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Everything posted by Cowhorns

  1. Thanks for this. I guess there could be an argument made that in some instances transplanted hairs growth / resting cycle could be closer together than non transplanted hairs ?
  2. Hi. Experience and qualifications according to whom? If your referring to the "about / meet Dr Malkani on the google search it plays some what on Mr Malkani having the honour to be invited to lecture on The Art and Sciences of Hair Restoration surgery and Hair loss in the annual meeting of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors at The Royal College of Physicians in London? Look into this as Im not sure they even exist? Have you actually ever seen any pictures of his work? Had a consultation with him? I met him whilst he was undertaking surgery, it didn't fill me with confidence, i'm not even sure he has any tech support? How much research have you done?
  3. Hi - I went for a consultation with him in London. I was not impressed at all. You need to spent months on research and plenty of consultations before you proceed.
  4. Thanks for the replies. Yes I went to DR Mwamba for the 2012 procedure and just yesterday had a second procedure for some temple work. We also put some some additional grafts to fill the gap behind the right temple:)
  5. Hi. Can someone clarify why that transplanted hairs don't all cyclically shed at the same time if they generally all enter resting at the same time following initial transplantation? Thanks
  6. Hi. If you do go to Belgium I also suggest a consultation with Dr Mwamba.
  7. Any experience with topical steroids? I really would like some work done do the temporal peaks. However the problem I have is the post op redness following my last procedure lasted about 5 months, even with alo vera etc etc. I was sort of able to disguise it with native hair and concealer, however on the temporal peeks disguising with native hair wont really be an option and in any case an exceptionally long fringe is going to look silly with shaved sides and back from fue. Does anyone have any experience with topical steroids? I understand the bodies natural healing process however I just cant afford for any one to know Ive had a hair job. The redness may prevent me from having this which is upsetting as it would nicely finish off my frontal restoration.
  8. Hi This is my second procedure where I'm 9 months in. The 1st I was scammed by a UK surgeon where I only received about 20% of the grafts I paid for and the few grafts that were placed grew with incorrect angels etc. (I suppose I could say I'm fortunate that I only received 20%) I'm very pleased with my second procedure, the yield is good and the new hairline is undetectable. However there is a gap in the right temple in the area where the majority of grafts were placed from the 1st procedure. Could it be that the yield from the 2nd procedure is not great there due to the grafts been placed in scar tissue? Could it eventually fill in as the growth rate may slower? I appreciate it could also be shock or further hair loss, although I have almost ruled this out by referencing pre-surgery pictures. Thanks
  9. Sound addition. He restored my hairline just over 9 months ago which I think is undetectable.
  10. Not sure if I should be creating a new post or continue with this but decided on the latter. It's been 9 months since my procedure with Dr Mwamba and I thought it was time for an update. As you can see from the pics there has been progress since month 6 which occurred towards the end of months 7 and 8. This last month has seen maturation. There is an area behind the right temple that has a gap which I have discussed with Dr Mwamba when I met him last week in London. Other than that I think the hair line is undetectable? The proscope examination revealed Right frontal hairline about 63 FU/cm2 Left frontal hairline about 56 FU/cm2 Look forward to comments.
  11. rev3 - lol, your comments made me smile yes you are quite right I'd nearly forgot I was bald in those areas...
  12. Chrisdav - Yes I have sent the pics to the Doc. He advises that my hairline is just starting to take shape and good progress thus far.
  13. Hi all As promised I'm now 6 months post op and have posted my progress. Its still not as dense as my native hair but there's no disguising it there has been thickening over the last 4 weeks and I'm really pleased! The photo's are probably making it look a little thicker that it actually is, that said Ive taken under harsh lighting similar to the 5 months photos. Growth is patchy with the left side providing a fuller yield in comparison to the right, in addition further back in both temples progress is not as advanced which is more apparent in the right temple photo. (Hariri comments a couple of posts back on why this might be TY) However, there is also a small number of new sprouters just making an appearance possibly only in the hair line but its becoming difficult to tell, of-course I'm absolutely delighted to see this but would also like to see some gains further back. I was really concerned last month but encouraged by the improvements over the last 4 weeks. The hair angulations seem to flow naturally with my native hair although it also has an unruly and wiry like appearance. Hair Restoration Journal for Cowhorns - 6 Months Post Op
  14. The time you will need off work is dependent on many factors. There are no physical restrictions from the next day onwards (with the exception of post op guidance) but if secrecy is the key be careful! Like you I work in an office environment and deliver presentations and as such had nearly 3 weeks in hibernation but in reality I could of done with another 3 weeks at least. This is an other area I would encourage you research further. Your in a better position than I was with hair thickness but Im not to dissimilar to you. Have a look at my story to date. Hair Restoration Journal for Cowhorns - Before Surgery
  15. I'm sure your not the black sheep! I had significant redness at 3 / 4 months, i'm just over 5 months in now and think I may still have some redness however as the hairs are growing in it becomes much less noticeable. In the early days I tried the moisturising creams and aloe vera but they didn't really do much. As much as a pain as the redness is, the good news is your grafts are growing well! Hair Restoration Journal for Cowhorns - 3 Months Post Op
  16. Continued thanks for the replies. I have refrained from inspections pretty much since this post and my new yrs res is not to check again until the end of this month. Will update the post at the end of Jan with the 6 months progress. A Happy New Year to you all.
  17. No I haven't receded any further, the areas that look like there thinning are actually the new hairs growing in. There was almost no hair in temples prior. The link below highlights the temples prior to surgery. Hair Restoration Journal for Cowhorns - Before Surgery
  18. Thanks Blake thats encouraging. I know patience is important and we all have different growth rates but just can't help compare with others...
  19. Thanks for the replies and yes 1900 FUE. Could anyone tell me if I can still expect to see new growth at month 5 or just potential thickening of whats already there?
  20. Hi. As you can see from the pics I do have growth however looking at H&W growth time line by month 5 the new hair should be approximately two to three inches in length? Mines not that long. More importantly, at 5 months in will I see any more new hairs sprout or will I just see the existing ones lengthen & thicken up? Thanks Hair Restoration Site for Cowhorns
  21. Im four months in and still have noticeable contrast. The good news is hair is starting to grow so its looking much less obvious.
  22. I can releate to your situation haviing a natural hair line actually higher than yours complete with acouple of fine cowhorns. It upset me from as far back as i can remember so about 4 months ago at 40yrs old i got hair job and also lowered the hair line where there has never been any hair. So far im feeling good but time will be be the test. Im no expert but you may need 2 procedures 2 match you existing density. Goodlck with what ever you decide! Hair Restoration Site for Cowhorns
  23. Have 500 grafts strategically placed on the palm of each hand, i think you you would be the first mammal to actually have hairs on the palm. You could make a bomb ???
  24. No doubt you will have a great result, your previous work is very impressive too. Regarding recession at the temples associated with your lead hand, I'm right handed and my recession was much greater to the right temple. Hair Restoration Journal for Cowhorns - Before Surgery
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