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Everything posted by Jupiter_

  1. The growth looks amazing for just 5 months. Your donor looks excellent too. So overall a very good result so far. As for the doubles in the hairline, this is not something that people outside of this forum will zoom in your hair line and observe. They will just see a pretty dense and natural hairline.
  2. Considering your hair loss problem, the huge area that you had to cover with only 4000 grafts your result does look pretty good to be honest. in general I have seen that other doctors zarev and pittella implant 10.000-12.000 grafts for Norwood 6 patients and you only had 4000…so it does look ok for 4000 grafts. Also your donor wasn’t good even before procedure and the sides of your donor were weak before procedure too. So with a weak donor and with a big hair loss problem you can’t expect miracles but your appearance has changed compared to the before. Another factor that affects the result is that you have very short hairs now. In hair transplants you need long hair to get better coverage. So you need to let your hairs to grow in order to have better coverage and Comb your hairs to the back. Anyway you still have 6 more months for more thickening. I wish you all the best πŸ‘
  3. The growth is impressive for 4.5 months πŸ‘Œ. At 12 months this is going to look awesome!!! Keep us updated πŸ˜€
  4. Looking great mate πŸ˜€....Another great result from Dr Yaman...Enjoy your new hair πŸ‘Œ
  5. Great progress at only 6 months...waiting for your new update ! πŸ˜€πŸ™
  6. Happy growing man. In your case i would have shaved my scalp...non-shaven procedure is always more risky for the surgeons, thats why they implant less grafts in non-shaven procedure compared to shaven one...
  7. The donor shock loss can always happen in any patient at any clinic. It depends on patient's donor too. But its temporary and it recovers after 6-8 months. So i dont think that is a problem. In general you always judge the donor at the end, not in the start which is in the healling process. With more grafts it takes more time to heal, but its ok at the end. well, I dont think 4950 grafts is too intense since other doctors extract even more grafts in one session. For example dr pittela extracts about 6500 grafts in just one day and even 12500 grafts in a 2 day session.
  8. All eugenix packages are good and their doctors get the same training...So Both packages would be fine. Dr Vinita is a good doc too, so you could select her without doubt.
  9. The work from Dr Yaman looks pretty good and clean. The extraction pattern looks fine with normal dinstances. This is just shock loss which is temporary and will go away after some months, so you dont you have to worry at all. Shock loss can happen in any clinic.
  10. You are only half way of your journey! This is going to be improved a lot in the upcoming months by both thickening of existing hairs and growth of the little hairs which are not shown now..so just be patient 🀞
  11. Happy growing. You did a great choice by selecting dr yaman. You already had a successful procedure with yaman so you selected him again. That make sense. it’s really pleasant that dr yaman take good care of each of his patients individually and he does measurements of donor, plan, design, incisions and he comes to inspect the procedure many times to see that everything is fine.
  12. Well that’s an awesome work from dr yaman πŸ‘ Waiting for your next updates.
  13. Happy growing... Dr Bekir seems to be a great choice in Turkey. I will be following this.
  14. happy growing πŸ™ the work looks great...i will be following your journey
  15. they can happen yes. You may need to lower your dose to minimise the side effects.
  16. Dr Yaman has many great results on higher nowrood cases like yours and the majority of his results are succesful ones. Also he participates in all of his hair transplant by doing the meaurements of donor and recipient area, organising the plan of the hair transplant, drawing the hairline, doing the incisions in the recipient area, doing supervision of his hair transplants and his hairlines have natural angles. You can have a look on these great results below from Dr yaman which are similar to yours..
  17. Happy growing. 5100 grafts look a fair amount for your hairloss problem, while for crown you will need a second procedure . The work looks clean and nice. Its very good that you selected the VIP package of Cosmedica and you had Dr Acar participating in your hair transplant by doing the plan, design, hairline design, inspection and incisions. Also your procedure was done in a 2-day session which is also good. How much did you pay for the VIP package ?
  18. Awesome result!! Looks great πŸ‘ Dr yaman is definitely a great surgeon!!
  19. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Dr Yaman is a great surgeon and I'm sure you will have a great result. I will be following your journey.. πŸ‘
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