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Posts posted by Shadman

  1. 15 hours ago, Al - Moderator said:

    If you want to start off with FUE then I think you should just focus on the FUE. If you leave an area for possible FUT later then you're leaving out the best grafts with the most DHT resistance. I don't think that's the best idea. I'm saying this as someone who is still a fan of FUT in some cases, but at the same time not using the best section of donor doesn't seem like the thing to do. In fact the biggest reason I'm still OK with people choosing FUT is because it takes the grafts with the best chance of long term survival. Why skip those grafts?


    ^ completely agree, I also think that if you start off with fue you should entirely focus on it

  2. On 4/5/2024 at 5:08 PM, franklewis92 said:


    Greetings everyone!

    My hair loss has been continuing for 4-5 years and I have decided to have a hair transplant. Which method do you think would be right for me? I'll be in Istanbul for 1.5 months due to my job. Which clinic do you think I should have my hair transplanted? Thank you in advance for your recommendations.


    Would you like to share few more photos from some other angle ?

  3. 21 hours ago, avisaxena33 said:

    don't think i personally have any pics of right before the procedure, but I took some pics after 35-40 days of growth in january to send the clinic which I attached

    From oral min I feel like I've definitely noticed growth at least in the area between the back of the head and the top of the head where it starts sloping downwards. I feel like there has also been some growth on the top, but we'll see over time if that is true / continues. Also feel like the growth rate of my beard has increased somewhat. Didn't notice any differences healthwise

    Got it, in my case also oral minoxidil improved my beard  hair. 
    keep us updated, best wishes 👍

  4. On 4/5/2024 at 4:17 PM, kiwidan said:

    I think so. But super busy this year. It might be a 2025 job.

    I just looked at your log man. Your results look great. Congrats!

    Thank you ! I’m happy with the overall result so far, but I’m concerned about one particular area. I’m considering a touchup after month 12, let’s see. 

  5. 21 hours ago, augustya said:

    I have a question So Hair has a cycle which is Anagen, Catagen and Telogen is where the hair sheds and then it again grows in phases again. is this possible? Let’s say if I am blow drying my hair, and when you blow dry hair, there is a little bit of pulling an tension of hair that happens because of the rolling of brush. Is it possible that if you do it every other day or like on daily basis, can that push the hair into telogen phase? And by the way I am using Cold Air.

    The reason why am asking this is when I apply minoxidil normally, I don’t see hair shedding from my transplanted hair area, but lately I have been doing blow drying every alternate day, and I use room temperature Air,and so when I applied minoxidil, I saw shedding of some hair in my hand, these were 1 or 2 strands normally I don’t see it, not at least from my transplanted area, I know Minoxidil can cause some Telogen Hair to shed, Hair which are already in Telogen Phase, But still I was just thinking can blow dry and push your hair into telogen face when it is not supposed to.

    I am way out of my Transplanted Care Time with a Couple of Months now I am on my 10th Month Mark after last procedure (Of the Many that I have got done)

    So Can Blow drying push hair into Telogen phase ?

    I think it was because of minoxidil

  6. 22 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    I did a podcast with him yesterday. I was going to keep it a secret. But, hey let’s talk about it. In my opinion, this app will BE the gold standard. 

    It’s quantitive data, it precisely measures the scalp and the level of hair miniaturization in a given area. I think the beauty is that it can be altered depending on the patients goals. Hopefully I release it soon.

    This app is for surgeons though, I don’t think you’ll get much use as a patient. Unless you’re just curious.

    Looking forward to watch your podcast with Dr. Pittella

  7. 3 hours ago, kiwidan said:


    I look better from all angles - except maybe above 

    I also think that from the top view wise it looks like that area can be improved. Give it two more months, there can be some more improvements. Do you've any plans for touchup ?

