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Bill - Seemiller

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Posts posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1.  To be honest, I’m not exactly sure how reputation is calculated. I know that the number of posts has something to do with it but I don’t know what else influences it. This is something I’m going to have to research and see what I can find. In the meantime, just know that the more you all participate, which includes liking and responding to each other‘s posts, the higher your reputation will get.   

    Best wishes,


  2. @zachmonmon

    Not to digress from your original post, but it’s interesting that I’ve been seeing a lot more Bosley commercials lately. And since they are pretty much the only ones or do I need to find a TV commercial advertising, I fear for how many people will end up liking. Now that doesn’t mean that some surgeons and technician at Bosley aren’t outstanding. But typically, surgeons with no experience start there and eventually, when they build  and impressive enough portfolio, they start their own practice and hire their own experienced technicians.    My biggest problem at Bosley is that you never know what you’re going to get when you go there. You might end up with an outstanding hair transplant and excellent results or you might not. 

    Now, I can’t say whether they missed a spot of the grafts just didn’t grow there.   However, the good news is, you can always get a touch up procedure and get it fixed. In my opinion, I suggest consulting with one of our prescreen Hair Restoration surgeons who have a proven track record of producing excellent results. You can view many examples of each hair restoration surgeons results here on this forum or on their recommendation profiles.     At the top of the screen, you’ll see a button for “find a prescreen surgeon”.    Click that, And you can find a surgeon that best fits in suits your needs. 

    Best wishes,


  3. Members and guests, we are currently experiencing some issues with the team design of our new forum, ever since we did the software update a couple days ago. So if you see the forum looks a little different now than it did when we first launched it, it’s because we are working on fixing the custom template to work with the new software. 

    I’m sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused, but just know that the design of the forum is much better looking than the version you may be seeing as of this post.

    Oddly, administrators are able to use and see the custom theme with only a few minor bugs.   But we are working on getting that seem to work for everybody including guests. So stay tuned and sorry for the imconvenience.  

    Best wishes,


  4. Aaron,

    To piggyback off what Melvin has already said, yes it is possible. But is it a good idea and will any surgeon to do this for you? I suppose that’s debatable. In my opinion, I think you ought to consult one of our prescreens hair restoration surgeons to see what they have to say about your situation. It sounds like you have exceptionally been doing her hair which may not even be good for transplanting.  But only a qualified hair restoration physician  can tell you this for sure after evaluating your scalp and hair in person. 

    best wishes,


  5. Ffar,

     It is literally impossible to give you any feedback without pictures. So I’m assuming the links that you presented might go to some kind a photo or album you’ve Presented somewhere however the links are not hyperlinks and a lot of people are going to copy and paste them especially on a mobile device. So my advice is to upload the photos directly to this forum so people don’t have to copy and paste links.

    Best wishes,


  6.  Doug, 

     Hasson And Wong has been  producing exceptional results For many years and there’s no doubt that it continues today. In this particular result though, the before and after photos look like they’ve been taken under different lighting conditions. I understand it’s not always easy or possible to get an exact match especially with hair color, length and style.   But lighting is one of those variables that clinics typically have control over.   You can still see that the end result is good however, I think that it would be a better comparison under similar lighting. 

    Best wishes,


  7. Well you’ve already been given some excellent advice, but I would join the crowd in letting you know that you have nothing to worry about 146 days after surgery in regards to sweating. Honestly, unless you were sweating profusely the first day or two after surgery, sweat isn’t or wouldn’t be any cause of a problem related to your hair transplant.  I assume at this point you are experiencing some growth  and if you don’t, I assume you will be soon. I encourage you to present monthly photos from this point out so we can follow your progress and see the transition. 

    best wishes,


  8. So last night, we performed a forum software update so that we could be running the current version and unfortunately as a result, the update broke part of the custom theme and design of the forum.  Therefore, if you’re wondering why the form looks different today than it did yesterday and when we first launched it, it’s because we are still in the process of fixing the issues with the custom theme and how it interacts with the newly updated software. We do apologize for the inconvenience. The good news is, everything should still be functional, it just doesn’t look exactly the way it supposed to until we can get the custom team fixed.

    best wishes,


  9. Hans,

    Ok, so it really is just about as easy as copying and pasting the URL of the video into the forum topic..  But do they have to click the share icon and get the video URL there?  Can't they just go to the top of the browser window and copy the URL?  I know there are several different URLs for the same YouTube video (for whatever reason I don't know), but do they all work?

    Please advise.


  10. Remember, the above is a very general scale and percentages will very  person to person. But this should at least provide a general guideline. And for those who don’t understand the difference between the percentage of growth versus the percentage of maturation… Let me explain briefly. 

    Growth should be simple. It’s when transplanted hair begins to poke through the scalp for the first time.  But keep in mind that transplanted hair typically starts to grow as thin, fine, colorless hairs.   

    Maturation means that a particular hair or grouping of hairs have thickened, darkened and is growing normally from the scalp.   

     Now keep in mind that the statistics and percentages do not include hair that is currently in the resting or catagen phase. Typically, at least 10% of your hair whether it’s transplanted or natural will be in the resting phase and not growing at all.  That’s why I said very specifically that growth in regards to the percentages above refers to a transplanted hair that is growing through the scalp for the first time. Because it will shed eventually and go to resting for a little while and then reproduce a new hair. But the second time it comes through, it will be thick and full of color like your normal hair. 

    I hope this helps.


