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Alex Grey

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Everything posted by Alex Grey

  1. Your results looks great and looking forward to get better. if you can please guide me for my transplant journey I am 4 months in since my transplant and my surgeon recommended derma roller I am not very confident about it as I think it might end up doing more damage than good so if you can guide, How soon after your transplant did you start derma rolling was it in the initial 6 months after transplant or later thank you
  2. Yes i think I might need to give it time and try to tell doctor that I am not very much comfortable going on Dutasteride which is more potent what is the use case of taking risk when it is not required for a drug that may have higher side effects although we can manage the side effects by stopping Dutasteride I still do not want to go that route when finasteride is just working fine thank you for your comment
  3. Yes finasteride is not giving me any side effects but I don’t like going onto Dutasteride as it is more potent i believe in the minimal dosage of medication that could work because I have to take it life time and over time tolerance would build and I would have to switch to dutasteride anyway after a few years so I am saving dutasteride for more of the later years and finasteride seems fine to me my hair fall ‘feels’ less and crown seems like it’s improved why not give finasteride its chance and then we bring a much bigger gun yes I understand I’m not a medical professional and the doctor knows more than me but I’d prefer to be on a lower dose when it works for me not fixing it when it’s not broken but yes I would take your advice in consideration too
  4. Sir i am a bit confused here correct me if i misunderstood Are you telling me that If i don’t have any side effects in 4 months should I go for dutasteride because finasteride has been working safe for me so far If that’s being implied here
  5. Please guide me in the process of switching I have been on finasteride since 4 months with 1mg/day and earlier my surgeon suggested me to switch to dutasteride 0.5mg regularly by completely stopping finasteride does this type of abrupt switching is efficient how much time does finasteride needs to show results? at least 6 months I believe and 12 months for full results wouldn’t 4 months be too early to tell finasteride worked or not also isn’t it safer to switch to dutasteride gradually by adding only one dosage of it on the 7th day and have the rest six days for finasteride shouldn’t dutasteride is given when finasteride doesn’t work and finasteride still needs a chance to work to talk about finasteride I did not get any side effects so far the first month went into nocebo and I started thinking of side effects But after a month finasteride is good so faR can’t tell if side effects will occur later or not From what I know I’m seeing a little better hair growth in crown area not sure if it’s finasteride but I do see some hair growth there would attach pictures to show my balding and hair transplant condition to assess
  6. That is correct made a mistake of not having my transplant earlier Things like Covid and other things such as job and financial issues had me pending guess it’s done when it’s written
  7. The surgeon isn’t in contact for this conversation as soon I get the information from my surgeon, would update it here I’m hoping it to be shock loss not a case of over harvest
  8. Thank you for your comment photos before transplant and just after
  9. My donor area after 4 months is getting enough hair but isn’t able to cover all the baldness it looks less full and a lot of skin is visible I had a 5500 FUT FUE transplant is there a case for over harvesting or if it is because I have curly hair please provide guidance thank you
  10. As you said—I had to translate it The reason I’m posting again because to show the pictures of hair that were falling on my fingers though I do understand your statement thank you
  11. Thank you for your response I am counting them and they are below 100 hair everyday I hope this is normal hair cycle just skeptical if it is not the transplanted hair that I am losing appreciate your guidance
  12. If you will zoom in on the pictures of fingers, you’d see small hair strands that gets fall whenever I try to apply topical Minoxidil or shampoo or apply regular oil in the area Are the new hair growing after transplant too weak and it gets broken off too early when in contact or they are in their breaking phase from previous cycle and thus falling off quickly now I am on finasteride 1mg/day is this type of hairfall normal or is it of concern please provide guidance
  13. Seems like I’ll have to get it checked from other doctors who weren’t my original surgeons will see this weekend as I’m working in weekdays Thank you for your comment
  14. Yes it is done in India I do not know about my scalp much and the purple there—it might be from some medication marks. will ask my doctor about it the front red is the inflamed which hasn’t healed yet because I had a graft broken there and was bleeding. The graft are lost there. ans the red remains of the wound I will be going to oral minoxidil after a bit checking with other doctors who weren’t my original surgeons but I need to see with them if I need to switch or topical is just working fine thank you for your comment and thoughts
  15. I’m losing below 100 hair every day as I see them on tables where I work and on my pillows. Yes, been counting yes, it’s way large to cover up with 5500 I think I might have about 1500 max grafts reserved for next transplant I am hoping that the frontal part with get more density with hairs and the crown can be filled with finasteride yes, minoxidil twice a day doesn’t make sense and increasing the strength to 10% isn’t beneficial either. thank you for your response Your guidance is appreciated
  16. I am 4 months in. 5th just starting now I’ve noticed hair fall when I apply oil, minoxidil or shampoo—in my fingers as hair strands Is this normal? I am on 1mg/day finasteride (4 months total) with 5% minoxidil once a day Am i experiencing delayed shedding or shock loss? are my transplanted hair falling apart because of bad grafts had transplant for 5500 FUT + FUE and beard too my doctor advised me to stop finasteride and go to dutasteride daily 0.5mg and apply minoxidil two times a day with added 10% minoxidil one time I’m skeptical to switch to dutasteride. I haven’t had any side effects with finasteride yet but can’t say for dutasteride also, doesn’t finasteride needs at least 6 months before it can start being effective please guide anyone Why I am still having hair fall is it telogen effluviam what it is
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