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Everything posted by Coffee_bean

  1. thanks mate. I’d honestly prefer having it down and in front, however it’s not quite long enough in my opinion for that yet. Spiked, slicked back though looks pretty good for right now. Rooting for ya man! I’d consider myself a pretty slow grower so thank you 🙏
  2. Hey man, here’s some pics from month 5. Month 6 is just a few days away and I’ll update then too!
  3. Looking real good, man! Progress is looking dense, and coming along nicely.
  4. The price was 80 baht per graft. However, I’ve heard it’s now around 100 baht per graft. Thank you mate! Really appreciate that my man! We’re all gonna make it 🙏 Appreciate the comments as always 🙏
  5. Thank you! Thanks bro. That’s a different way of seeing it that I’ve seen, but that makes the most sense! Thanks mate! Thank you my man! Through my research, Thailand didn’t come to mind at all as somewhere I was interested in. However, I was simply ignorant to the surgical skill, precision and talent that exists in Thailand’s’ plastic surgery industry.
  6. Here’s a pic after a haircut with the most direct lighting I could find (a ring light). Hope this helps mate. here’s pre op for some context
  7. Hey All, here’s a quick month 4 update. Starting to observe more shock loss recovery, and seeing growth with some sprouting. I wish I had more density, but hoping that comes in the next few months!
  8. Hey @Gatsby! Thanks so much. Didn’t realize how red it was until I saw the pics haha. Feel it’s much less red in person.
  9. Month 3 update - slowly coming out of the shock loss, dormant phase, I believe. Also stopped topical min about a month ago, and replaced with 2.5mg oral min. Pics immediately after a haircut.
  10. Oh shoot, this looks so good! Congrats man!! Massive improvement
  11. x2 for @Jamos1982 — just jaw dropping for one procedure. Or @Sele — since he uses zero meds and looks so good for just 5 months
  12. Finally! Yes, she is an amazing doctor! Her work is clearly tracking Dr. Laorwongs, while building upon and taking Absolute Hair Clinic to the next level with her expertise in Stem Cell research. I have personally met with, and talked with Dr. Ratchathorn. I’m also a patient of Absolute Hair, under Dr. Laorwong.
  13. This is going to look so dang good! Sick hairline design. Did he choose that, or was that your idea?
  14. Hey bro, trust me, I know how you’re feeling. Just passed 6 weeks. I work like 12-13 hour shifts and interact with a ton of people. Everyone’s always staring at my hair and saying something. It’s rough. Well get through it. By the looks of it you’re headed to some serious hair density!
  15. Which clinic was it? Assuming they have plenty of great outcomes and this could just be how they do produce those results.
  16. Honestly looks quite good, especially for tech implantation. Assuming this doc knew what they were doing here. Density looks quite good as well
  17. At about 1.5 months rn.. I get it bro haha. Haven’t felt this insecure since military bootcamp
  18. Maybe I’m just bias since I went to Dr Laorwong too.. but holy hell that looks so good. Looking at where you started and just 4 months is just awesome!!
  19. Damn - looking like you may not have a very aggressive shed. Really looks solid so far 🙏
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