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Alex Grey

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Everything posted by Alex Grey

  1. I would do smp but it’s a question of future right now I’m more worried about my transplant done in the front area it’s lagging behind I’ll take care of my donor by dht blockers they would probably help As far I’ve seen and would do second transplant (if I’m lucky enough to have some grafts left) and lastly would do smp all of these is a question of later but right now I have to see if my front transplant becomes successful or not
  2. I’m keeping the clinic name confidential now because I’m in still in touch with them thank you
  3. Understandable would still need to think about going dutasteride all in might do a dht test before that this new year
  4. Exactly My surgeon is asking me to go completely dutasteride while totally stopping finasteride I also want to stick to finasteride for at least a year before going over to Dutasteride plus even if I switch I would introduce it more gradually than completely switching . I do understand 5 months is early I’m trying to be patient the best I can thank you
  5. That’s all I got friend that’s all I’ve got to look forward thank you
  6. There is growth yes but it’s very slow been advised to take dutasteride daily 0.5 and stop my current 1mg finasteride daily still mulling over it because I’ve been using finasteride only for 5 months so I need to give it time and if I go on dutasteride I want to start it with once a week while keeping finasteride still 6 times a week derma roller also been recommended but I don’t prefer so not using it I feel as if I’ll do more harm than good recommend to take minoxidil 10 instead of 5 for two times which I still don’t think is very effective here are my recent pictures the hair sometimes looks good then other day bad after shampooing or oiling I don’t shampoo every day but between those it looks sometimes better than before
  7. 5th month would be completed now 27july had my transplant also if you can comment on something — I do not get any or hardly any hairfall from the donor region while moving my hand in there but the moment I touch my transplanted area for either topical 5% minoxidil or just some coconut oil for anti dryness I get quite an amount of hairfall on my fingers this is only and only when touching the transplanted region for minoxidil or shampooing Talked about it to doctors they said they can’t say anything and just to wait they might grow back but it’s really concerning me
  8. I’m keeping an eye on the donor area it seems full sometimes perhaps because of my curly hair but then the overall look from far away still makes my crown look a lot thin I’ll upload the recent picture for donor
  9. They told me at the time of surgery that I may have about 600-700 reserve grafts from donor and 600-700 grafts from beard for future use is it possible or were they just telling me just like that . I think the only thing I can do now about it is to get a scalp micro pigment done there and hope that the finasteride may make it thicker or dutasteride when I go on it
  10. I do not have access to clinic pictures but have my own pre and post op the Pre op are one year behind but post are just after
  11. Went to another clinic and they did not make any comments about my scalp although I did not ask it directly as there were other questions to be answered just asked me to wait and told me id have been better off using only FUE but I doubt that . the original clinic visited also no comments on scalp only being asked to get derma roller (which I don’t find useful) and take a dht test if I’m being too skeptical of taking dutasteride 0.5/day regularly didn’t ask the direct question regarding scalp as they were in hurry and I was under free consultation with them but did refer me clobate ointment probably for my pimples on forehead . third clinic only online consultation did mention the question of scalp issue and they said scalp looked fine before surgery there may be some pimples formed after surgery and there could be scalp necrosis in the front area which it was patchy but the patch will stay like that will need to get 10-15 grafts there to cover it about pimples they advised me differently ointments mupriocin for pimples but my pimples Aren’t a lot they are like one or two here and there so I’m not taking any ointment or antibiotics for that will check about ointments again this weekend overall three clinics one original another third party another third party online None of them made an exact comment about my scalp All of them are hair transplant clinics but if you say so i might give a visit to a dermatologist not a hair transplant clinic to check
  12. Thanks for your hope really distressing these days i hardly can find sleep over it taking melatonin for it Appreciate your input as always
  13. Fifth month is a mark where a lot of the growth have happened and I’m lagging behind a lot I’m in fear that if I’m among those who have a failed transplant still have shedding but the surgeon says it’s not much advised to go to Dutasteride daily instead of finasteride but I’m planning to have a dht test first Is it possible that hair can grow late or I am totally wasted
  14. Spoke to him about donor area in person he was vague about it said if the hair was already thin there and taking out even few grafts would make it look less thinner said will have to see if there was a shock loss
  15. It is in India and I’m not disclosing the doctor name because I am still in touch with them for post op care thank you
  16. Can you please point out where exactly is the scar you are mentioning if it is the front forehead then it’s because after scabs formation the front scab there fell out after me having shower and doing regular light motion shampoo I understand the grafts are lost there that I have to manage because it was an accident it just fell out and blood was there nothing I did to it . the other red dots around are probably from small acne I am getting which I think is called Follicultis . the acne is not a lot One or two here and there which gets healed over time I’m not doing anything special for them . rest could be just red spots which aren’t healed yet and would be in time as redness after transplant can stay for a while . im 4 months into transplant . it’s done in a India clinic and I’m not disclosing the doctor’s name because I am still in touch with them for post op care . also if you can guide me if derma roller is necessarily after a transplant or it can be skipped as I don’t feel confident using it thank you
  17. Thank you for your guidance because I am skeptical to use derma roller after the transplant anyway
  18. Hello sir thank you for your contribution here I have a query if you can please guide micro needling derma roller were you using it after transplant within the six months period did your doctor advise you to use derma roller after transplant
  19. How soon I should be considering a derma roller after hair transplant is it really really necessary my hair is growing a bit slow (but still growing) with minoxidil 5% once a day and finasteride 1mg/day my surgeon has suggested me to start derma rolling at home I am not very confident about it im worried that I might end up doing more harm than good if by chance native hair gets damaged or any transplanted hair which are so new in the region is derma roller necessary after transplant Isn’t minoxidil enough to promote blood circulation I am not looking for fast results I just want something steady and stable please guide if derma roller after transplant is necessary thank you
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