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Everything posted by hair_forever

  1. Your case is incredible, I also have fine hair like yours unfortunately I'm NW8
  2. Incredible result! I don't understand how many BHT and FUE What treatment does it take?
  3. With that number of UF and that type of hair I expect greater coverage on the vertex. But we are only in the sixth month, in a few months it will definitely be better. What treatments does the patient follow?
  4. 1) Clean extractions 2) Very large receiving area Which Eugenix package did you choose?
  5. Does the Doctor carry out all the procedures for the operation or does he use assistants?
  6. You seem to be doing really well, it would be nice to see the vertex too.
  7. 1st HT: UF 4000 - BHT 1300 = 5300 2nd HT: UF 2977 - BHT 0 = 2977 3rd HT: UF 2269 - BHT 556 = 2825 Is correct? Have they estimated other UFs that can be withdrawn? You performed all three surgeries with the same package Eugenix?
  8. Quoto ask for Dr. Sethi's supervision as this third and final ht is crucial for you. But, aren't they soon considering using BTH? Does only Pittella use them?
  9. Hi, I'm following your case with great interest, I saw that you're opting for the idea of lowering the hairline, forget it, they drew you an excellent line like this and the parietals are fine too, don't waste uf in areas that aren't needed and concentrate them where they really are they are needed.
  10. Yes, he has a system made by an external company but, developed according to the indications of the Doctor himself, these vacuum systems were previously on the market and I don't understand why anyone is able to emulate something similar. Eugenix used the vacuum but he abandoned it.. Is it possible that there is no one who can equal Zarev?
  11. Why should he use two systems? I don't think it depends on the type of intervention on extensive or less extensive baldness. If that is Dr. Zarev's system, what other clinics use it?
  12. Doctor Zarev's extraction system is: NeoGraft Automated Hair Transplant System If so, are there other clinics that use this system? Blessed are those who found it in time when the Doctor asked for 2 euros/uf.
  13. If up to now we have talked about Vetrophilin for HT, why are we now moving it to anti-hair loss drugs?
  14. He is not the only one who grafts at certain densities but he is the only one who extracts the follicular units in this way. This allows him to have more available and have much higher densities with very high regrowth rates. It is not necessary for him to have any other office available, but for other surgeons it is.
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