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Everything posted by Shadman

  1. Looks good 👍 Do you’ve any pre op photos ? And what changes did you notice when you increased your oral minoxidil dose ?
  2. Looking forward to watch your podcast with Dr. Pittella
  3. I also think that from the top view wise it looks like that area can be improved. Give it two more months, there can be some more improvements. Do you've any plans for touchup ?
  4. I don't agree but overdosing any supplements can cause certain side effects
  5. @newpatient12 Among the doctors mentioned above, I think Dr. Bicer would be an excellent choice. I've seen some great results
  6. Got it, I think after adding some density in that frontal region it'll definitely look more fuller. Did you discuss anything regarding your current medications ? What medications you're on currently ?
  7. Hahaha, I'm also thinking the same to add something to my hairline 😀 Btw you're looking great at eight month mark. What changes did you notice ? I'm also on the same protocol. But I feel like my libido is still low. How's is your condition ?
  8. @Vamdev yes absolutely normal after a hair transplantation procedure. How was your procedure? I remember you were planning for procedure in Hyderabad branch.
  9. @Vamdev don’t worry. Give it some time, it’ll recover
  10. Can you share any photos just before your procedure and after procedure ?
  11. @general-etwan I've read your previous updates. I knew you'd go for a third sitting, but I never thought that you'd do it at the nine-month mark 😀 I think every weaker spots were addressed this time, overall work looking great. Best wishes 👍 So, Dr. Somesh proposed a plan where he didn't want to add any density to your current hairline but he But you were more into distributing density uniformly which actually happened later on. Any specific reasons you didn't proceed with the previous plan moreover, how many grafts were used to increase density in the hairline and frontal area? And what did Dr. Sethi & Dr. Somesh say about your hairline lowering?
  12. Completely agree, In my first procedure Dr. himself did extraction but still he did over harvesting. On the other hand, in my repair procedure Eugenix techs did the extraction but still donor management was at its best. They might not be highly educated, but they're skilled enough to carry out their jobs perfectly.
  13. Overall work looks fine, any pre-op photos ?
  14. @shadow_god I think You seem to be getting off-topic here. Also making some irrelevant statements. I've already said it multiple times that you still have four to five months of growth. There's no way you can judge your result at 8 month mark. Worrying or commenting your concerns multiple times will not help at all. Secondly, you said that 20+ single procedure a day which is not correct at all. How's that even possible ? Completely agree with this^ I don't know why he made that remark about the technicians. It doesn't matter where they're from, what Matters the most is what they're doing. I Know this is a big statement, but I agree with what you said. Some Indian doctors are not as skilled as some Eugenix techs.
  15. You can check recommended surgeons list here. Dr. Arika/ Dr. Sethi could be an excellent option to look at.
  16. @londonbased overall it has created an illusion of having hairs. Was it your decision to went for that particular grafts distribution ?
  17. @shadow_god I'm taking 2.5mg Oral minoxidil from the last nine months. I'll be switching to topical finasteride & minoxidil solution very soon and obverse how it responds. Depending on the outcome, I might return back to the oral minoxidil. I saw your updates, being a repair patient I completely understand your concerns. Shedding can be due to topical minoxidil. My suggestion would be wait till 12-13 months, because your result can turn around completely. Meanwhile you should visit the clinic and have a consultation.
  18. @LRiv91_ For six months this is outstanding Getting better month wise 💪
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