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Posts posted by wylie

  1. It's not a bad idea at all. I did it and due to the number of grafts I had removed in the frontal third, as well as all the work I had done putting in beard hair, the ink was less effective in achieving a uniform look across the frontal third, but I do not regret the procedure at all. Had I have not had so much pre existing damage in this area it would have been an excellent alternative to further surgery there.


    The one drawback might be cost, I don't know if you can get just the frontal third done for less money than if you did the entire top.


    In my opinion, the goal of SMP is not to use the most ink for camouflage, it is to use it as sparingly as possible. Rates from the practitioners, however, do not reflect this approach. They charge the same for the frontal third as for the entire scalp. If you can find someone who is willing to work with you on price, this approach is optimal. You can always add more ink later.

  2. HTs for decades has been an overpriced procedure especially when compared to other cosmetic procedures which required more skill and training to perform. Nonetheless, there have been few alternatives and enough demand to maintain the inflated cost. I never maintained that FUE is such an esoteric procedure that couldn't be taught to non medical practitioners, my point was that by choosing such a clinic you have no idea of the skill and experience of the person(s) actually doing your procedure. If in fact these tech "mills" can maintain a respectable quality control and produce consistent and reproducible results, there will definitely be a positive effect on HT prices worldwide. This would be a welcome development and for this reason alone I hope that this model succeeds.


    Very well spoken, and I echo everything you said. With the advent of FUE in places like Turkey and India, American doctors are now scrambling to keep up with the results found in these locations, often performed for a fraction of the cost they charge here. This is great news for the American consumer, and I am definitely rooting for these new practitioners to succeed, and to give American and European consumers an alternative to the often ridiculous prices we are forced to pay for a limited market of FUE practitioners.

  3. You need to have a HT in 2 weeks, and you are looking for the cheapest doctor to do it, in 2 weeks, with little or no knowledge of the clinic, the doctor, or what is necessary to achieve your goals.


    I would advise you to also start saving money for your eventual repair. If you are going to ask me why I said this, and you don't know the answer as to why I said this, then you truly don't know what you are doing and should not plan on getting any surgery done until you've done months of research and consultations with clinics and doctors you have researched, as well as researching their documented patient results.


    You are gambling with your appearance, I hope your gamble pays off for you.

  4. Lastly, I met with Dr. Mike Vories right outside of Charlotte. I literally drove from Dr. Cooley's to his location. I was able to meet with him personally for the whole consultation. He practices FUE exclusively and no longer, from what he stated to me, practices NeoGraft. The reason being in that his efficiency is such now that he no longer needs the machine, therefor hand placing of the grafts is typically ideal, but usually less efficient. His speed now has let him eliminate the NeoGraft.


    He recommended the same number, roughly 2000, as the first two surgeons as said that my donor density was definitely adequate for FUE. He punches, typically a 0.8 punch if I recall correctly, and places the grafts all himself. He does only one patient a day as with every other consultation I spoke with. He let me ask away, like all other consultations and was frank and honest with his responses.


    The cost for this was quite competitive considering this is FUE and not FUT. If I was to come out with a high survival density and acceptable aesthetic look a year later, this would definitely rate as the best value if you consider FUE is typically more expensive. Not the lowest cost though.. HRS was the lowest estimate. Dr. Vories guaranteed me an 85% graft survival density and said that this is not actually a great number, but that the very high number of smokers in the south force him to be in this range. If he dealt with only non-smokers, he could guarantee a higher number. I do not smoke and apparently this lowers your typical graft survival rate.


    One thing is that he does not practice PRP or other added solutions such as Dr. Cooley due to, what he feels is lack of empirical evidence. I will have to do more research and see what the advantages/disadvantages and evidence are for PRP and whether it could be a deciding factor in selecting a surgeon.


    The only red flag I see here is guaranteeing an 85% survival rate. While many doctors makes similar claims, the truth is none of them can do this approaching any measurable level of accuracy. They can make estimates, and results vary as to how accurate they ultimately will be.


    However, from the rest of this experience you documented, this is exactly the kind of doctor that gives the best results. One who does not hand off all the work to techs, one who does not work on multiple patients in the same day. These are very important considerations. He clearly stands out from the other three mentioned, IMO.


