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Posts posted by Sparky

  1. If you have an anxiety about it now, an HT could make that anxiety a 100 times worse. Don't even think about getting an HT at 22. I had anxiety about my hair like you, I had barely any loss but had an HT at 22 and it was the worst thing I could of done.

    Your hair looks fine, your not at school anymore, don't let the memory of those bullies push you into doing anything that you may regret.

  2. I agree that strip yeilds higher, pretty easy to see that, there's not many cases of full restorations with fue only, and where there is, the patient normally has very high density donor hair, or has had a lot of BHT done aswell.


    Anyone who is worried about scarring shouldn't have an HT in the first place, because you will get a scar or scars, 100% guaranteed.


    Really with hindsight, I'd say I wouldn't have either.

  3. Scar5,

    Years ago when FUE first came out and was incredibly over-hyped there were indeed some clinics that claimed all patients were candidates. Those clinics now no longer make that wildely inaccurate statement publically, or they are now flat out of business. And well they should be.


    FUE is a very traumatic procedure on delicate human tissue. Some people's physiology will allow for it, some will not, but most fall somewhere in the middle. That's just a fact bourne out of time. Just look at the number FUE results posted over the years compared to strip results and that conclusion is obvious.


    There are a number of techniques to decrease FUE graft trauma and increase yield, however none represent the "magic bullet". Yes, the video you show demonstrates one practitioner's techniques, and they are good. I know this doctor very well as a colleague and a friend. In fact we share information and send each other patients. But he also experiences patients who are just not good FUE candidates.Even if they have straight strong looking hair. He was even doing a surgical demonstration recently and had the unfortunate luck to be working on a patient who turned out to be a poor candidate. As a result, alot of the grafts were severely traumatized or torn. This was his report to me, and this is very consistent with my own experience and that of other reputable FUE doctors as well including Dr. Shapiro, Dr. Rahal, Dr. Lindsey, and others.


    Some patient's skin are too mushy, brittle, or hard to allow for safe removal of the grafts. So follicular units themselves are just to splayed or wide to allow for safe removal. That's the reality of the situation and one the doctor MUST by LAW share with every patient who requests FUE procedures.


    In my clinic I tell the brutal truth because in the end it is up to the patient to make the decision, but in handing that decision to him I make darn sure he has all the information and concerns that are in my head. Then I put it in writing so there can be no question as to the risks of this procedure. That's the right way to do it. If offering these realities and informed consent sways a patient toward the more reliable strip method, then that's the way it has to be. For a doctor to ignore, downplay, or hide these realities, then this doctor is comitting bad practice and malpractice. Failure to give informed consent will get a medical license suspended or even revoked.


    I don't consider myself a "strip" doctor. I can do both FUE and Strip to the highest industry standards and have demonstrated such over the years on a consistent basis and in full public view. But there is a proper time to perform FUE and there is a proper time to perform Strip.


    Dr. Feller



    Nicely explained, some people just don't know about the "mushy" or "brittle" aspect.

  4. Celebs shut down the whole clinic So no other patients are there at the same time so they have to pay for loss of earnings to the clinic.


    I know because I'm famous in the uk ha ha ha.




    Yeah me too



    But not disclosing this fact in the papers gives the impression that its what an ht costs.

  5. Yeah he did an ht on a football player called wayne rooney, have to wait 9 months to see if its any good or not though, and even then you don't know if he's wearing concealer. Best to look at their website as they have several pics on there of real people.

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