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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. 10 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    That's not what I heard. He can't recommend it because there have not been any large double blind trials. i.e he doesn't have enough evidence to make a determination of the risk/reward.

    There have been several large retrospective analysis of patients using oral minoxidyl and no serious safety concerns were reported from any of the patients. They're not poor clinic studies, they just do not meet his standard of evidence to make a recommendation to his patients.

    You've essentially repeated what I have said, but have said it differently in terms of semantics. If he doesn't believe the studies so far are good enough to meet his standards, or good standards, they are essentially poor in his opinion.

  2. Received this further information:

    "The excipient base used in the compounding of our alcohol-free topical solutions is a patented phytocomplex with 100% natural essential oils, extracted from carefully chosen plants selected by their chemotypes. The phytocomplex exerts a proliferative effect in fibroblasts involved in the reestablishment of the dermal papilla connection to the hair follicle. Recent scientific studies show that the carrier is capable of modulating the expression of genes that have an active role in the pre-anagen period of the hair cycle – the neogen phase. 

    You are welcome to read more about this patented TrichoSol formula at the link here.

    With regards to absorption, please feel free to review a summary of relevant scientific research on our Trichosol excipient, which is available via the link here."

  3. On 7/22/2023 at 2:26 PM, mustang said:

    I tried to take a picture with the same angle and light on Topical Dutasteride and off for over a year 

    Even though the last picture the hair is longer you can see the missing density on the vertex and crown.

    On Topical Dutasteride treatment


    Off Topical Dutasteride treatment:



    Where did you get the topical dutasteride?

  4. 45 minutes ago, mustang said:

    Made in China, raw Chinese compounds (non pharma grade finasteride, dutasteride, etc..), cross contamination, DMSO used on their products, fake compounds with 50% purity

    The list goes on and on and on, I have been warning people for years to not use them

    I never understood how the FDA allows a Chinese company to sell in the US market freely drugs that require a prescription.


    Holy f*ck! How do you know all that?

    I used their topical finasteride for around 2 years, which is very worrying. I have to say, I don't think it made a jot of difference, certainly not in terms of visible improvements. In fact, it may have only irritated my scalp, and made things worse.

  5. On 3/28/2023 at 10:16 PM, ScottishGuy21 said:

    Tried oral minox recently and had some scary sides. Chest pain and a change in heart rate kicked in around the 3-4 week mark.

    Thankfully after a full heath check and coming off it I’m fine now. Dr suggested the bag around my heart had taken on excess fluids. He couldn’t say 100% it was the meds as viral infections can cause this however he’d be very surprised if it wasn’t. 

    So just a word of warning. Even if you’ve got a full bill of health and no previous medical issues these meds can have quite serious side effects . I know I’m probably the 1/100 minority it happens to but be careful when first starting them and listen to your body.

    That's worrying. I think I've just started heading in that unfortunate direction too, and my cardiovascular system is normally perfectly healthy.

  6. Have the following concerns regarding MinoxidilMax:

    1. Anonymous domain name registration.
    2. Sent me a product with no expiry date.
    3. Asked for the full ingredients list in regards to one of their products, and never got a response.

    Be careful.

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  7. 2 hours ago, jfally said:

    I remember reading 2.5mg oral daily is equivalent to twice daily topical 5% but it wasn't a credible source so take that with a grain of salt.

    I think the dermatologist that I referred to in this thread said it was equivalent to around 0.5mg a day, but he didn't seem too sure.

  8. 2 hours ago, jfally said:

    If it's something you'd still be interested, perhaps working with your Dr to try again with a very slow increase til settling at minimum effective dose you're able to tolerate?

    I remember reading 2.5mg oral daily is equivalent to twice daily topical 5% but it wasn't a credible source so take that with a grain of salt.

    I got the oral minoxidil from Manual:


    Getting a dermatologist to prescribe a lower dose oral minoxidil costs an arm and a leg here in the UK, so can't afford that. Insofar as I am aware, a GP can't prescribe it, but I may be wrong. I think one may need to get a compounding pharmacy involved too.

    I may try wait around 2 weeks, and then see if taking 2.5mg once a week makes any difference, but suspect that will do zilch in terms of my hair, but who knows.

  9. 2 hours ago, jfally said:

    I apologize as I'm guilty of having not scrolled up/back enough evidently!

    I will always err on side of deferring to someone's personal firsthand experience; nobody knows our own body than we do.

    My intent wasn't to dismiss your firsthand experience, my words were how much fear mongering there is and how likely it is to deter folks from using the very few meds available to help combat MPB.

    I'm wired to overthink everything so after reading plenty of initial scare posts regarding sides for all these meds, I make a marked effort these days to never read that stuff, and I've been totally fine using both Dut and Oral Min. 

    Clearly you had a different experience with OM, sorry man!

    Yes, I'm pretty much the same.

    Glad you are managing okay on both dutasteride and oral minoxidil. How long have you been on the oral minoxidil for, and what dose are you on? Are you using topical dutasteride? 

    2 hours ago, jfally said:

    It does leave me curious about certain posts where people mention what you did and then a day or a week later, no more sides to speak of. But I totally understand not wanting to stay the course in hopes that stabbing chest pains diminish, that'd be a hard sell lol.

    Which posts are those? I take it you are referring to other people who have tried oral minoxidil? Perhaps one does tolerate the drug better with continued use, but, that said, you also run the risk of the side effects getting worse.

  10. What bloody rotten luck: I use topical minoxidil and I get hyperkeratosis etc., which prevents me from getting a HT. I try to switch to oral minoxidil, and I probably start getting the worst kind of side effects. Failing a full blown heart attack, I'm not sure it can get much worse.

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