  8. On 3/27/2024 at 1:42 AM, general-etwan said:

    Somesh wanted to add several hundred grafts to the frontal behind-the-hairline region from the beginning. I suppose because that is the most important area to make look strong because everyone sees you from face on. That work would’ve started a few mm behind the existing hairline but I wanted to adjust the left side of the hairline just a tiny bit, so that’s when he just decided to implant grafts from the newly drawn hairline point to the midscalp. The hairline wasn’t lowered overall. The center point is still the same height above glabella. The left corner was just made a little fuller. Dr. P said it was good. Now when I measure from glabella to each temple corner, eyebrow corner to each temple corner, etc both sides are pretty much the same. 

    It looks like around 717 grafts were implanted in that frontal region, adjusted hairline to a few inches back.

    Got it, I think after adding some density in that frontal region it'll definitely look more fuller.

    Did you discuss anything regarding your current medications ? What medications you're on currently ?

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, MAL87 said:

    8 month update

    At this point, I'm starting think about going back and seeing how many more grafts I can use to fill my hairline in more and close the thinning hole in the back of my head. 


    Hahaha, I'm also thinking the same to add something to my hairline 😀

    Btw you're looking great at eight month mark. 

    2 hours ago, MAL87 said:

    I did when I was taking 1mg daily. I've since switched to 1mg Mon-Wed-Fri and things have been much more tolerable.

    What changes did you notice ? I'm also on the same protocol. But I feel like my libido is still low. How's is your condition ? 

    • Like 1
  10. @general-etwan

    I've read your previous updates. I knew you'd go for a third sitting, but I never thought that you'd do it at the nine-month mark 😀

    I think every weaker spots were addressed this time, overall work looking great.

    Best wishes 👍

    So, Dr. Somesh proposed a plan where he didn't want to add any density to your current hairline but he But you were more into distributing density uniformly which actually happened later on. Any specific reasons you didn't proceed with the previous plan moreover, how many grafts were used to increase density in the hairline and frontal area?

     And what did Dr. Sethi & Dr. Somesh say about your hairline lowering?

    • Like 1
  11. 57 minutes ago, Bandit90 said:

    Out of all the criticisms you can put at Eugenix, their techs being terrible, is surely the last. Even the staunchest critics praise the techs. The techs all come from Dr Sethi’s village in Odisha. Though probably not the most educated, they clearly have a high work ethic and loyalty. There is no coincidence that eugenix have good donor management when they have the same two techs doing nothing but extractions for 14 years. Also, the high growth yields, are down to those techs.

    I counted six OTs last month, which spread between Drs Sethi/Bansal/Das/Somesh/Vineta  I didn’t think was that bad. The 20 surgeries a day is just a nonsense claim.  


    Completely agree, In my first procedure Dr. himself did extraction but still he did over harvesting. On the other hand, in my repair procedure Eugenix techs did the extraction but still donor management was at its best. They might not be highly educated, but they're skilled enough to carry out their jobs perfectly. 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Gokul Krishnan said:

    I am planning to do a hair transplant to fill up my hairline which is currently sparse. Would be approx. 300 grafts. I am thinking of going with Exclusive package. I want to know opinions of members here, on who would be better choice Dr. Das or Dr. Somesh ?

    I think for 300 grafts, you can select any of them

  13. @shadow_god 

    I think You seem to be getting off-topic here. Also making some irrelevant statements.

    I've already said it multiple times that you still have four to five months of growth. There's no way you can judge your result at 8 month mark. Worrying or commenting your concerns multiple times will not help at all. 

    Secondly, you said that 20+ single procedure a day which is not correct at all. How's that even possible ? 


    11 hours ago, bigmistake said:

    You also mentioned that technicians are from Odisha, that is Dr Pradeep's home state, and the technicians are probably from his village, thus since they are from his village seasoned technicians stick with the clinic rather than get training and get a job elsewhere. 

    I also had a transplant in India where the doctor himself did the extractions but he did a very poor job. Eugenix's technicians are far superior to most doctors in India. You also mentioned that you are shedding roughly 500 hairs, hair shedding is normal and healthy hair shed, that is their cycle. 



    Completely agree with this^  I don't know why he made that remark about the technicians. It doesn't matter where they're from, what Matters the most is what they're doing. I Know this is a big statement, but I agree with what you said. Some Indian doctors are not as skilled as some Eugenix techs.

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