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Posts posted by NervousNelly

  1. It seems like lately I have nothing good to say. That doesn't suit my personality and I guess as mom always said "if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all."


    OK, things look great. They really do, but.... The lighting is different in the after photo. The patient has his hair partially combed down in the before photo and all back in the the after. His hair appears darker in the after photo. There is only one angle shown. How is one to give a true evaluation of things? This is like old time trickery in the HT industry. Might be great stuff but a person can't endorse in good faith based on what is presented.

  2. Actually, I am talking about a stand alone HT on a NW 4-5 where the concentration is on the frontal region and midcore. They then use their native hair to help conceal the crown. Ofcourse this is not optimal at all, but when you are talking about guys with limited donor and knowing some consider crown hairpieces it is just another thought.

  3. Neptune,


    I can pretty confidently say that you don't have to worry about it for only a week. There is no way that it will be detrimental to the hair in that period of time. Remember that the main idea behind Rogaine is that it stimulate the scalp by increasing the bloodflow to the area. You are still getting the stimulation with the 2% and it takes much longer for an eschemic environment to occur.

  4. I just wanted to post on this topic because lately I have seen a few posters discussing their options of how to approach their HT given a limited donor.


    I have seen many men utilize a partial combover(whether they realize what they are doing or not) with a great deal of success. Ofcourse in order to pull this off you need to have a decent hairline and midcore area. The last couple of inches towards the crown is then combed sideways to cover the crown. I am not talking of the bizarre flop over, standing straight up type of combover we all cringe to think about, but just a subtle parting of the hair from the side and combing lightly over the balding crown region.


    To pull it off you need to have a nice hairline and a decent level of hair in the midcore. It can succeed and look very good and disguised if done properly. I am not talking about a look for a 20 something guy but maybe someone 40+. I think that it is a great viable option for someone with limited donor. Therefore a person can focus those precious grafts all in the frontal region and still look like they have good density and coverage. Just a thought.

  5. I just wanted to post on this topic because lately I have seen a few posters discussing their options of how to approach their HT given a limited donor.


    I have seen many men utilize a partial combover(whether they realize what they are doing or not) with a great deal of success. Ofcourse in order to pull this off you need to have a decent hairline and midcore area. The last couple of inches towards the crown is then combed sideways to cover the crown. I am not talking of the bizarre flop over, standing straight up type of combover we all cringe to think about, but just a subtle parting of the hair from the side and combing lightly over the balding crown region.


    To pull it off you need to have a nice hairline and a decent level of hair in the midcore. It can succeed and look very good and disguised if done properly. I am not talking about a look for a 20 something guy but maybe someone 40+. I think that it is a great viable option for someone with limited donor. Therefore a person can focus those precious grafts all in the frontal region and still look like they have good density and coverage. Just a thought.

  6. I don't want to confuse you but I personally would wait also. I will ditto Bills response and also add that from a cosmetic point of view, don't you want to see what everything looks like and then you can determine what plan of attack you want? You might choose to add a little here and a little there--you get the picture.

  7. The work that I have seen from Dr. Gillespie is OK but a little more conservative and old school. Go to Edmonton and talk to Dr. Nakatsui. From what I have seen he is awesome and likely one of the elite worldwide. Trust me on this call.

  8. I guess that I am not really sure of the question in this particular case. Yes it is harder for the doc as there is poor work that he must conceal and hope that things grow in the scar tissue. Personally I don't see the scar tissue in this case. Why would there be a lot of scar tissue with micros containing 2-4 hairs? I could understand plugs but in this there does not appear to be evidence of scar tissue--usually you see a lighter or whiter skin immediately around the graft. Maybe I am missing something.

  9. Bobman,


    The work looks awesome. Once again very refined.


    I hope that a lot of newbies see this post and realize what the illusion of density is all about. No offense to you at all Bobman as your HT results are legendary, but with the short haircut now it is more evident as to why we say it is an illusion of density. Even someone as knowledgeable as myself sometimes forgets that. I think that it is important for all to remember and understand that fact.


    Good growing to you buddy.

  10. PGP,


    You are right that Ehlers Danlos syndrome is rare. In fact it is the disease that most contortionists are afflicted with. So unless you can stuff yourself into your budweiser I wouldn't worry about it too much.


    The above answers are good ones and there is very little to improve upon their answers but I personally would have to tell you that if it concerns you that much I wouldn't have another strip surgery. Unfortunately it is one aspect of the surgery where the surgeons can't give you much of a guarantee because there are just way too many variables. The only guarantee is to have a FUE procedure.


    If my scar does turn out to be wider than I would like I certainly can't blame the surgeon because a good guess is that my active lifestyle had something to do with it. Now if it busted open on me a few days post op that would have maybe been a different story.


    I hope that anwser helps you somewhat.

  11. What more can be said of Janna. For those that don't know her or have not had the opportuniy to meet with her she really is a special person. Yes she would get my vote.


    Bspot would have to be at the top of the list for best clinic employee right with Jotronic. I think that having them duke it out for top honor would be only fair.--no pulling hair. icon_smile.gif

  12. It seems to me like they are all about the short term. Lets face it. What age group is the primary target? Its the 20 somethings that are starting to lose their youth and willing to give their left nut to have their hair back. The marketing monster Armani knows this. Therefore he showcases the young patients that he densepacks the hell out of the frontal region that combined with their native hair they look golden. This drives the marketing further and further. By the time their is a lot of upset young guys that have a wall of hair only, he is sailing in the Mediterranean.


    He has even taken his idea further by promoting the nonsurgery (FUE) as he calls it. Again, he directs his marketing to those that want the youth and ability to shave the donor area. And guess what, he can do all this while charging a premium over strip surgery.


    Now it will again be years later before there is a lot of guys with a wall of hair and a moth eaten donor that would like to talk to him. Again, he'll be yachting in the Mediterranean by then.


    If you have little conscience its a good gig. Now in saying all that, I also believe that he does it to avoid the unsatisfied client. How many guys will immediately complain--"hey doc, my hairline looks too dense and youthful. Hey I hate looking like I'm 18 again. Hey, you blended it too well with my native hair. Hey, I hate having several options for hair styles. It sucks getting laid nightly" You get what I am saying--not going to happen. Easy stuff. No complaints. By the time the complaints start he's made millions.

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