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Everything posted by jdlosing

  1. I see know issue with that, I was doing it myself but then found that Jason's thin to thick was a better shampoo for me then nioxin at about a third the price, still use 2% niz 3x a week.
  2. I don't agree, I think Minoxidil works for most people, i think your definition of working is what varies. does it regrow hair, yes, does it regrow a full head of hair, no. but it will in most people either regrow some hair or slow down the rate of thinning. also, most minox is absorbed within an hour of application, i see no issue with showering an hour later in the mornings, however i would highly reccomend twice a day and leaving it in all night.
  3. Jake, proscar is 5mg, so cutting into 1/5 would be equal to the 1mg of propecia, I think the original post was about cutting propecia into 5ths. as far as taking 1mg every 5 days, I don't believe fin has the half life to make it effective. maybe cut in half and take EOD would be the most likely alternative.
  4. yes, I've read the study and believe it to be true, my question is how do you cut a propecia pill into 5th's? I think your better off taking the 90 day supply and wait for the patent (june 2006) to expire and hope for cheaper generics to hit the market before your done.
  5. ok 40, we're coming up on the 3 month mark, where are you at now? great sex and a full head of hair?
  6. your a lucky man pushing 40, no shed and good sex, mean while i've got shed and no libido, what's next, tiny nuts and man boobs? I can't wait!!!!!
  7. ok, I just finished off my 60th pill last night, over the last week or so I've noticed some shedding, I wouldn't call it a heavy shedding at this point, but then again I've never been one who's experience much shedding at all. my hair loss has been more of the gradual thinning over 15 years, unnoticeable until i look at pictures from when i was 18 and where i am now and it's like "holy crap i've lost alot of hair"...... I understand my current shedding could be a good thing, but it is alarming!!!! Pushing40 are you experiencing any of this? and those of you who are long time Fin. users and advice input? did you go through a similar thing at the 2 month mark? I should just hang in there in wait it out, I know that's the answer, but would lie to hear it from someone else. JD (shedding)
  8. sounds like we're in the same boat again 40, I still have a fair amount of hair that I know alot of guys would kill for what I have, I'm not happy with what I got, but I could live with it, I think the thought of losing more really is what got me on this kick to try and commit to doing something about it. I'm trying not to get my hopes up to much, but i also see the little hairs growing in my hair line, that i know hasn't seen any regrowth in years, who knows what they'll turn into, but i'm believe it's a sign that somethings working. as far as my before pics, i don't have any of they typical shots that i see people take as their before and after pics, mainly because i was too depressed about my hair at the time i started this regime to even consider it, but i do have the picture of me that i think helped put me over the top that really showed the amount of thinning, i'd be happy to post that once i setup a blog, i'd even would post a pic of my "cute" girl friend if you get the pic of your hot wife up. my girl friend thinks i'm nuts, but she has been supportive as she can be, without really understanding why it bothered me so much. jd
  9. pushing 40, it looks like you and I started propecia at about the same time, I'm coming up on 2 months now, here's what I've noticed, 1. it appears to have lowered my libido (i don't have a hot wife, but a cute girl friend) 2. my hair appears to be better. I think both of these could be just placebo effect as I had a pretty low libido to begin with (due to depression about hair loss) and hair may not look so bad because I feel like I may not be losing more and can live with what I have. also, I've switched to better shampoos, nizoral and jason's thin to thick (which I highly reccomend), as well as Dr Lee's Xandrox5 and 15 and 5% spiro all at about the same time. so it's likely that I'm seeing cosmetic improvements based on the shampoos and that's it. either way i'm going to stay on this regime and wait to see what happens next. I think it would be interesting to continue to compare our results over the next few months, not only on the progress but also on opinion of treatments. congrats on the hot wife. JD (maintaining?)
  10. rogaine to expensive? why don't you try generic minox from walmart, it's like 30 bucks for a 3 month supply. either way, not sure how you can consider HT if you can't afford rogaine? start with that and see how you respond.
  11. it's wishful thinking, from what i've found is hair grwon with minox is different then hair kept with propecia, I was thinking of doing the same thing, glad I researched before i did. you may be ok to keep what you have with minox once a day, if that helps.... JD
  12. thanks hairbank, ironically enough i just ordered some nioxin, it's currently sitting at the ups warehouse waiting for me to pick up, good to know i seem to be taking the right steps and so far i've been pretty good with avoiding the snake oil products. I like the idea of thickening shampoos, becuase although toppiks does a nice job and i don't have to apply too much, i think the pyscological impact of applying "fake Hair" effects me, with thickening shampoo i can trick my mind into believing i'm just washing my hair, yes I've got issues!!!!!
  13. thanks pushing 40, any suggestions or have you had any success with products that help thicken the hair, I've been using toppiks lately that seems to help, but I'd prefer a thickening shampoo or a treatment to help, currently using propecia, dr lees minox w/aa and spiro along with nizoral 1%, anything else you would add?
