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Bill - Seemiller

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Posts posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1.  Ironically, I think you might be talking about Gentel_man83,  recently contacted me through private message, around the same time you started asking questions about this. He asked me to comment on the doctors reply on his topic but he did not post a link to it. That said it was a Dr. Feriduni topic.   

     If that’s the topic you are talking about, it is definitely not removed  


  2. 4 minutes ago, TrixGlendevon said:

    @Bill - Managing Publisher any reason why this would have disappeared? I am sure @crankyhair won't connect to say which result he is referring to.

     This is something I will need more information to look into. However, I do vaguely remember a topic where someone expressed disappointment with the results however, if the topic has been archived out of public view, there would have been a statement that was added with the explanation as to why. This topic would have remained  visible for several days giving members a chance to read my final words on the topic. 

     If you can refresh my memory as to who created the topic, I could probably find more details. Truthfully, I don’t even know if the topic has been removed or maybe the title of the topic has been changed, etc. 

     Any additional information you have will be helpful in allowing me to  investigate this and providing you with an answer. 

     Best wishes, 


  3.  I started posting on this forum, well when it was the old Groupee / Infopop forum back in 2004. Back then, I was told that hair cloning would likely be available in 5 to 10 years. And guess what… It’s now 2018 and I’m being told that hair cloning is going to be available in 5 to 10 years.   It seems like things just aren’t working out the way those who continue to experiment with it, or whole thing. Many companies have tried, experimented and phase 3 trials just don’t go as planned.   So Lord only knows how long it will actually take for any of these so-called Shores to become available however, I’m certainly not holding my breath. 

    Best wishes,


  4. On 3/13/2018 at 7:00 PM, stefano1 said:

    fellow hairloss sufferers


    please sign and SHARE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN the petition for the commercialization of the brotzu lotion


    thank you!!!

    (Link removed)


     I’m not sure actually what is lotion yes but I have no idea why anybody should sign a petition for the commercialization of it. Frankly, this sounds like a blatant promotion and we certainly aren’t going to allow that on this forum. On the other hand, if you would like to start a new topic and provide us with some information about the products and tell me what your involvement is, why you want it commercialized, etc. Perhaps we can discuss it as a community. But blatantly advertising is against the policies of this forum. 

    Best regards,


  5. Wylie,

     I’m not sure I know what you mean. Can you post a screenshot?   What color is it now and what color do you suggest? You mentioned yellow and black, but our key colors are blue and gold/orange.  

     That said, one of the easiest ways to keep track of posts that were created during the day is to go to the menu, which is either in the grid menu on mobile or under “activity“ on the desktop called “today’s posts”   This will show you a list of topics that have an updated within the same day. There is also a “newest posts” on the desktop version  that will show you all new posts since you’ve last logged on. Now I don’t think it shows it in the same format, I think it shows every single post so the same topic may appear multiple times but each link will be a different post on topic. 

     Also, there are ways to  set up your own “activity stream is” which is like creating custom search results that will always appear for you without having to re-create them. Once you create them, they save for you and for you only.  

     Don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly willing to consider your request I just don’t understand what your request is. Please let me know. 

    Best wishes,


  6. 3 hours ago, Sean said:

    Layout is really good- looks like something that flows with todays technology.  Easier to post via iphone rather then the popups that were utilized previously.  

    Can we add more features?  Podcasts?  Q and A call ins?  Surgeon Q and A’s once in a while over the phone and live events?  

    Does HTN plan on hosting any events?  

     Melvin already Provided an excellent response but I just wanted to comment on hosting events. Given the global nature of our discussion forum and our members, I’m not exactly sure what kind of event we can’t really host.   That said, there are times when we attend the annual ISHRS conference that we might host an event for anyone who’s there, mostly doctors but sometimes patients will attend and if they do, they are welcome to attend our events.    There is a possibility that we may be attending this year‘s meeting and if we do, then we may be hosting an event.  

     We will certainly let you know if we do decide to attend and host such an event but even then, there’s usually a cost to attend the ISHRS event  but in many cases, doctors do often pay for patients to show them  and the results off at the conference. There is always a patient showing at the meeting so keep that in mind ?

    best wishes,


    • Like 1
  7. On 7/29/2018 at 4:26 AM, Mick50 said:

    Love the new site ,great improvement much more user friendly   As I said to you Melvin I would like the option of being able to select option of only members being able to view my pics which was possible in the old site .


    Thanks for your suggestion. We can contact the makers of the software and put in a request for future updates. Though we have truly customized their solution to meet our needs, there are certain aspects of the software that we can’t customize. That includes that type of functionality. On one hand, I agree that it would be nice to allow members to upload photos for members to see only. On the other hand,  The primary purpose of this for him is to enable anyone seeking hair restoration solutions to research our forum and view its contents. Not everybody wants to join just to search and surf the web. People tend to only to join if they want to post.  

