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Everything posted by Smoothy

  1. THis might last for 6 months-- mine did. Try using ice packs to sleep.
  2. My surgeon always had me shampoo with xtra strength Dandruff shampoo (over the counter). I always slept uprigh in my recliner for 5 days (or in your bed with 4-5 pillows). Try an ice pack on the back as well.
  3. I posted on the other discussion for surgeons and still havent gotten a response from Dr. Shapiro. I guess he's too busy creating hairlines of the future!!
  4. The results look too early to tell-- his hair is still curly. One positive sign is with him only being 20-- too young in my opinin-- he only got 300 grafts, so in the future he will still have donor hair as MPB progresses.
  5. While on the West Coast the last 2 days, during dinner one night I noticed a gentleman at the bar with his wife. Very sharp and professional guy, but something didnt look natural. Upon further evaluation, I noticed he had a pretty good HT-- I was probably the only person in the restaurant the recgonized this--- it was real good exept that it looked "too perfect". The hairline was lined up with every single hair graft next to each other in a row. The only problem was he didnt have FU, it looked like he had 100% mini and micro grafts-- 2 hair micro's on front and probably 2-3-4 hair mini's behind. This caused his hair to look too "blunt"-- there wasnt a "softness" look or gradual hailine progression. The hairline did not look pluggy our anything, just very stern and sharp unlike natural hairlines that are more softer up front then denser as you go back. This is another reason to have 100%. Some have said you can get a good HT with mini and micros-- which this guy had (it was real good) but it will not look 100% natural like 100% FU's.
  6. While on the West Coast the last 2 days, during dinner one night I noticed a gentleman at the bar with his wife. Very sharp and professional guy, but something didnt look natural. Upon further evaluation, I noticed he had a pretty good HT-- I was probably the only person in the restaurant the recgonized this--- it was real good exept that it looked "too perfect". The hairline was lined up with every single hair graft next to each other in a row. The only problem was he didnt have FU, it looked like he had 100% mini and micro grafts-- 2 hair micro's on front and probably 2-3-4 hair mini's behind. This caused his hair to look too "blunt"-- there wasnt a "softness" look or gradual hailine progression. The hairline did not look pluggy our anything, just very stern and sharp unlike natural hairlines that are more softer up front then denser as you go back. This is another reason to have 100%. Some have said you can get a good HT with mini and micros-- which this guy had (it was real good) but it will not look 100% natural like 100% FU's.
  7. Dr. Shapiro, Could you provide your professional opinion, based on clinical experience, about the lateral slit technique? When should you use this tech.? What advantages and disadvantages does it have? And is it better for someone with less donor hair/or multi HT patient? Thanks for your professional opinions and insights. This has been a recent discussion and one that is good knowledge to know. SInce your one of the best with hairline work, it would be nice to get your views. Thanks
  8. Dr. Shapiro, Could you provide your professional opinion, based on clinical experience, about the lateral slit technique? When should you use this tech.? What advantages and disadvantages does it have? And is it better for someone with less donor hair/or multi HT patient? Thanks for your professional opinions and insights. This has been a recent discussion and one that is good knowledge to know. SInce your one of the best with hairline work, it would be nice to get your views. Thanks
  9. That would be great for me, but I would like for everyone to benefit from any additional knowledge on HT. I guess I could paraphase what he tells me directly, but its always good to hear it directly from the source--- JUST HAD YOU GUYS IN MIND-- I need to be less humble and more selfish?
  10. I would say wait at least 6 months-- that's what I did and when I did use treatment, I did not apply to scalp or rumb into the scalp but rahter only applied about half way into the hair. It was over a year unitl I applied it normally.
  11. Flew into OK for business last week and went to Dr. Lehr's clinic in OKC. It is very nice, and Dr. Lehr's background is from OU med. shcool-- he was top student and resident in his respective years. I think he's been in HT practice for about 7 yrs or so. Initially he did other cosmetic procedures, but now is basically HT. He uses 100% FU and microscopic disection with high powered equipment. Also uses magnifing surgical eyewear during implantation. SOme surgeons say they use 100FU but do not use the surgical microscopes to disect but only use magnifying classes-- to get precise disection of donor FU with the right amount of tissue, your doc should be using microscopes to disect. Now using magnifying goggles to physicially put in the donor sight - I dont see as big of an issue. Dr. Lehr has several assistants on staff and only conduct at the most 2 surgeries a day depending on time-- one am and one pm-- most of the time it is just 1 surgery a day especially over 1000 FU. His prices are very competitive because he's trying to build a bigger practice to attract new patients as well as give repeat patients a price break. A young good doc with a future-- unlike some of the other young quacks out there.
