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Posts posted by Sparky

  1. There aren't any results, Acell was a big mistake and seems to of done much more damage than good. I don't know anything about the Acell strip, but the powder seems to have a similar effect to pouring acid on the wound.

    There was someone on here who had a scar revision with Acell, but has since vanished, I'm sure if he was happy he would of posted his results, as he posted all of his results beforehand.

  2. You were smarter than me, he did if for a very cheap price, but it cost me loads to get it fixed.

    I could of continued losing hair, my dad is bald and all my grandads were aswell, I was very very lucky that I didn't lose more hair.


    I regret it almost everyday, trying to get past it now though or I will ruin my present lamenting the past.

  3. I was 22, NW1.5 wanted Tom Cruise's hairline, and a notoriously bad UK Dr, cut a strip out of the back of my head for about 250 grafts, took him 45 mins, start to finish.

    Yes I know he didn't put a gun to my head and force me to do surgery, but he should of turned me down and explained that I wasn't a candidate. He has since been struck off the medical register and is no longer a Dr.


    I had more surgeries to cover up that mistake, but it just compounded the issue as I went to another equally bad clinic in the UK.


    I have now had a lot of the bad grafts removed and replaced and had fue into the scar.


    All in all, it would of been a million times better if I had just grown old gracefully, although now I still haven't really lost much hair and would place my NW level at just about a 2, with no diffuse thinning.


    This started in mid 1998.

  4. Hi Dr. Lindsey,


    My friends son has a similar sized bald patch in the crown area, it had something to do with him being an IVF baby. He has had it cut out 3 times but there is still a patch about 3 times the size of this.


    I advised my friend not to get any more revisions done to his son, and that I had heard of this procedure called fue (he knows nothing about my hair!)

    He does have some hair growing in it but not much, do you think this was a good call considering the fact that he has all ready had 3 ops on it? I would of thought 4-500 fue will fill it in.

    One issue is he is only 7 years old, so I was wondering what would be the best age for this to be done?





  5. He's talking about someone else in the thread Blake, think he just put your name instead of theirs by mistake.


    I have seen some really good results from Dr Keser despite what method he uses, the fact they he turned it down means he's not all about the money, as he could just take your money and do what you want, but he may feel that you won't achieve what you are aiming for.

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