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Posts posted by NervousNelly

  1. Likely by the time you see this thread you will have a few more hairs on the top of your head. Things will go very well for you Steve. You have done what you are suppose to, you spent several months researching and made a very educated decision. I have no doubt that you are going to be shocked at how it really is not all that big of a deal. Good luck to you and say hello to everyone for me.

  2. Bill,


    I agree with most of the above comments. I personally believe that it is a great idea and has definitely been a success, but at times it is a little chaotic and if done weekly might start getting old. Some thoughts:


    -as Janna stated. Possibly keep things to one topic.

    -maybe just once per month

    -try to moderate so that one question per time

    -have Crouse be moderator icon_smile.gif


    You have done a great job with it so these are just some ideas to make it even better.

  3. Hawthorne,


    You have had some good advice. Yes, Dr. Griffin is a Coalition physician and I believe that if you go there you'll be happy with results. Personally however, I have not seen enough of his work to endorse him to anyone. In my opinion, these docs might be a Coalition physician but they are doing themselves an injustice if they don't post results themselves or try to recommend to their patients to do so. Here he is a Coalition doc and a frequent poster like myself will not recommend you see him.


    The dollar amount is too high. It is worth your while to definitely travel at that discrepancy in money. Do yourself a favor and at the very least do online consults with Dr. Feller, Rahal, H&W, Alexander, True, Shapiro to name a few. I have a Coalition clinic 45 minutes from my home and I travelled. I'm sorry, but it's my head and appearance and I'm not going to someone who is good. I went to whom I thought was among the best. Some of the other docs could be secret gems that do demand a premium. I'll let others figure that out. I want someone proven and where results are readily accessible.

  4. Notsure,


    John tends to usually be blunt about things which isn't all that bad. I think that you need to prepare yourself for the worst case scenario. There are so many variables that it is hard to give you a simple answer. It will depend on many factors and even then it still is questionable.


    John is right about one thing. Don't just listen to people that say "I was back to work in a week and no one noticed." It is never just that simple. What was OK for them might not be for you.


    Here we go, I'll try to elaborate in point form:


    -It will depend on how much work you are having done

    -It will depend on how much native hair you have to help conceal

    -It will depend on what type of surgery. Strip surgery or FUE (no linear scar)

    -It will depend on if you have to shave your head for procedure

    -It will depend on where the hairloss is

    -It will depend on what Dr. you go to. Some are doing more refined work

    -It will depend on the color of your skin

    -It will depend on the contrast of your skin and hair

    -It will depend on if everything goes according to plan. Shockloss can be unpredictable

    -It will depend on how thick your donor hair is

    -It will depend on how tall you are. If people look down at you all day they might notice.

    -It will depends on what you consider to be acceptable


    As you can see there are several variables. Myself, I was back to work in 10 days with the public and looked like I had a bad haircut. Personally I wish I had 3 weeks or more before going back. I was at the point where I was just so tired of worrying about my damn hair that I really didn't care too much if someone noticed. I hope this helps.

  5. I had used Toppik post HT to thicken things up because of the partially shaved area in my midcore region. It definitely helped. I think that you could use dermatch and then back off, but for me it is more exciting to see the actual changes day to day. I don't want to get in the habit of using a thickening product and then not see the true changes that are happening. My worry also is that it could be an emotional let down because you are so use to what things looked like with product and then all of a sudden its not as dense without. Just a thought.

  6. Glock,


    If I could hug you I would. Not sure why, but the video made me a little emotional. I feel for the roller coaster that you have been thru in your life due to your hair. I know what it can do to a person. The avoided circumstances, the possible missed opportunities, the constant worry about what things look like, etc.....


    It really must feel like a huge burden has been lifted from your shoulders. This is a remarkable transformation and you truly look great. I am amazed at how things have turned out for you and am honestly very excited for you. You look great and in no way do you need another HT, but I know how the greed monster might set in. I personally agree with Dr. True that you should just enjoy things for awhile. Its like buying a house, you should live in it for awhile before electing to remodel things. It'll give you a better idea of what exactly you might choose to do. Thanks for the posts as these will be very inspirational for many. You're a good man.


    P.S. Great song!

  7. Dr. Feller and Bill,


    Thanks for the interesting discussion. I agree with both of you about this topic. I recently noted on another thread of Bobmans that when his hair was cut short it did appear quite thin. One would never have guessed that at all when his hair is fully grown out.


