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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Interested in seeing an update as well. This is the best and most promising I’ve seen your frontal band from first HT look and actually the mid and back look much better shorter like this, even with the balding, than with the longer/wet look in the older pictures imho. Hope all is turning out well. Nearly all results I’ve seen from Bloxham, including my own, have been very good except 2 or 3 cases I’ve seen online. The only really bad one was the guy with little to no growth in the crown. I was NW 5. My hairline and frontal third are now fantastic. They were pretty bare, near slick bald previously. I had some remaining, albeit miniaturized, hair in the mid scalp that he worked through with remaining grafts. That area is “OK“. Was about 3500 grafts. Combination of losing my residual miniaturized hair and more sparse implantation in that zone. Second FUT with Bloxham pending shortly for the crown and reinforcing mid scalp. Not posting my pictures for anonymity for a variety of reasons. I don’t want to come off like a cheerleader for him. I am very happy with the results of my first FUT and excited for my second, but admittedly, seeing the occasional subpar result makes me nervous.
  2. Looks like great work, very impressive! Should look awesome in that area. Did the doctor comment on how much reserves you have left in your donor for if/when the hair on back half of your head goes? That’s my only concern here with this much taken via FUE for the front half.
  3. Totally normal to be nervous. Meds help…. Seriously. An oral benzo, ie ativan, Xanax, Valium etc. Post op vertical sleeping first few nights as well.
  4. I think you can still do a “low fade” with FUT just fine…. 3 or 4 guard over scar, taper down to one below that. That works very well for me, but I know it’s not OK with everyone.
  5. I think it is incredibly impressive how many grafts he is able to take, without sides appearing too depleted in most cases I’ve seen pictures of. That said, is anyone worried about what these Norwood 6/7 patients will look like in 5, 10, 20 years with how much was taken out of traditional “safe” zones?
  6. I think this looks good. Natural looking hairline, but would be better if you had a pre-post image showing a more zoomed out view of both sides together. Re the one single mis-angled graft in left…. I had the same. Overall thrilled with my result, but one single hair just didn’t grow out same way as others. Initially I would just pluck it out with tweezers a couple times a month, but then let it grow out and I was essentially able to train it to go up with rest of my hair, so now I just leave it alone and it doesn’t bother me.
  7. Sorry that’s how it turned out. I dont think anyone would be happy with that. Seems odd though, the docs not a hack… did you ever ask him about it?
  8. That’s disappointing to hear. Do you think it’s moreso grafts didnt grow where placed, lost surrounding native hair or combo thereof? Looking back over years of reviews, I have seen almost all stellar results, just a few scattered misses. Did you ever reach out to him to discuss?
  9. I looked through many prior threads, only saw one brief mention of it. Anyone have thoughts or experience using this to hide the redness when it persists beyond the first few weeks?
  10. I’m curious, if someone has beard hairs removed via FUE, is it anticipated they will need to keep at least a very short beard permanently to hide the small dots, i.e. same thing as scalp grafts? If no, how does it usually look with clean shaven beard?
  11. I would confirm with your doc, but I’m pretty sure you can really more aggressively scrub the scabbing and dried blood off the scar. I also think the sensitivity is still completely normal. I had the exact same thing for several weeks. A few areas of it were sensitive for a couple months. regarding the bald areas, I had the exact same concerns a couple weeks after mine… Was totally fine. The superficial parts of the grafts truly shed, some faster than others. I shed almost everything within a few weeks. Look through lots of other peoples progress posts, look at their scalp once the hairs shed…. Bald and red. Again, I would highly encourage you to contact Dr. Bloxham. He has always been very responsive to my questions and concerns.
  12. Attached pics from 2 weeks and 3 weeks post op on my first fut for frontal 2/3. I’m thinking I can hide this with DermMatch at this timeframe and ditch the hat when I get my crown done. If crown still red can use skintone concealer as I did til month 4 on hairline vs toppik vs DermMatch on the crown. thoughts?
  13. Anyone ever tried this to conceal the shaved area, redness and any surrounding shock loss once staples/sutures are out, ie during the weeks-months waiting for enough hair to regrow to hide the scar? I wore a hat for like 3 months after my first fut til it was nicely hidden by a 3 guard. I think I could’ve ditched the hat at 2-4 weeks post op if this works and won’t cause any problems. Would also plan on using to hide redness in recipient area, as that lasted 3-4 months after first surgery.
  14. Thoughts on putting fibers on crown after first couple of weeks to mask redness when unable to wear a hat? On my first transplant for hairline and mid scalp, hairline was red for over 3 months. At 2 months started using some skin colored concealer, wish I did that earlier. Couldn’t use fibers in hairline for the reasons outlined earlier in thread.
  15. I am impressed with how well the longer hair on sides and back of your head covers the fresh incision. Since you don’t have too much redness, you can basically resume life as usual now without always wearing a hat I presume?
  16. Highly unlikely that a staple comes out on its own without really catching it firmly on something and ripping it out. It’s still possible for there to be some blood/fluid oozing from incision for a few days, but shouldn’t be much if any active or brisk bleeding. That said, would rec not using your best or light colored pillowcase first few days without something covering it.
  17. Very helpful information, thank you. Any concern about an FUE thinning the donor to a degree that would make the prior FUT scar more visible?
  18. I had a very successful 4300 graft FUT about a year ago, covering my frontal 2/3. Scar healed very nicely, pretty close to pencil thin. Completely hidden with a number 3 on the buzzer. Norwood 6. (not going to post pics out of privacy concerns with my profession) For my crown, I would be perfectly fine to get another FUT given success and healing of prior, but curious if anyone out there has had experience or seen all go in well first time around, and then scar stretching significantly on second strip. I still do appear to have some scalp laxity and would work on the exercises to increase it further. thanks!
  19. My understanding is that one will keep the transplanted hair for as long as the native hair on the side/back of their head lasts. If/when the latter thins or falls out, that is when the transplanted top will do the same.
  20. I’m actually very happy with my results. I think it looks pretty full and natural, but don’t really know what products are best in general for looking fullest/most dense? Figured members here would be better than a random google search.
  21. As someone who has not really had to brush their hair in many years, this is pretty foreign to me. Any recommendations for type of product and comb to maximize the “illusion of density” post hair transplant? Thanks.
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