    Therefore, I feel like by implementing this feature, we are limiting  fellow hair loss sufferers who are looking for real information quickly without wanting to join and post  and preventing them from seeing certain before and after pictures that would help them make a decision. Of course, if they really want to see certain pictures they can always join but some people may become frustrated and leave the site and go somewhere else. 

    Imagine of all members decided to restrict their photos to members only. If that happens, then 95% of the people who find our forum would never find what you’re looking for. Most of them will probably leave rather than join.   And truthfully, I really only want to encourage people to join if they plan on posting. 

     Anyway, I just wanted to provide my two cents on this. But I can certainly put in the request and see what the programmers say. 

    Best wishes,


  8. 5 hours ago, hanginginthewire said:

    Nope, I haven’t had any work done. I shaved my head to see if I liked the look, not for a transplant.    

    The last two are with grown out hair.  The frontal third looks fucked.  Midscalp and crown look okay for now, but, as you can see when it’s buzzed down - the pattern of diffusion is definitely hairline to crown.  So, if I improved the frontal third with, say, 2000ish grafts, aren’t I gonna be in a risky position as the loss continues and my donor is depleting and my retrograde possibly climbing up?  

    Despite the Propecia, if I tug slightly on the hairs on my temples - several very weak, miniaturized/dying hairs slip right out.  On my crown and midscalp, the hairs easily pull out too, but look a little stronger / less minaturized. 

    I can totally relate to what you’re feeling. I remember when I first started losing my hair in my 20s I was devastated.  Hair has always been iconic to me for whatever reason, perhaps it’s because I used to wear my hair longer and attracted many females you thought I looked like Brad Pitt.

    Before that though, in freshman year of high school, I  was coerced into shaving my head, which was a tradition  for freshman on the swim team.   I was already attempting to grow my hair longer at the time so I dreaded having to shave my head. What’s worse, my girlfriend at the time broke up with me  immediately after I shaved my lustrous locks. Right there and then, I knew I look terrible without hair. 

    So after I shave my head, I’ve vowed to never do it again and I started growing my hair long. Not super long, but long enough where it was down to my chin and apparently it was around the same time that movies like “legend of the fall” came out where Brad Pitt was voted best looking man of the year. And to hear women say that it looks like him especially with my hair and to have many gorgeous women want to run your fingers through it and play with it, pair became part of my identity.

    So when I started losing my hair when I was in my early 20s, I was devastated. I knew I was destined to become that ugly old looking bald guy that I had learned to despise when I was a freshman in high school. Even with the smallest bald spot, I wore a hat everywhere I went. 

     By the time I was 25, I had lost a significant amount of hair and people started asking me why I was always wearing a hat. Yes, I was being cold cold even though people could not see my head. But yet it still made me feel better wearing the hat.  

     By the time I was 27, I decided something had to be done. I was insecure about my looks, despite the fact that I was in some of the best shape of my life. I just felt like I couldn’t be normal. I would avoid going to events that meant the hat had to come off.    My hat, instead of my hair had become a big part of my broken identity. 

    So in doing some research I found this very website. Now, it didn’t look anything like this at the time, it was 14 years ago. But there was a discussion forum and it was still pretty active even back then. I found a local doctor and learned that with the amount of hair loss I had, I would need multiple hair transplant procedure is to achieve my goals.

    So I knew what I was in for, I knew it was a journey and not a one time fix. I also knew that Though I already have significant hair loss, the remaining hair on top of my head but also disappear. Thus, during my journey, I would experience a net gain but I would also lose the rest of my natural hair while I continued restoring as much hair on top of my head as possible.

     I didn’t start developing any sense of self-confidence until after my third hair transplant was mostly grown in. By that time,  I had over 7000 grafts and all the rest of my natural hair had fallen out.  What my hair looked pretty good and I was actually able to go around without a hat.

    After my fourth hair transplant, I had over 9600 grafts  and I felt very confident about my hair. The frontal third of my scalp was  covered by fairly thick hair, the mid Scott region was also pretty thick and the back, was still a little thin but to be honest, by the time my journey was complete, I really wasn’t overly concerned about the mild thinning I had compared to the fact that I would have been completely bald. 

     I wore my hair very short for many years and it looks great. Frankly, I think my hair looks best when I wear it short. I combed it forward and spiked the bangs And nobody even knows I’ve experienced any hair loss. That is, until they see the back and then the only comment I usually get is “well it’s a little thin back there but nobody would ever really notice that “ or “ well it’s a little thin back there but that’s perfectly normal for guys your age“.  