    One thing about my own recent HT. Even though I am only just over 3 months, having a little more hair has allowed me to "get away" with a bit longer hair. Prior I started to look dishevelled or somewhat of a Bozo if I let my hair grow out. My point--at 3 months I look much improved not necessarily just because of the growth from the HT, but the little growth from the HT has allowed me to grow out my native hair and everythhing looks fuller. Does that make sense. I believe that it follows along with the point that Dr. Feller was making.


    It seems like we need to really focus on the right length of hair to make things look most appropriate. Too short and the limited density appears. Too long and things again start to look sparse as the hair falls differently.


    I have seen some members post results where their hair is too long and in my opinion it has gone past that point where the layering affect worked best.


    Just my 2 cents. Great topic.

  8. It is protein fibers that actually adhere to the hair. Yes it only works if you have some hair to adhere to. icon_smile.gif It works great for an individual that has mild to moderate thinning. It will not by any means give you a lower hairline look or anthing, it just thickens where you have hair. No you don't have to use it with other products.

  9. KamCal,


    I would avoid the sun exposure still for approx. 1 month. Normally I think that 2 months is standard but in your case it is possible that your skin is a little more sensitive as noted by the shockloss.(Ofcourse shockloss many times has nothing to do with the skin) Also, likely the area where the shockloss is hasn't seen sun in a long time or ever and you don't want to further aggravate that area.


    You can use mascara, but there is a product that is better and its called Dermatch. You can also use it to thicken things up a bit until your hair grows in. Good luck.

  10. Bushy,


    You certainly have come a long way. Your results are some of the most impressive. I appreciate the effort you have made to provide several angles and even styles. It is nice to know that with the right conditions and in the hands of a gifted surgeon not only can we get our hair back but the possibility of actually having the ability to style things.


    It has to be almost lifechanging for you? Everyone of us is likely jealous of the mop of hair you now have. I'm happy for you. Thanks for all your posts to give us all an array of hope.

  11. Bill,


    In all of the Dr. Unger threads the results look awesome. I am really impressed with what I have to see. The above photos definitely show an improvement although I do agree with Nobuzz that an Ht was not necessary and hardly is that my definition or likely others of diffuse thinning. But nonetheless, a much better look post HT.


    I appreciate the fact that we finally got to see some of Dr. Ungers work and I suspect that he is not the technical type that is up on how to take photos and what to post on-line. Hopefully with your and Pats help he'll be able to come up with more detailed examples because the small glimps that we saw looks impressive.


    I know that I likely frustrated you that with each thread I essentially posted the same response about needing more photos but it is only factual. Obviously you were given photos and it was your job to post. You have to understand that it is very probable that you'll get such responses from those of us that are somewhat educated. Ofcourse more photos are needed. In fact I am just following suit with what you yourself have posted

    http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=153234. I know that you took a lot of heat for this thread but in it you stated:


    "These are not accurate comparisions since the lighting, angling, hair color, and hair style are all different. Take all that away, I'm not really sure if there is a lot of improvement in the hair. <span class="ev_code_RED">If you are going to post hair transplant results on this forum community, I espect an accurate representation of the results."</span>


    So when we see these posts of work from Dr. Unger that you yourself had posted ofcourse we are going to scratch our heads and have little to say of results. It is a little confusing why these would even be posted when they don't even meet your standards. Not trying to piss you off, but there needs to be a level of consistency. You have a challenging job and I appreciate that you likely take a lot of flack. I am a frequent poster and appreciate all the hard work that you do, but at the same time I will post what is on my mind whether it is good or bad. I think that this forum needs that inorder to keep good balance and to put pressure on the docs for total transparancy.

  12. Footballer,


    The members have given you some good advise. I hate to rain on your parade, but if you say that you are not a rich man you need to tread lightly in this area. Getting a HT that will satisfy you will likely cost a lot of cash. Looking at your hairloss expect to pay approx. a minumum of $10,000 and likely more in the future.

  13. I personally like what I see. Thank God. Lately I have been posting negative stuff and it feels good to be positive again. Yah the shockloss sucks, but I believe it will come back and you'll be good to go/grow. I love the refinement and clean nature of your HT. Things will be grim for awhile but you'll be happier than a pig in shit shortly. I believe that Dr. Hasson has utilized the grafts in the most appropriate manor for you. Chin up. You'll be golden shortly as you have the perfect characteristics for the hair density.

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