growth. And believe me, I understand your pain man...but it does sound like you have an awesome girlfriend...a woman who will love you even if you go bald. What more can you ask for? My wife is the same way...but in the midst, I still feel that I want my hair back. So I feel your pain. Bill
  17. Hi billy, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this post does put out an "alarm" if you will in my mind, because I'm not sure how one couldn't be happier when one is only 7 days post op. I admit that one can be happy about the experience they've had for the surgery, but in order for me to be happy, I need to start seeing results. So...with all due respect, and I don't want to assume, but I've seen posts like these in various places...and normally it's either an employee of the doctor or a paid patient for posting positive feedback about a Dr. Saying, that he "understands the science and art of hair restoration" sounds like an advertisement gimmick. So I ask you, does this define you? If not, I'm sorry, and I do ask for you to describe your experience and post photos for us all to see. But I have to ask . Bill
  18. Hello and welcome to the boards. I don't know that Propecia can necessarily be to blame for the shedding. Our hair goes through natural cycles of shedding anyway, and whether or not you are on Propecia, you may have been shedding anyway. My advice would be, 3 months is way too early to tell if Propecia will work for you. My advice would be...if you are not experiencing side effects, to stay on it. Start taking pictures of your hair and top of your head from every angle and monitor progress by comparing pictures every 3 months. Ultimately, as long as you are not losing anymore hair, it is working for you. But it is good to give Propecia at least a year before quitting early unless you are experiencing side effects. I am not a doctor and this is just my opinion. Bill
  19. I don't know about that man. There is nothing proven about Saw Palmetto from what I am aware of...and I may be wrong, but I think coming off Propecia will be a mistake especially if you were only on it for 8 months. If you were going to regrow any hair on Propecia, you should give it at the very least a year, and it is known for maintenance of existing hair. My advice would be...unless you are experiencing side effects from Propecia, get back on that, and if you want to try Saw Palmetto in addition to that, do that, but don't get off of Propecia...or you'll end up like me...losing just about all my hair and then start getting Hair Transplants. I suspect that if I started taking Propecia when I was about 22, I would have been able to maintain a lot more hair. Bill
  20. Dude...if my hair looked like that...I wouldn't have gone for another one. You've already got a nice thick hairline and front half....but that's just me. However....I am sure you will look great in about 3 or 4 more months or so. Keep us posted. Bill
  21. Makers, I've had 2 HTs and I live in your area. First I saw Dr. Katz of PA in Washington Crossing. I feel that he did an excellent job for the number of grafts placed (1600). Check out my link in the photos section under Dr. Katz to see all my pics from day after surgery until about 9 months. Also, I just had my second HT with Dr. True in NY of 2249 grafts. I'm only 15 days post op, but everything is healing nicely, and it looks promising, though I can't tell you anything about results yet. Another guy nicknamed Northern has had an HT with True and Dorin also, and he has made excellent progress. I believe he has initial pictures and his story posted under the photos section, and update pics are posted under the surgeons and experience section. As to why I chose True over Katz for the second HT, check out my description and photos under the photos section for Dr. True. Katz did an excellent job...but as my hairloss gets more progressive, I'm looking for docs that will do larger graft sessions who also have a good reputation. Take your time, do your research. You won't find too many postings about Katz on here, or at least noone else who has had an HT by him besides me. But for what it's worth....he did a good job on me. Hope that helps. Bill
  22. Ken, Congrats on the HT by the way. Just somethign to point out...the scar you have will never go away, only heal and become less noticable due to it becoming more white and less red. But if you have dark hair, you will probably not ever want to buzz down to a 1 clip again...because the scar will be noticable, however, depending on how many grafts were taken and how the doctor closed the wound, the scar may be very thin and coverable with a number 2 clip. If you are that concerned about the scar....start with a 4 as someone else suggested. As for me, once my scar heals and is not so red, I'll probalby go down to a 1 clip again anyway. I don't really care if my scar is seeable...as long as I have nice hair on top =). Bill
  23. I have to say, I'm very concerned for goingbaldn20s. I haven't done any individual research on Bosley, but I've heard just about everybody say how awful they are. That being said, I'm not sure I understand why your hairs aren't growing in...and I'd be concerned about going for a second HT before the first ones start to sprout. I have more questions than answers for you I guess...but I'm with you. I don't know how wise it would be to go get a second HT in case the 1st HT hairs start growing in at some point. Does anyone know...what are the chances that the first HT hairs will still grow in at 5.5 months post op if no growth has started yet? Anyone know? This really hasn't been addressed by anyone here...but it definately seems that this is absolutely abnormal and a devastation especially being that you put out a lot of money for this and now have a scar to prove you've gotten an HT, but no results. Can anyone address if the HT he had may still grow? Any other cases like his where the grafts haven't grown in even a little bit by this point? Thanks. Bill
  24. Northern, I am excited to see your pictures being posted. You look awesome man. I can't believe just how much hair has grown in...that's awesome. I'm a fellow True patient myself now...just 15 days post op today. So the long wait begins for me...I hope I have as much growth as you, and I should be pretty good. I'm excited for you man. Keep us up to date with your pictures, and feel free to take a look at mine in the photo section. Bill
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