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Everything posted by manutd4545

  1. As someone has been to Dr Farjo he is top class and no need to go abroad to better quality. I have also had two done with Feriduni so appreciate patients who want to but doctors here are of top quality such as Farjo and Maitland clinic.
  2. In my case transplanted hair did continue to weaken over 10 years since my first HT in 2011 despite still taking finasteride. This is not the norm but rather the exception.
  3. I met dr Ball during a hair meet-up years ago in London. A fantastic guy who does have a patients best interest in hand.
  4. I am two years out from 2,201 FUE with Dr Farjo and delighted with the results.
  5. up to 3,000 for high level hairless is rarely going to do the trick and more conservative docs will focus on the front but some of the surgeons on here such as Hasson and Wong will have no issue going above that depending on donor capacity etc.
  6. Here is 12 months pre-op from my first op, compared to pre op for my 3rd. The strange thing is how my transplanted hair seemed to thin 3 and 4pic is 3rd op photos, bearing in mind dr Farjo did not touch the front alot, with an estimated 800 in the crown and the rest on top. In the operation I felt a few grafts go towards frontal third but none in the hairline area, merely crossing over with previous work to ensure continuity.
  7. I have been to Feriduni and I know they also have a list or did have of patients that are happy to speak to potential patients. I appreciate not quite the same as finding patients on here.
  8. UK seems fine, local pharmacies well stocked.
  9. I would still not have changed my mind to be honest as I think most of us choose a top quality doctor especially if researched on here.
  10. Thanks, it a great feeling to be able to go outside without worrying about the weather.
  11. I met Dr Farjo for the consult on the 30 June and he suggested I needed approx 2,200 grafts. This was lower than other doctors estimates of which I asked him why the lower number. He said other doctors have other ideas and considering I had 4,500 before and results were not great (3,000 the first, the rest the 2nd) I know bigger is not always better. After the consult I arrange the surgery with Mick and got a cancellation for the 30 July. The day started at 7.30 am and ended just after 7pm. I had the first of 3 rounds of extractions carried out by Dr N Farjo, Dr Bassam Farjo's wife. after the first round Dr B Farjo then made all the incisions bar from about 200. The extractions from the 1st round were placed and then I had two further rounds of extractions with the grafts then being placed. Dr B Farjo then made the final incisions and the final grafts were placed. Dr Farjo and the team were absolutely fantastic. A special thanks goes to Mick who I have kept in regular contact with. Mick has been nothing short of fantastic. I am now over 2 years post and delighted with the way things have progressed.
  12. Hi All, I was previously a member of this forum a few years back and underwent a couple of FUE with a renowned doctor. Over the last few years until reached my mid thirties for some reason that original transplanted hair did not last as I would have hoped. I got to 34 and decided to go with Dr Farjo to add some coverage to a bald crown and mid section. Bearing in mind I had close to 4,500 take out already ( I know my state now does not show that) we went with a conservative approach leaving me with roughly 1,000 left should I wish to have another in the future. Due to the success of it I have no plans to have anymore and delighted with the results. I have been away from forums for pretty much the last 10 years but wanted to show a success story from my point of view for a change compared to what I have before. All below are pre op. I did start oral minoxidil upon Dr Farjo advice a few weeks after my op.
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