  12. Flew into OK for business last week and went to Dr. Lehr's clinic in OKC. It is very nice, and Dr. Lehr's background is from OU med. shcool-- he was top student and resident in his respective years. I think he's been in HT practice for about 7 yrs or so. Initially he did other cosmetic procedures, but now is basically HT. He uses 100% FU and microscopic disection with high powered equipment. Also uses magnifing surgical eyewear during implantation. SOme surgeons say they use 100FU but do not use the surgical microscopes to disect but only use magnifying classes-- to get precise disection of donor FU with the right amount of tissue, your doc should be using microscopes to disect. Now using magnifying goggles to physicially put in the donor sight - I dont see as big of an issue. Dr. Lehr has several assistants on staff and only conduct at the most 2 surgeries a day depending on time-- one am and one pm-- most of the time it is just 1 surgery a day especially over 1000 FU. His prices are very competitive because he's trying to build a bigger practice to attract new patients as well as give repeat patients a price break. A young good doc with a future-- unlike some of the other young quacks out there.
  13. Little Disappointed that Shapiro is not providing his knowledge/insight on this topic? Maybe one of his patients can expand.
  14. Proscar there is a 50/50 chance. Propecia-- only 5% of the AAA insurance plans cover-- those are the ones that also cover Viagra.
  15. I would suggest taking 2 caps, three times a day for 3,000mg. Next time buy the 1,000 capsules.
  16. A piece is a piece no mater who you verbalize it (that's sound a little funny doesnt it?)
  17. Just wanted to caution those of you who are propecia users. If you already use propecia every day then DO NOT go down to every other day. For a new user, to start every other day is fine. But for experience user, it will increase fallout when you cut back from daily to every 2 days. I've experienced this over the past 6 weeks-- didnt have any fallout then cut back to every 2 days and started getting fallout. I dont if the body get's use to a certain level of the drug in the your system and adapts or what, but I am now back on daily propecia (6 yr user). For new users starting every 2 days, I wouldnt see a problem-- it's coming back down that I would caution.
  18. Just wanted to caution those of you who are propecia users. If you already use propecia every day then DO NOT go down to every other day. For a new user, to start every other day is fine. But for experience user, it will increase fallout when you cut back from daily to every 2 days. I've experienced this over the past 6 weeks-- didnt have any fallout then cut back to every 2 days and started getting fallout. I dont if the body get's use to a certain level of the drug in the your system and adapts or what, but I am now back on daily propecia (6 yr user). For new users starting every 2 days, I wouldnt see a problem-- it's coming back down that I would caution.
  19. Go riding now dude and enjoy-- just dont wreck or wear your helmet too tight and creat trauma.
  20. Sounds like with your short haircut, your grafts should be more noticable. At 8 months you should have at least 50% growth, sometimes it takes 12-18 months for 100% growth. Dr. Elliot is not one of the more advance docs. I've had experience with his clinic 15 yrs ago with his partner at the time DR. McClenion. THis was before he claimed Bankruptcy-- yes he BK his hairmill in the early 90's. It was called Thomas Elliott/ That says something. I'm sure your result will be fine. If your not satified you still can go to a top notch surgeon like the ones mentioned on this site for "fill in" work.
  21. Dont use Pat and I as examples he had his first around 6 yrs ago I think? not for sure. I had my first almost 15yrs ago. Time/techniqe and knowledge has changed. We both probably, damaged FU that hadnt come in with a quick 2nd HT. I my case I had about 200 "larger grafts"for my 2nd. LAter HT, I waited 12 months between 1,000 FU grafts. THis time around it has been 6yrs and this fall I plan on about 1000-1500 touch-up. I would wait at least 12months to see what has grown in and where to place grafts from another HT.
  22. Arfy uses 15% I think (maybe Rugger too?). From what they say, you use 15% once a day and 5% the other time during the day.
  23. Impressive, looking how your head is shaved -- no sign of donor scarring-- WOW. I'm impress with 1900 FUE-- with new tech maybe they can shorten the sessions for FUE, Cant wait to see 3,6,9 months updates-- ENJOY
  24. Fifty, Get on Propecia and Rogain if not already. HT various not only by patient but also by other factors unknown. I've had HT were my grafts never fell out and continued to grow from day 1 of the surgery, I've had HT were it took 3 months to start to see/feel the new grafts, and I've had one HT that took about 8 months before any growth but also saw growth out to 18 months---SO each surgery is different. The meds will help stimulate growth and maintain good enviroment for your new grafts. Good luck.
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