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Posts posted by baddecisions

  1. 17 hours ago, Reina said:

    I agree. I have seen many great results from dr yaman and most of his work is impressive. Dr yaman is an ethical  surgeon and he participates in all of his surgeries by doing incisions, plan, design, measurements of donor and recipient area and he supervises all of his hair transplants. So in general he is a good choice at a fair price. 

    Impressive work by dr Yaman? Where can you find it?

    There are many unsatisfied patients in "hair transplant reviews" section in this forum that won't second that.

    To Mascherano, run away from Yaman and similar clinics/doctors. You have alreday made a mistake, do not make another one.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Suraj said:

    Can you please tell me how to fix this?






    You need to find a doctor to remove the implanted hair in one or potentially more removal sessions. Then in a different procedure, once the area has healed, implant hair in a natural way with proper angles and directions. Another possible way, is just removal sessions and accept your baldness since it is moving to high Norwoord.

    Another point to be highlighted is that you have what seems to be cobblestoning in the implanted area.

    In what condition is the donor area?

    Who was the doctor that did this to you?

  3. 48 minutes ago, Suraj said:

    I have done with my HT 7 months ago but still not got proper results. My hairs are not much thick and remains always straight in upward direction. Please let me know that how much time do I need to wait to get 100% results.

    Sorry to hear, angles and directions do not change over time: if implanted hair remains always straight in upward direction you have been botched, that's it. It would be great if you could share pictures and doctor's/clinic name, so that other people do not end up going to the same doctor.

    Good luck!

  4. 11 hours ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    @jbd123 maybe you should ask Dr. Hasson for a free touch up. There are multiple other threads on here from h&w where people have gotten free second rounds. 

    You will have to directly ask the clinic though as I doubt they will offer you one unprompted.

    I also understand you must be really frustrated and disappointed with the work. 

    But if the options are spending an additional 20k elsewhere vs putting aside your feelings and working out a remedy with Hasson, the latter may be most effective

    That being said, I do think your concerns about the techs may be valid. 

    Hasson is one of the few "elite doctors" who seems to dictate all work to the techs. whereas the modern trend for other elite doctors is for them to have a hands on role, and the surgeon may be just as hands on if not more so than the tech

    I don't think this is a make or break item in you having a repeat surgery, but you can certainly bring it up


    Wait, is that accurate? What is exactly done by Hasson and what by techs?

  5. 4 hours ago, Hairwolf said:

    First time I have seen a ‘lower’ NW here from the Dr. A lot appears to have been planted in rows, which I don’t think I have seen either. Anyway happy growing 

    The majority of Pitella's cases do have rows, in any case and being as against to rows as someone could be, his results are great.

  6. 4 hours ago, Join77 said:

    Which would you choose from these 2? If you had to use one of them. Looking for answers from maybe previous patients from these 2 centers or if you know someone that’s gone here personally. Dr SErkan and HOI. I’m already aware SERKAN is considered hair mill and maybe so is HOI and the DR’s. Do not perform surgery’s. What other feedback can y’all provide? Thank you much!! I’m a NW7 with bad donor area

    Do not have a surgery then. And, in case you want a surgery, save as much money as possible and ask top doctors for consultation. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Buffaloboy said:

    Thanks for sharing your story @Captain Haddock.

    I wish I could talk to all Hair Transplant clinics and doctors around the world and tell them to memorize this phrase:

    "Admit and fix".

    That's it! That's all you need to do! Take this from a marketing professional - the BEST thing to do in these situations is NOT to create excuses or lie, but instead just apologize and offer to immediately fix.

    I don't know why so many clinics want to play the blame game (or straight up lie). You look WAYYYYY better as an office if you can admit when someone went wrong, apologize, and then offer to fix it. Immediately.

    I have a ton of respect for an office that can admit and fix. It makes me trust them even more, because I know *if* there is a mistake, I can trust them to fix it. 

    Not only the clinic not admiting it, but also people here defending this saying everything is ok. Shameful.

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