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Posts posted by NervousNelly

  1. Rambler,


    Cost is a huge consideration but ofcourse there are several other things that you could spend your money on that might not produce money for you.... What I mean is that you have the opportunity to fully restore your hairloss which many don't. This might increase your self confidence and indirectly change your life to a certain extent. Ofcourse I am over exaggerating things but you never know.


    You seem like an intelligent guy. I don't want you to "settle" for less grafts because it is more affordable. Be cautious of this as you might be somewhat dissatisfied and short $10,000.

  2. I would like the areas that are thinning behind the actual hairline to be filled in to be as dense as the mid lock. Ideally, I would like the whole area to be beefed up in general too, including the area where there is hair so that it all matches the areas further behind. Be nice to have it all filled in like that area, plus the hairline transition fixed.


    This is likely the reasoning as to the high quote. The key is that you stated that you want it to "match the areas further behind it" plus they have to hide old work. This will take a lot of grafts in my opinion--3000+.


    By the way, my comment of $10,000 not being too drastically different than $16,000 came out wrong. I guess what I meant is that for almost double the grafts and the chances of having essentially your old hair back, the $6,000 is a small price to pay. Not to scoff at 6 grand.


    Rambler, I think that because of your age you would be completely satisfied with 3000+ grafts and not need another HT, but less and likely you will be wanting more. Just my opinion from what I see and your expectations.

  3. Rambler,


    This is a tough question to answer without having all of the details. For example it would be beneficial to know your age, expectations, family history (sometimes relevant), where and what the previous work is, etc.



    Would you be likely happy with less grafts? If you have no shockloss--probably. Would you be ecstatic with 3500--yup. I will be the first to admit that I sometimes have criticised H&W for what I considered too many unnecessary grafts, but let's face it, it certainly will give you a look of a full head of hair. It is very difficult to ever question their results which are definitely world class. You could get by with 1500-2000 and assuming no shockloss it will be a good improvement, but 3500 will create perfection and you could be a poster boy. My guess is that they are making an assumption that you will likely lose some of the native hair at the hairline especially. Hope that helps.


    Also, 2000 FU would cost $10,000 so it really is not that drastically different and if putting yourself thru the trauma of surgery why not get as much as you can. Just some thoughts.

  4. Creepingback,


    I would have to say that for the 2100 grafts things are likely as you would suspect, especially given the texture of your hair. Even the scar is more visible than most would be. Things certainly look very natural and blend very well to native hair. I understand that it would be somewhat disappointing but things definitely do look better. It does suck, but another 1500 would make a huge difference for you.

  5. Josh-b is correct that any physician performing HT's can join irregardless of the techniques employed. Sometimes the guys heading these organizations in any profession are doing so because they have more time available than others.(ie. they suck and have no patients/clients) Good decision to go to Ottawa. You owe us big time for convincing you. icon_smile.gif

  6. If I am understanding you correctly, Dr. Haber stated that you are NOT a good candidate for a HT? Are you asking us if you should shave your head or get a HT? If you are told by a reputable doc that you are not a candidate you need to heed his warning and just shave or cut hair short. Good luck with things.

  7. This is a great post. There is no longer any excuses if you end up at a non-reputable physician and get a poor HT. I can infact point out members on this site that did not listen to our advise and unfortunately are now regretting things. Please educate yourself.


    I also wanted to add that as a veteren on this site I myself have gone from asking the dumb questions to having a somewhat respectable knowledge. This didn't happen overnight.


    Moreover, I believe in "paying it forward". I only feel that it is right that each and everyone of us that benefits from this site has the responsibility to also help educate others. That doesn't necessarily mean that you need to be in the "no life club", but there is a certain obligation to help others suffering with insecurities due to hairloss.

  8. This is a tough one for me to comment on because I truly do feel sorry for this poster. Unfortunately the first thought that came to mind for me was that he is correct. Now before everyone starts throwing online darts at me, you have to understand where I am coming from.


    Firstly, there are many physicians out there that are only interested in the money and ofcourse the others that just need to pay the bills. I am sure that even the ethical ones have some difficult choices to make on the slow weeks.


    I have stated on other threads that I personally don't believe that an individual that is a NW5+ or someone that could potentially become one should consider a HT unless they are willing to spend $20,0000 or more. Yes there are some that might be happy with a sparse look, but for the most part likely not.


    There is a slight conflict of interest with this site and docs paying to be promoted, but hey how else do you do it? Better to have quality docs promoted than useless physicians.


    I believe that you need to research the hell out of things and have realistic expectations as Bill stated. Don't just rely on this site.


    This is a time when the bald look is cool. If you can swing it than go with the shaved look. Think about the poor bastards 20+ years ago that couldn't have shaved heads because you stood out as a Nazi or worse. You got more looks than someone with a bad HT.


    Results now days are definitely improved but it is still a surgery and there are risks. Take the time to research and be absolutely sure you have full confidence in the doctor, your goals, your finances, etc.


    I really am sad for Brian. Let's try to support him.

  9. Rambler,


    Although I agree with you that it should be a priority of theirs to make contact with you to resolve the issue, 1 week really is not that long. I am certain that Dr. Rassman is extremely busy and possibly even out of town as they do many seminars. Give it a little more time and I am sure he will make contact. Good luck.

  10. I am uncertain of all of the details also, but who cares--go with Dr. Rahal. I don't mean to be so blunt but they are only a few hours apart from each other and definitely Dr. Rahal is top 5 in the world. He is also one of the least expensive. What a combination that is!!!


    I will be one of the first to tell people to explore options but there is not a comparison between Dr. Cotteril and Dr. Rahal. This is a cosmetic surgery that you are going to put on display for all to see so make a wise decision.

  11. Alondra,


    I feel for you. It must be very difficult. Please do yourself a favor and really educate yourself on HT procedures. DO NOT get a HT from Bosley or Hair Club unless there is tonnes of evidence on that particular doctor. Make sure you see patients in person. Get our OK also.


    Best of luck with everything. Search this site for a list of questions to ask at appointment. Good luck.

  12. josh-b.


    Remember that a referral isn't just about the physicians ability to perform a quality HT. I am not going to personally recommend anyone to a physician in Austrailia due to pricing and ethics also. Dr. Woods is from what I know very skilled but he is about money and sometimes from what I know his ethics are questionable.

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