    However, if he recently transitioned from the Neograft (which many doctors are presently doing) than you need to more closely research his body of work, and make sure you find his patient results to your liking. 2000 grafts is a fairly typical amount of work, graft wise, and it should not too heavily stress your donor (without pics. I can't tell)


    As scar5 mentioned in his excellent advice to you, a strip scar is NOT what you need. In 10 years, strip scars will be looked on like we once looked at mini grafts, it will be an outdated procedure. Don't burden yourself with a scar, it not necessary if you choose the right FUE doctor.


    And keep researching. You are going about getting a HT in the right way, and it certainly increases the likelihood of a great result. And don't forget, do NOT let cost be the final arbiter of your decision. Let doctor competency and trust in their ability be the final arbiter in your decision.

  5. Scalp Aesthetics STINKS and they make false statements.


    6 months ago I had the procedure done by their TOP guy and I had asked a lot of questions. I thought I would be paying for top service and product in the industry as they make claims on the internet and their website. They are NOT TRUE. The one question I had was? What about fading or changing colors like tattoos some times do. I was told NOT with our special ink, it will never happen….well guess what, it did…and it looks like crap now as it turned blue. They never called me back. The owner does not care now ..that he got his money.


    From Scalp Aesthetics web site:

    Our inks never EVER turn blue

    Tattoo inks and permanent makeup pigments are regularly used by many of our competitors. Tattoo ink and permanent makeup pigment is made up of blue, green and purple constituent colors. When they’re broken down by your immune system or by ultraviolet rays from the sun, the black ink separates and changes color, just like the ink used in a regular body tattoo does. On the scalp, this change can take less than a couple of months.

    Our pigments are 100% organic with no color additives. They cannot break down into other colors because they contain NO CONSTITUENT COLORS. This is critical.

    You might have heard of other providers inks turning blue, but it never happens at Scalp Aesthetics. That’s why we’re recommended by the world’s leading hair transplant surgeons. See my picture. WHAT A RIP OFF.


    Bryce Cleveland is a BULLY and RUDE owner of Scalp Aesthetics. I would NEVER suggest doing any business with him and his company.


    I am so sorry that I had this done to my head. DO NOT make the same mistake I did and use Scalp Aesthetics. I have pictures to prove that it turned blue.


    Sorry to hear about your predicament pace. If you want to properly warn others of this clinic, and if you want others to know what their end result really looks like, I would encourage you to post your photos. It would certainly benefit everyone here.


    Best of luck to you.

  6. Hi. I have started a crowdfunding page to see if i can gather enough funds to get the surgery done in turkey. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post. if not let me know.

    please have a look as I am wanting to provide people with 100% step by step process from booking to regrowth.

    Many thanks



    Turkish Hair transplant surgery


    Looks like you got a ways to go. :D

  7. You are trying to get a great result for a cheap rate and have done little to no research.


    Do you know that this is a recipe for disfigurement?


    There is only one thing you should do at this point, and that is research. Or you can just roll the dice and hope for the best. You never know, you might even get lucky.

  8. Thank you for your reply lol I am put off now, problem is I can't travel to Turkey or any where els and Farjo is out of my budget ... What do you think of Dr mazhar hussain he has just opened up in Brighton now after Denmark Norway and Pakistan , I've see on this forum a lot of people have had great results by him?


    You are following a well worn path of people who did not do enough research and trusted the skills of untested physicians on something so important as the way they look and present themselves to the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the rest of their life.


    You are gambling with your appearance, and I must warn you, the odds are stacked against you. You can roll the dice if you want to, but be prepared to spend years of your life and all your money to repair things if you don't like the result.


    And one of the Cardinal Rules of getting a HT is not letting the doctor who gave you an unsatisfactory result do your repair, as they have already screwed it up once. Most doctors will be happy to try and get it right the next time around, and most patients will be unhappy a second time.


    Think, research, and invest your time and energy into getting things right the first time.

  9. I am so happy for you. Dr. Lorenzo reaffirms he is the premier FUE surgeon in the world, what an incredible transformation. This thread serves as a testament that butchered patients can once again have hope.


    I do have to add you have excellent donor for this repair. My hair is very thin, and what little I had left for my repair could only be used at the hairline, a mere 1500 grafts. But I was able to use around 5k beard grafts to camouflage absolutely dreadful work from the mid-90's.