     So why did I take the time to share all this with you? Well, because it’s very possible that you may embark on your own journey that leads to hair restoration  and a renewed sense of self-confidence. However, right now you are still in the early stages just like I was when I was 21. You still have a significant amount of hair, at least as far as I can see in the pictures. When I was 21, I had a significant amount of hair but even a slight bit of thinning in the crown cost me to panic and feel like I had to wear hat hide it. 

    Believe me, you will adjust. I know that doesn’t sound overly comforting, but there are solutions here that can make you feel much more confident and accept some realities over time.  

     So what is your long-term strategy?   If you are not already using hair loss  medication such as Propecia and Rogaine I encourage you to consider it. Make sure you understand the potential side effects if you are going to use them however, if you do it may help you save much of your existing hair and then you can get air transplant surgery to thicken the thinning areas. But yes, you may be on a journey that requires multiple procedures over time just like I had to do. But for me, it was worth it in the end.

    Best wishes,


  9. Mosd and all,

    For the record, Dr. Karadeniz Is NOT recommended by this community. Ironically, the reason why he is not is because she did not want to be scrutinized or held publicly accountable by a discussion forum community. That said, that doesn’t mean that any of his work isn’t great in most cases, I really don’t know. But I do know is, we were first initially impressed by what we saw but given that he didn’t want to be held publicly accountable on our forum, we could not continue with his recommendation.   To be fair, this was his choice and we never discontinued his recommendation officially. However, had he asked to be recommended anyway but not held publicly accountable on this forum, we would’ve had to discontinue his recommendation. 

     That said, I do see some areas of thin spots however, it doesn’t look bad with your hair styled.  Have you spoken with Dr. Karadeniz  about your concerns? If so, what did he say? If not, why not? 

     I am however, going to change the topic of this thread because this doctor is not recommended. Even if he was at the time, this particular topic was created long after he was recommended and thus, it is not fair to this community to suggest that your result is as a result of a recommended doctor when it’s not. 

    Best wishes,


  10.  Based on what you’re telling me it really sounds like all or at least most of the transplanted hair did grow but that you are experiencing more natural hair loss to to male pattern baldness.    Believe it or not, 3700 grafts is not a lot in the scheme of things. If you lost a lot of natural hair,  and you’re a sensually bald on top other than the transplant and hair, then yes, you will still see substantial amounts of thinning  and need more work done. I hope your hair restoration surgeon went over this with you because the reality is, most people who continue to experience hair loss will need subsequent procedures to get the results they need and want.

     As a case in point, I’ve had for hair transplants and 9600 grafts.  Without them, I’d be completely bald on top.  However, even though I’ve had so many grafts, there is still an appearance of thinning hair in the back.    Truthfully, it would take approximately 11,500 grafts  spread out over the entire top of a bald scalp, assuming somebody is a Norwood 5  to create an outfit illusion of density, which is approximately 50% original hair density. Somebody with out any hair loss possess is approximately 23,000 follicular units on top of their scalp.   Considering I’ve had 9600, pretty close to 11,500, my results are still pretty darn good. But true density is not really achievable for somebody like me or even you if you’ve lost all your natural hair.

     I hope the above puts things in perspective for you and now you can plan accordingly. If you want thicker and fuller hair, you can certainly obtain it with subsequent hair transplant procedures.  

     Question is, what are your goals now? Are you stopping or are you going back for more work?  And who will you go to if you undergo hair transplant surgery again?

    Best wishes,


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  11. @motopokep

     Thank you for returning to share your results 2.5 years after your hair transplant. It is very possible that you lost a lot more natural hair and what you’re seeing is the result of permanent hair do to your hair transplant but a total loss of your natural hair due to male pattern baldness, potentially exacerbated/escalated by the trauma to your scalp when you had the transplant. 

    Now that said, this is just a guess. It’s also possible that you didn’t experience much growth. It would really help if you shared some of your progress pictures six months after your hair transplant, one year after your hair transplant, 18 months after and then of course we see now.   

     The question is, what’s your hair ever thicker than it is now such as, year or year and a half ago? Have you been continuing to lose more hair? 

     Also, how old are you? It’s very possible based on your hair loss pattern that I can see in your before pictures, that you are still losing natural hair or still work and while you may not have acquired any additional hair, at least your hair now is permanent… At least assuming the hair in your after pictures is transplanted hair.

    I do recommend contacting Dr. Nader  to discuss your concerns and perhaps if you are local or are able, let him evaluate your scalp in person. 

     Alternatively, you can visit one of our prescreened hair restoration physicians for a second evaluation. They can look at your scalp under magnification and see which hairs are transplanted and which ones are natural. Yes, you can tell under close magnification. 


