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Everything posted by LeveledUp

  1. Moved from topical got no sides but no results on both 2.5mg and 5mg.
  2. Man maybe it’s time for me to make leap to Dut. i don’t think oral min 5mg and fin 1mg is doing anything for me regrowth wise
  3. For me it was. So yes in this world it can be more effective.
  4. Do you feel bad any negative impact hairloss wise? Ive been on Fin awhile although not consistently as I should be…When I run out I tend not to rush out to get more or I go through periods where I don’t take it out of forgetfulness. But feel my libido as of late has gone down whilst I’ve been more consistent that last few months…Can’t say it’s Fin for sure or fin alone, but wouldn’t surprise me if it’s playing a part. Thinking to either do 3x week or 0.5mg daily or maybe stop completely .
  5. So do you not take finasteride at all now? if you don’t mind me asking
  6. Why are you thinking about a transplant is that a joke lol don’t need one mate, keep that in the tank for the future
  7. I went to 5mg no sides but also no results. i came from topical which worked a lot better for me.
  8. Im one of those where topical seems way more effective than topical. Year on oral minoxidil - 2.5 then 5mg, and 4 months of topical gave me more regrowth than a year on oral. I think if you’re a responder topical directly to the follicles will work better imo
  9. Yeah I don’t buy it at all. From my own experience and others if it was me on 5mg I should be a poster boy for oral minoxidil. For me, if you’re an actual responder applying directly to the follicle vs orally and hoping that it reaches your hair follicles in a sufficient amount.
  10. Is there a particular reason you want to purchase through a clinic?
  11. Completely agree with this. i switched and lost major ground. Makes complete sense for topical to more effective, if you’re a responder than oral. If topical works don’t switch it’s as simple as that
  12. Definitely not wasting his time. fin 3x per week will be still be somewhat effective
  13. Maybe anecdotal took a break from Fin been nearly a month and I feel like E quality has improved. Going to start again next week but do 1mg 3x a week rather than daily.
  14. I mean you could give it a go your experience may be completely different to mine. You can switch back from pill to topical if you like. I just think if topicals working don’t mess things up, I know you said you don’t like the greasy wet look. Maybe apply at night only? i think I’m still using oral as I’m holding onto the hope things will suddenly improve, but that’s wishful thinking.
  15. 2.5mg for 7 months then 5mg for last 4-5months. Topical was 5% 1-2x per day. Probably seen more arm hair growth then head growth on oral. Well I moved to oral mainly for convenience, I personally don’t see the point in using both for my use case. i think that’ll be overkill, I’d rather just use one and be done…And probably will increase sides. I’m likely going to wait until the new year to switch, part of me wants to change back now. But at the same time I don’t want to go through a massive shed right now….But maybe I’ll take the plunge within coming weeks as don’t see my situation changing. Guess sooner the better and maybe that time next year my hair will be a lot better and I’ll regain what I lost being on oral over the last 12 months
  16. I’d reevaluate at the 6 months mark. Although based on my results since switching to oral 1 year ago, topical probably would give me you better results. i switched and regret it, Oral hasn’t done much and topical was night and day
  17. Im tempted to wean off finasteride, just to see if it has contributed negatively to my depression and also see the difference in libido. Although I do take anti depressants also which could also be affecting libido. Probably next year maybe, as just recently bought 6 months worth or even just tapering down to 3x weekly
  18. Both ideally. Although I know Dr Bisinga has said If patients are reluctant to finasteride or are older patients he just prescribes oral minoxidil and has seen success.
  19. Not had any issues personally. Was previously using Manual.co for Oral Minoxidil. Came without 2 weeks i believe oral minoxidil is dirt cheap in Thailand hence the price
  20. Goodstuffstore Comes from Thailand 6 month supply for £30 Domg pay £250 lol that’s crazy
  21. Meh don’t see a problem with investigating claims
  22. Yep waiting 12 months seems daunting when there’s no improvement in sight. im approaching 12 months in October, and the lack of progress. Has just made me realise I’ve probably wasted the last year by switching to oral…Instead of just being content with topical. Been 3 months on 5mg after 7 months on 2.5mg. And even increasing I’m not seeing any real difference which is frustrating. I’d like to hold out a bit longer but everyday I just think to quit and just finally start topical again.
  23. Always interesting how medication differs for people. Some get amazing results from oral where as others like myself see nothing, and got better results on topical. Genuinely feel like I’d have to take a dose that’s not considered “low dose” to see results on oral.
  24. I could never do it consistently tbh. always been too lazy to do it, I’d do it once then put it off for like a month
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