    I'm late to the party but I have read all 11 pages and am really glad you are updating with pictures, your hair is looking great!

  10. In your shoes, TheLGM, I would cancel the procedure with the technician clinic and not book a different clinic right now. Trying to salvage the date under this kind of pressure isn't ideal. If you don't take the flights you have alredy booked, won't you be able to use the flights at another time within the year, possibly with a modest change feee? If not, perhaps you could instead use the flights and hopefully book some in-person consults with three or four reputablee docs in Instanbul, including the ones you mentioned. Some clinics will offer you installment plans or financing.


    Don't feel too bad about being lured by this sort of clinic. It and its reps have been engaged in a heavy promotional campaign on multiple forums, including this one.


    Have a pint (or three), and proceed cautiously!


    Great advice, don't really need to add anything to this, it covers all you need to know.


    Worst case: Take the flight and do some in person consults (no surgery) and that can help you be an informed consumer who makes the right choices the first time.


    Best case: Pay a rescheduling fee and have your procedure done in 6 months, after you have thoroughly researched all your doctor options, viewed patient results, and been in contact with the clinic on multiple occasions, and have all your questions answered.


    Research is what allows you to ask the right questions. ;)


    Also, you can likely get payment to your C.C. canceled if you tell them the clinic in question was dodgy and you canceled after finding out you were misled, just have a thorough explanation in advance.

  11. That's a really wide scar, and I don't understand why a strip scar would be so wide. The doctor who sutured you up must have done a very poor job, there is no explanation for why a scar would stretch like that.


    While I agree that the SMP is blue, there is really no worry if you do what you should have done first, and that is FUE into your scar. You have plenty of available donor, and nothing breaks up an unnatural pigment better than actual hair. I have used both SMP and FUE into my strip scars and the results have been fairly amazing. I never thought I would be able to cut my hair in back to a #1 guard, but that is what I do every month.


    Without the addition of roughly 1500 grafts into my strip scars, I would never have been able to pull it off with just SMP alone. And without SMP added later, I would never be able to cut my hair in back like I do today. I needed both treatments. I have always said SMP is a compliment to FUE, not a replacement for it. As a stand alone treatment, SMP was not sufficient for me to shave to a #1 guard, and I have around 10 strip scars from numerous botched surgeries. And none of them are close to being as wide as your strip scar. Good luck!

  12. People can talk about free market all they want, but we as consumers are allowing these outrageously priced FUE docs to rip us off. Why don't we stick up for ourselves by calling out the docs who are over-charging?


    We as a group can effect change in this industry..but for some reason when it comes to price nobody wants to come forward and say enough is enough...STOP RIPPING US OFF.


    $10/hair from Feller and others....I'd say they should be ashamed of themselves, but we're the dumb as___ who agree to pay it.


    Can anyone recommend a Quality FUE doc in the USA who is more reasonably priced?


    Dr. Umar charges as low as $7.00 a graft and is one of the most experienced FUE docs in the U.S., possibly the most experienced. His extractions are not manual and he can do up to 1500 grafts a day. He is the best in the U.S., and I admit I'm hoping for success in the cheaper overseas clinics. Prices in the U.S. are too high.

  13. Well if you Google it.... 209,000 results come up. :confused: It is not how many anyways.


    So a Google search yielded zero results? Yes, that's what I got too. So I guess you are partially correct when you say "It's not how many anyways", because the number is zero (excluding the few truly unlucky outliers that no one knows about).


    If insurance providers based their malpractice rates on the number of successful lawsuits against industry butchers then insurance rates should be lower than what people pay for car insurance.

  14. Good luck on your HT. I wish the best. I'm glad you are choosing what fits yours needs. I think we would be all better without the bureaucracy in the medical field. If you ask most in America, the reason for high prices is government and the chance of being sued. I don't disagree with most of what you stated. Just giving an opinion. :o


    How many HT doctors are you aware of that have been successfully sued for malpractice in the United States? Can you name a single one? Also, there are practically no regulations on HT's in the United States, it is, and always has been, Caveat emptor.