  11. It’s really impossible to provide statistics on this because they don’t exist. I suppose I could gas based on statistics I’ve seen presented on and off for over 15 years including statistics I have shown. This is awful cough and off the top of my head by memory but here are some of the percentages.   

    0 month - 0% growth 0% mature

    1 month - 0% growth 0% mature

    2 month - 0% growth 0% mature

    3 month - 15% growth 0% mature

    4 month - 30% growth 15% mature

    5 month - 50% growth 25% mature

    6 month - 60% growth 30% mature 

    7 month - 70% growth 40% mature 

    8 month - 80% growth 50% mature 

    9 month - 85% growth 60% mature 

    10 month - 90% growth 70% mature 

    11 month - 95% growth 75% mature 

    12 month - 97% growth 80% mature 

    18 month - 100% growth 100% mature 

    I hope this helps.


  12. Oh and “pencil thin” is just an expression but it’s not referring to the actual width of a pencil. It’s a metaphor that refers to the line drawn by a sharp pencil.   Especially with today’s Treichel for the clothes your technique, stars usually are very thin and sometimes completely undetectable because of the hair that has grown through it.  


  13. I realize that there have been other people who have gotten a less than optimal scar but percentage wise, there are more people with thinner scar than  there are with a wider scar.  Also, you are right, there is no guarantee. But I assume you knew that when you signed paperwork  at the clinic before surgery.  

     And have you spoken  with your strip surgeon? Did you show him pictures of your scar?   What did he have to say? 


  14. Densed Dream,

    I am truly sorry to hear about your experience however, your advice really isn’t good in general. With respect, most people who undergo  follicular  unit strip surgery wind up with a tiny, pencil thin scar that is virtually undetectable even with short hair on the sides and back of the scalp. Yes, there are always possibilities of wider stars and even score stretching however, the best strategy to date is still to undergo follicular unit strip surgery until you have no more  donor left and then switch to follicular unit excision (FUE) -  formerly follicular unit extraction.  

    During FUE, the surrounding hair follicles are sometimes damaged during the extraction process.   Therefore, if someone were to undergo FUE first, too many grafts may be damaged when the strip is harvested during FUSS.   

     Again, I feel for your situation however, like many others who have undergone surgery with less than ideal results, you have tunnel vision. You think because you experience something bad, that all people will have the same experience.   This is simply not the case. Look at the hundreds/thousands of patients who have come through here sharing strip results that are outstanding.   Only a small fraction of the results shared over the years are negative in comparison. 

    Best wishes,


    • Like 1
  15. Gentleman,

    If you already gave @Dr. Bijan Feriduni Permission to reply to this topic than hopefully he will reply with more information.  Has he made you any kind of offer to resolve your concerns?

    Thanks  for your continued faith in this community to help you even in the midst of difficult circumstances. I appreciate how you keep a level head and recognize that your doctor is still top-notch bought that you were situation just didn’t work out the way it should. But you do of course, still need to focus on resolution when she’s on her since understandable and expected.  

    Please keep us posted.


  16. Delancey,

    A lot of members are Very quick to suggest full refunds win I don’t think most people understand that for refunds are not typical. I’m not saying it doesn’t or won’t happen in this case, but,  most hair transplant surgeons go over the risks of surgery before hand and even if they don’t go over it personally, there is a piece of paper that goes over all of it and even discusses the process of surgery and explains that they agreed to take upon the risks themselves. Now, I do firmly believe that a good quality surgeon like Dr. Feriduni  should stand behind his patients and do something for him, but providing a full refund is in very typical. Typically, what we recommend is for the patient to work with her doctor and try to undergo a free procedure  to replace the grafts that did not grow or  resolve whatever concern there is. Frankly,  a full refund, although it sounds good  doesn’t really resolve any problems. If anything, they have their money back but now they’re in a worse off position then when they started. So, it’s actually better to undergo another surgery in order to  resolve the issue. After all, he’s already selected an outstanding surgeon and it’s possible that his case has extenuating circumstances. 

    I would like to hear how the surgeon intends to resolve this issue but I also need to get verification that he has permission to post and share his side of the story. 


  17. Delancey,

    The topic title was modified at the  ops request. He originally wanted to change it to something completely different which didn’t make sense so I just suggested that if he wanted to change it to just remove the word “bad”.  Since she agreed, I changed it. 

     Whether or not the result is good or bad  is of no consequence. A lot of people post positive results without saying “good“. People who read the topic will draw their own conclusions. 


  18. Fred,

    with respect, the IAHRS doesn’t mean much around here. It’s ran by one guy named Spencer Kobren and he sometimes adds hair restoration physicians to his list that we would never recommend.  However, some of the surgeons in his list are recommended on the Hair Transplant Network and/or members of the Coalition. If you don’t mind my asking who was your surgeon?  And those photos show your scalp how long after your procedure?  

    I agree that you should express your concerns to your hair restoration surgeon ASAP and let us know what he or she says.  

    Best wishes,


  19. Wheretogo,

    I’m sorry that your topic seems to have been the collected. I think it’s probably because people aren’t sure what you’re talking about. Are you talking about the derma roller? Can you please be more specific about what  you’re talking about why you want to use it? 

    best wishes,


  20. Swdan,

     I was a little concerned about what appears to be the left side of your donor area… I don’t know if that was dried blood or raider wound but it seems to have healed nicely so I’m guessing it was just dried blood. I appreciate you sharing all of these photos so that we can really see what you’ve got going on. Looks like Dr. Diep has done great work again. 

    Best wishes,


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