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Posts posted by Carla

  1. 14 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    Let me tag @Hattingenhair hopefully they can share some cases.

    Thank you. Would be great. I reached out to them and they sent me 2 examples that I’ve already seen on their youtube and would like to see more before I go ahead. Would be great to know which Dr at Hattingen is also most appropriate (I.e with most successful experience) to work on female HT. @Hattingenhair @Melvin- Admin

  2. On 10/2/2023 at 1:22 PM, Rossybop said:

    Nothing in life is a guarantee except death and taxes :/ ...I've certainly not lost all of it. But I feel like a good bit of it has thinned out. It could be that lots of native hairs surrounding the transplanted hairs have fallen out, but honestly to me it seems like the transplant has weaked a little bit, more so on the left side than the right side.

    I'm booking a 2nd transplant. I expect the 2nd transplant to be a lot smaller than the first transplant because I don't shouldn't need so many grafts this time.

    @Rossybop you couldn't have put it better! Ok I wish you all the best of luck, are you going back to Dr Saifi for your 2nd procedure?

  3. 8 hours ago, Rossybop said:

    Hi...the transplanted hair never looked the same as my native hair, when looked at closely, especially under harsh lights. It always looked thinner and not 100% natural when harshly scrutinised.

    I can tell you now though, almost 3 years out from the surgery. I need another transplant. Its looking weak and not nearly half as good as it did 18 months ago.

    I now take dutasteride and my hair loss has finally stopped again, but the transplanted areas look weak, especially the left hand side. I can't style my hair with full flexibility any more. I personally believe that a lot of my transplanted hair fell out over the past 2 years.

    @Rossybop That’s crazy to think you feel it may have fallen out over the past 2 years, I mean I didn’t know that could even happen? Once it’s implanted it’s implanted forever? 

  4. On 9/21/2023 at 5:32 PM, im_not_a_robot said:

    Picture Update: 1 year and 7 months since transplant


    i have mixed feelings about the results. The results look natural and better than before procedure. However, given the number of grafts and relative small are covered ( conservative hairline) i think i should have had more density. Will probably do a procedure for more density, but might wait a few years. Im currently 35, if my hair situation is stable i probably will have a transplant when im perhaps 37-38












    @im_not_a_robot thanks for this update. Would you go back to Dr Saifi for your 2nd procedure in few years if you do decide to go ahead with another? 

  5. On 6/19/2023 at 7:48 PM, Keith2091 said:

    Thanks. Yes. I definitely am. Still trying to find a hairstyle that actually suits me to be honest. The photos above are literally the hair just thrown back to show the hairline. I’m still generally wearing it down. 

    Why do you still wear it down can I ask? I would’ve thought with your new hairline you’d be confident enough to gel/style it back? 

  6. On 2/5/2012 at 9:45 AM, Buzz2 said:

    Hi Mark11


    Many thanks for the private message and im glad you are happy with everything. Yeah, it would be good to see the pics as there is not many pictures of Dr Saifis work. What I have seen has been good.


    It would be great for the other regular members to see some of his work so they can offer their comments.


    I know for some people, once they have a decent result they tend not to use the forum. Personally if Im lucky to have the same, Im not sure what i'll do. It would be nice not to spend every single day of my life worrying about my hair but also it would be good to be able to help others.


    So hats of to all of you that still come on here all the time, when they are satisfied with their results as it because of you that others gain knowledge on the subject.

    Hi there, i can see you went to Dr Saifi with results you were happy with but yet still went to another Dr Hakan Doganay for your latest procedure. Can I ask why you didn’t stick to the HT surgeon that worked on you and had good results? Just asking as I’m doing my research for my HT surgery and I’m female and need to be careful of who I pick as my surgeon 

  7. On 2/13/2018 at 8:58 PM, gillenator said:

    The best thing to do is a search on repair cases in several of the major online hair loss forums like this one. Make contact with those patients who express they are happy and satisfied with their repair work, and ask them if they recommend the surgeon who did their work.


    Also talk to the surgeons who have a lot of experience with FUE repair cases with examples and send them your photos. After consulting with the ones you feel do the best repair work, make an appointment to see them in person. Also ask them who they think would do the best repair on your case. Some docs will tell you up front that there are other docs who would be more qualified for repair such as yours because not all of them will want to do your case.


    Also, it is not advisable to take both dutasteride and finasteride at the same time as both are prostrate meds and not good for your prostrate. You can ask any doctor about that. They will undoubtedly tell you that it is best to take one or the other but not both at the same time.

    When you mention make contact with those patients who express are happy with their repair work, how does one do that when all before and afters are confidential and 9/10 people don’t respond to you on RealSelf?

  8. On 7/26/2023 at 1:16 AM, Tommy1991 said:

    Let me also address this point separately. If the clinic or the doctor was really concerned about shock loss to the thinned area they never would have placed grafts into the hairline which looked equally as thin or for that matter, taken the repair on. 

    Honestly. the level of excuses is just unbelievable. 

    hopefully this will help many others on this forum considering Eugenix for a repair.

    Thank you so much for making the effort to post your honest review about your hair transplant surgery at Eugenix. 

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  9. 48 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    I've had two HT's with Eugenix, first with Dr Arika & then Dr Pradeep (neither were repairs!). If you click on my profile you can find my journey thread but yes, I've had good results!

    Nice one! Just seen your pics in your profile and your hair looks fantastic and very natural.

    If you happen to stumble upon anymore threads on female hairline repair, do keep me in mind :) cheers

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