    Click above to see which hair transplants we recommend and to consult with one of them now. 

    Best wishes,


  12. 7shel,

     welcome to our hair restoration forum community. Thank you also for sharing a detailed account of your experience with Dr. Dorin.  Looks like you were blessed with a significant amount of natural hair so clearly you didn’t need a large number of grafts to get the desired result. I’m sure your hairline will look much more refined when the results grow in. I couldn’t tell from the pictures but are any of the grafts put in there crown area?  

    i look forward to following your progress. 

    Best wishes,


  13. Browess,

    Welcome to our hair restoration discussion forum. I understand what it’s like to be frustrated and discouraged  while you are waiting for your results to grow in. But like you said, you are only one month postop from your eyebrow hair transplant procedure and you need to be patient.   I know that’s easier said than done, but this is what we all go through with hair transplants. I know this is on your face and not your scalp so you can’t conceal it with a hat,  thought maybe some of our members can help you come up with something to eat or conceal it or come up with a story as to why your eyebrows may look like that for now. 

    Best Wishes,


  14. 13 hours ago, newpatient99 said:

    Is 7 months ok to be outside in the sun without a hair for extended period of time? Especially here in Houston when it's like a 100 in the summer. 

    I just want to add my thoughts here. Technically, you should never be outside in the sun for an extended period time without sunscreen. Your hair transplant will be fine, but Over exposure to the sun could lead to skin problems. I strongly Recommend either covering your head with a hat or wearing sunscreen on your scouts if you will be in the Shaun’s for an extended period of time. And this is it because of your hair transplant at this point, it’s just to protect your skin.

    Best wishes,


  15. It sounds like your questions and concerns have been answered but allow me to say that there are certainly cases where Staples can be left in longer. Spencer/specs says that he has not heard cases of staples being left in that long. I actually happen to be one of those cases where my staples for my  third or fourth procedure, I can’t remember which were left in for 22 days. That’s because there was a lot of strain on the donor area and to minimize any risks of stretching, my doctor thought it would be better to err on the side of caution.   

     But it sounds like you’re on the right track and now in particular since you have any biotics for the minor infection

    Best wishes,


  16.  Out of curiosity is there any reason why you haven’t chosen a physician that is recommended by our community? Those we recommend have been prescreened and have proven to meet our high standards.   At the end of the day, patients are the ones who decide who is recommended here and who is not.  

     Of course, my post is not meant to suggest that Dr. Karadeniz Doesn’t do good work however, those recommended by our community have a proven track record of producing outstanding results. They are highly visible online and are willing to stand up to public scrutiny. Those are the hair surgeons that  most end up selecting because they know they are in the best hands. 

     To see who we recommend  in Turkey, visit https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list.asp?StateAbr=TKY 

     Simply click on a physician‘s name to learn more about each one. You can also click “consult now“ to ask each doctor a question and get a free consult online.  

    Best wishes,



  17. For the record, there is no such thing as FUT versus FUE. FUE is one of the two donor harvesting techniques of FUT. The other one is tricky surgery or follicular unit strip surgery / FUSS.  

     That said, strip surgery is still a very viable done harvesting technique that produces outstanding results. That is, assuming you’ve chosen an excellent surgeon which obviously you did with Dr. Konior.  

    Best wishes,


  18. 6 hours ago, made2care said:

    I think you are correct here and another member mentioned styling in a way that's not too noticeable. In 3 days I will be at 1 month post op , so I don't think the hair fibers will cause issues in the recipient site. I will definitely research the hair concealer. 

    Thanks for everyone's concern and suggestions. I will take a pic the morning I go back to work and see what you think. 

    Cant wait for my new hair to start growing. Patience, lots of patience.

    since I'm on here, here is a current pic. I am no combing what little hair I have left forward. I believe if I sprinkle some hair fibers in there and spray with hair spray, it just might work. 

    Man, I wish I could have had the crown area done as well but I will have to wait. These procedure's are expensive!!

    chow for now


    I understand what it’s like to want to get everything done all at once. Believe me, I would have less hair on the top of my scalp than you did in the beginning if I never had any hair transplant surgery. In fact, I wouldn’t have any hair on top of my head. Of course, I had an exceptional donor hair supply and I was able to get 9600 grafts over four hair transplant procedures.   However, not everybody needs that many and results can still look terrific even with a much reduced number… Just depends largely on hair characteristics hand placement, etc. 

     I’m sure your results will turn out great and then you can always go for subsequent procedures  to add coverage and density. 

     But for now, while you wait for the first hair transplant to grow, you can always use concealer at work which will likely help camouflage the fact that you had hair transplant work done. 

    Best wishes,



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