  14. maybe a strange question, but for someone who has lost as much hair as I have over the last 15 years, I've never been one to have excess shedding. well when I first starting losing, especially at the hair line, when I combed it there would be a fair amount in the comb, but i'd say over the last 10 years, i may only see one or two hairs after combing, I rarely see hair in the shower and even when i run my fingers through my hair or pull at it, I don't seem have much of a fall out. yet over the years my hair has gotten increasingly thin. maybe i'm losing quite a bit in the shower and the hair is so thin that it just doesn't clog the drain, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
  15. maybe a strange question, but for someone who has lost as much hair as I have over the last 15 years, I've never been one to have excess shedding. well when I first starting losing, especially at the hair line, when I combed it there would be a fair amount in the comb, but i'd say over the last 10 years, i may only see one or two hairs after combing, I rarely see hair in the shower and even when i run my fingers through my hair or pull at it, I don't seem have much of a fall out. yet over the years my hair has gotten increasingly thin. maybe i'm losing quite a bit in the shower and the hair is so thin that it just doesn't clog the drain, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
  16. wonderful point Guitarplayer, I've been thinking that myself lately, Insurance doesn't cover my $50 propecia, but their more then happy to pay $200.00 an hour for the physcologist I've been seeing for my low self-esteem caused by hair loss.
  17. I also just tried dermmatch for the first time yesterday, my experience was that it left my hair looking very dry and dirty. ironically after washing it out later that night I believe some remained in my hair and actually looked good. i'm guessing I used too much the first time and will continue to experiment a little.
  18. just an update, I've been using Dr Lee's xandrox for about 5 days now, obviously way to soon to update anyone on the effectiveness, but I can say this, it is much more cosmetically acceptable to regualar minox treatment. it completey rids me of the oily feeling associated with the application, especially with the morning. sure it's a little more expensive, but definetly worth it to not have the sticky, greasy, oily feeling all day long.......btw, it only took 10 days from the time i sent in my initial consultation in via us mail to receive his products, so far very impressed with him and the level of customer service. further more, i sent him an email with some general questions yesterday (on a saturday) and had a very thourough response from him when I got up this morning. I'd be happy to post if anyone with oily hair is interested? I am so not affiliated with Dr Lee, just wanted to put in my two cents.......I've only been on propecia for 3 weeks, so if if I do experience regrowth, i honestly won't be able to tell you if it's the xandrox or the propecia responsible. JD
  19. my hair is generally oily and obvious the minox does not help the situation, my question is does anyone have any suggestions on things I can to help with this issue, not looking for a product to help grow hair, but more something that will make the hair i have less oily. initially received some great advice regarding nizoral and with the use 3 times a week, I've noticed an improvement, but is there anything else out there i can use. I've seen some posts regarding tree oil, emu oil and others, also nioxin and similar shampoos, I'm just not clear on the benefits? again not regrowth benefits but cosmetic? also, I've order dr lees minox formula as it seems it helps with some of the typical greasey minox issues, think that's a good decision? finally, let me thank all of you for your continued help, you guys have all been wonderful, I hope to some day be here to help other new posters like myself, your input has been invaluable. JD
  20. thanks for the advice, I'll stick with 1% for now, I admit after only one week, my scalp does feel much better, now if it could just work on my confidence too!!!!
  21. at the advice of several people out here, I started using 1% Nizoral this week, two applications so far Tues and Thurs, I noticed immediate difference and am almost able to make it through a whole day with out feeling like I have an oily scalp. My question is since i'm new with this product, what kind of long term results can I expect, not even so much with possible growth but with scalp irritation. Secondly, would anyone reccomend using it daily for a period of time for someone just starting out? and is there an added value with getting 2%? my hair is thinning alot quicker then it's falling out, any other suggestions for shampoos or other products to help add volume? thanks, JD
  22. at the advice of several people out here, I started using 1% Nizoral this week, two applications so far Tues and Thurs, I noticed immediate difference and am almost able to make it through a whole day with out feeling like I have an oily scalp. My question is since i'm new with this product, what kind of long term results can I expect, not even so much with possible growth but with scalp irritation. Secondly, would anyone reccomend using it daily for a period of time for someone just starting out? and is there an added value with getting 2%? my hair is thinning alot quicker then it's falling out, any other suggestions for shampoos or other products to help add volume? thanks, JD
  23. thanks again, I ordered nizoral from drugstore.com, I'll let you know how it feels, how much of an advantage is 2% over 1%? I'd also like further input from anybody about the 15 minox and Dr Lee if anybody has it?
  24. thank you all for continued responses, you've all been so helpful for if for not other reason then it's obvious we can all relate to what the other is going through. I'd say up until recently, I've been ignorant to the cause and treatments for hair loss, basically know it's genetic and rogaine and propecia may help........for the rest, I suppose you could just say i was in denial, so i just continued to do my rogaine (again never consistent enough because of not liking how it felt and just hoped for the best). so over the last month i'm learning these new terms, you would think that a guy who has been losing his hair for 16 years would have known what DHT was a long time ago..........anyway before I ramble on about nothing, I was hoping you folks could answer a couple more questions for me: "search the site for Nizoral and Nioxin for starters." This product has come up alot with my google searches and since it was mentioned in this post, can someone help me with it, yes the product makes logical sense as a cleansing of the scalp, but for those using it, does it really add value to just using rogaine and propecia alone? I have oily hair (i'm surely mainly from the thinning and the length i keep it to try to cover my forehead) and have trouble with most shampoos, including most that add volume (vive for men, etc....), but if it truly adds value then absolutely i can work around it and use the stuff a couple times a week. secondly, 15% minoxidil, founds this at dr lee's sight, I'm assuming he must be a familar name, xandrox15 i believe, comes with some extra "junk" i guess to help absorb the minox.? is it more likely to add, promote or at least slow or stop hair loss, specifically in the frontal region??? ok, i also have questions on concealers, but i'll safe that for another day, thanks once again, your help is much appreciated. JD
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