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Everything posted by percahontas

  1. Included pics from day 5 post op, immediately pre and post surgery to show where my hairline was before partial shave, then what it was 2 weeks ago. lmk how we lookin
  2. the main talking i remember was about the single hair grafts. there was a diagram on the whiteboard next to me with all the counting
  3. also dr. pan said my temples are at a strong point and not receeded so not necessary to touch them. i gave him the okay to go up to 2k grafts if needed throughout surgery but he said it wasn’t. he gave me 12 grafts on the house lol 1812 total
  4. i got plenty in my previous posts but i’ll add some here that were before they shaved an inch above my original hairline.
  5. also guys they did a partial shave and shaved about an inch and a half. the front part of the fue is where my frontal lock/widow peak started. although it was over 50% thinning
  6. negative other than placebo from the fin. meat still works and my mind is still the same, i might have minor brain fog sometimes but can’t blame it on that entirely
  7. I went to around 5 different places that I remember. Dr. Carman in person quoted 1600-1800. LA Fue said about 2000-2500. One clinic said to wait. 2 from Turkey gave me anything from 1600-3000.
  8. Is this an accurate amount of grafts? I’m 24 and mainly focused on frontal/hairline area. Do not want hairline lowered, just from where it’s at in the front angled toward the temples. I’m scheduled for surgery in 2 weeks and just seeing if anyone disagrees with the amount. thanks!
  9. i don’t have diffusing on the entire dudes just above the earline the rest is normal. i believe it’s retrograde alopecia
  10. I’ve been wanting this for years and have been on fin and min since i was 20 and have pretty much stabilized where I’m at right now. I’ve done plenty of my own research and know the risks involved. I’m going for a conservative hairline design in preparation for another one down the road. I have pics on my first post like two months ago if you wanna look
  11. I'm going with Fue and have a surgery date booked with Dr. Pan who is a younger guy who works with Parsa Mohebi's at the same clinic. He is legit
  12. I'm going with Fue and have a surgery date booked with Dr. Pan who is a younger guy who works with Parsa Mohebi's at the same clinic.
  13. I'm going with Fue and have a surgery date booked with Dr. Pan who is a younger guy who works with Parsa Mohebi's at the same clinic. He is legit
  14. I've been seeing that FUT has better graft success rate and is advantageous for someone like me who plans on having another one down the road. I'd rather enjoy my hair now when I'm young than when I'm in my 40's.
  15. hey are you sure you can't see the scar at 1.5mm? That's like a 1 guard. I've heard not to go less than a 4 or 5. this is the only thing stopping me at the moment
  16. I finally have the money to afford a transplant that I've been wanting for years now. I have been telling myself FUT for some time now with Dr. Carman in San Diego, but now that it's time to book a surgery date, I am reconsidering and a little scared of FUT because of the scar. I am aware of the advantages FUT has over FUE, and the fact I have some diffuse thinning on my sides and some on the neckline, but the scar and scar recovery may be an issue for me. I really do not want to have a shaved head with FUE but at the same time the FUT scar healing is another issue. I haven't found any reputable doctors for FUE within a 200 mile radius, but maybe someone here can offer some advice for me. My hairline is a nw3 and I'm blonde with thick hair behind my hairline if that helps
  17. with 1500-1800 grafts on the hairline and fine hair, will there be a noticeable change? Also, will I be required to shave my head if there are grafts implanted into the mid section?
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