    There seems to be some serious Savior syndrome going on with HTs. Guys who get FUT/FUE immediately become shills for that technique or surgeon.


    Actually, based on the OP's desire to keep his doctor nameless, it's more accurate to call it Stockholm Syndrome. I appreciate the fact that moderation intervened in an attempt to understand what went wrong with a recommended doctor here.


    When I was getting butchered in the 90's, the butcher who was placing mini-grafts in my scalp also did one thing consistently: He tightened the sutures so tight that I felt discomfort for weeks after the surgery, sometimes even after they came out. The result was very thin scars, numerous ones, all across the back of my head. With the addition of beard hair, and later SMP, I've been lucky enough to camouflage them fairly well and even cut my hair to a #1 guard in back. I still feel like this is the only thing that hack ever got right.


    No such luck with a scar like that one. It's going to need repair. Shame that whoever did this remains anonymous, but patients usually cover for these guys, as they don't want to end the relationship, even if it is one that does not benefit them. And the community is left wondering who they can trust.

  16. If you think you are being overcharged for a HT, makes sure that you did your homework and you get it right the first time. The real fun begins when you try and get it fixed. When you are unhappy with the result of a bad HT, you will pay just about anything to get it looking right again.


    That said, I'm very happy to see lower prices overseas, whether it be in Turkey or India or elsewhere in the world. Everything is more expensive in the United States, and if there is not competition to force prices to lower here, they won't. If doctors could get away with raising the prices every year, they would. Only if the "free market" forces a price reduction because consumers are looking elsewhere will we see a shift in what we pay for these surgeries.


    I'm pulling for the continued success of clinics that do more affordable work. Competition is the only thing that will cause a drop in prices for consumers in the U.S.

  17. My apologies, Pianist, for sidetracking your thread. I should have ignored 1966kph's attempt to provoke and scare you, as I knew that his buddy GraveD11ger would then join in the action.


    Let me explain what is going on: 1966kph and GraveD11ger have been actively promoting an illegally operating FUE clinic in Turkey called The Maral Klinic. You've probably seen the barrage of promotional threads started here by that clinic's online representative and various purported patients of the clinic (none of whom have documented matured, final results). This clinic has non-physician technicians performing every aspect of the hair transplant surgeries, without a physician present in the operating room. The doctor whose name is on the clinic has no hand in the transplant surgeries whatsoever. Instead, he leverages his technicians by letting them illegally perform FUE hair transplantation surgeries, and then passes the "savings" on to patients looking for cut-rate FUE. The technicians use motorized drills to make the graft recipient incisions ("channels") -- a tool that no hair restoration surgeon recommended here uses or would use, and a task that no physician or clinic recommended here allows a technician to perform. (By contrast, your repair surgeon, Dr. Karadeniz, who is a recommended ht surgeon here, uses tiny custom cut blades for this cosmetically and artistically critical task, to personally make mostly lateral slits, which is the ht gold standard.) Yet when this clinic's online representative started posting here, he lied about this and assured everyone that Dr. Maral performed every part of the hair transplant surgeries done at the clinic. This proved to be utterly false.


    At about this same time, Dr. Karadeniz was put up for recommendation here. In one of his posts, he discussed the ugly underbelly of the FUE trade in Turkey, which is populated by hundreds of clinics that offer cheap FUE by illegally having technicians perform hair transplantation surgeries -- clinics like The Maral Klinic, whose online representative acknowledge here that this practice is illegal in Turkey (at least while he was trying to mislead us into believing it wasn't occurring at his clinic). Dr. Karadeniz was subsequently approved for recommendation by this community. Since then, 1966kph and GraveD11gger have taken shots at Dr. Karadeniz and his patients at every opportunity. You got caught in the cross-fire, for which I apologize.


    I wish you great luck with your repair! Please keep us posted of your progress, and try to ignore the rantings of the shills for the clinic I mentioned.


    Very interesting PupDaddy, thanks for both explaining this and for bringing it to peoples attention. It's important that shill's are exposed, as it can save someone a lot of money and grief in the future.

  18. Have you spoken with your doctor about this? He can prescribe you a skin ointment that should aid in the healing. If you don't think your doctor is helpful you can seek out a dermatologist. It might take you longer to heal but from your pictures the redness does not look particularly troublesome.

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