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Everything posted by NervousNelly

  1. This is definitely one of the better turnarounds that we have seen recently. Just in time for an upcoming wedding. Amazing how it came so far so quickly--I think that there was some divine intervention going on. I have to admit that I was originally a little nervous for you with having a deadline set for the healing time. Worked out well. I happy for you. NN
  2. Sounds like you had a great experience as we all expect from Dr, Keene. Wow--11000 hairs. You'll be set with that. The work looks very refined and likely will be awesome in a matter of months. NN
  3. ???? Notgoing2gobald--have you been borrowing MichaellovesNyc's drugs again? NN
  4. Aviran, I agree with the above posters. There is no need to lower hairline in my opinion, especially if you are wanting density. The hairline you proposed I believe would require approx. 1200 Fu which would chew up a lot of grafts that could be used for more density. Things look great so far. NN
  5. Emu, Great decision my friend. I am currently 8 weeks post op and playing the waiting game. I was able to hang on to some of the grafts but essentially still similar to pre HT. The work he performed was awesome. I had no pinkness by day 4-miraculous. Very clean work and everything that you said about the staff is dead on. Not so sure about their online advisor--Bspot though. Kidding ofcourse, even B essentially held my hand prior to procedure. NN
  6. NO. Some have stated that they thought that it halted or slowed their hairloss however. Chris--it is great that you are researching for a possible procedure but are you aware that you can use the "find" feature to get answers to much of what you are looking for. Hope that helps. NN
  7. Interesting to see the statistics. Always has interested me as to who is actively participating. NN
  8. What the hell are you eating/drinking?? Things are healing and growing very very quickly relative to many others. This is an awesome HT. Great to see a person log on, ask the questions, get the deed done and have such remarkable results. You are a perfect example of the beauty of this website. It has been fun to follow your progress. When is the wedding? Very fortunate that things are as far along as they are. Are we going to see a few wedding pics? NN
  9. Bibarz, The doctor is correct. You need to wait. Most of your native hair was likely shocked and will probably come back. The new hair will take another month or more before it starts to grow. I would wait for another 3-4 months and I bet you will start to feel a little more confident about things. Also, you are going to have to wait 12-18 months for things to be fully resolved. Good luck with things. NN
  10. I do recognize that it is refined work and I should try to avoid any controversy but you have to admit that this is priceless. This Doc is either a Chicago Bulls fan or he was thinking of an Arby's sandwich.(remember the commercial) http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/groupee_files/photo_al...24E243AAEF269F2A.jpg NN
  11. I do recognize that it is refined work and I should try to avoid any controversy but you have to admit that this is priceless. This Doc is either a Chicago Bulls fan or he was thinking of an Arby's sandwich.(remember the commercial) http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/groupee_files/photo_al...24E243AAEF269F2A.jpg NN
  12. Is someone a Chicago Bulls fan? What is up with the Bull or Devil pattern of recipient area in the one photo? Not sure that I understand the concept. Photos are definitely too small for us to assess and why do we only see closely cropped haircuts of FUE patients. We never see someone with their hair grown out. I personally believe that FUE at some point in the future may become the premier method of choice for most HT patients, but I doubt that it will displace strip and I still believe it is years away from being more viable for larger sessions. NN
  13. NoBuzz, I will certainly be adding some photos very soon and try to get some closeups to demonstrate some of the grafts that are new and others that I managed to hang on to. Also, I plan on some donor scar photos. So far I am not overly excited about the scar. It is literally undetectable on the sides but the back is still very red and I think wider than what you would prefer. No pencil thin line but hey things are still healing so maybe I am wrong. My "secretive" regimen for post op will be revealed shortly also as I would essentially conclude the experiment at 8 weeks, although quick growth is a part of this plan also. More to come. NN
  14. Looks great scooter. You have come a long way. I'm happy for you as it has to be such a relief to go out without the "sytem". Has anyone asked you about things? Yes I would like to see a photo of the difference with concealers. Thanks. NN
  15. Ofcourse at just over 7 weeks I am obviously still in the doldrums but there is light. I have not lost all of the new soldiers and now will likely not lose them. They are starting to grow also. More interesting is that I have now seen some new growth. Only a couple but it is a start. Definitely new as they came with a pimple and are darker and so far look thicker. Early I know but this is cool and exciting. I personally feel that the new stuff won't be a sudden appearance for me as it left slowly over a long period so will likely grow back in similar fashion. NN
  16. As a Christian myself I had to laugh at that post. My verbage can compete with any sailor, but I agree with Bspot that possibly Wanthairs should edit things. A little harsh. NN
  17. Results do look impressive. Always nice to see quality examples of FUE. I'm sure that this patient is quite satified as most certainly would be. NN
  18. Same reason many no longer listen to the Village People. They had there day and that hairstyle had its day. Ofcourse in certain cirles it is still a cool look, but my hockey buddies might beat the tar out of me. NN
  19. John, I too have experienced this. Not sure why they are bent but assumed normal. I wouldn't stress about it. NN
  20. I choose not to get into debates as to what could potentially happen in the future with extended use of the drug because the TRUTH is that no one knows. It really has been on the market for a limited time even when it was used for prostate problems. I'm not here to ever create hysteria over possible side effects, but I will never dismiss things by telling people not to worry about it. These are foreign to our bodies and likely after extended use a person might experience some problems. Please educate yourself and don't trust only my word or someone elses. NN
  21. That's a good question. Precisely my point. The drug has not been on the market all that long to tell us what long term sides might be. I'd rather not find out. There are several drugs on the market that after several years of being assumed safe, they are suddenly recalled. You just never know with the pharmaceutical industry. These things aren't being produced out of their love of mankind. NN
  22. Things look awesome for 8 months. You will only get better and better. Thanks for posting and keep the updates coming. NN
  23. Bill, I have always liked your results. It is quite an amazing transformation and a very natural look. In your particular case I don't believe that your safe zone is compromised. Possibly at some point but I think that you would be in your late 70s or 80s. Just a guess ofcourse but you have very thick sides. The only area that I personally believe some surgeons might address a little better is the density of the central core. Again it is a question of coverage vs. density and I don't believe that H&W like to mess around with DFU's or TFU's. It looks to me like the hairline has not only increased in density. but has started to soften a little. Any chance of risking a wet, slicked back couple of photos. I know we all like to shy away from those as they tend to reveal the true density, but just thought I'd ask. Take care, NN
  24. -using 2 years -believe there is some benefit -had side effects so changed dosage -now take 1mg every other day or every 3 days *Stopped at one point for about 6 months and didn't see much different one way or the other. Started to take again because general consensus is that you should to maximize HT. In all honesty will likely stop taking at some point as I don't believe that it does enough to warrant possible long term sides and don't like to feel "trapped" into taking. NN
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