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  1. I didnt think to try Facebook messenger, I'll try that avenue too. Thanks
  2. That makes sense as it doesnt look as though they have read the whatsapp messages I sent. Is the Dr's personal WA on their website somewhere?
  3. Thanks I'll try this and let you know if I still dont hear back
  4. Hi, Has anyone any recent experience of trying to contact Dr. Laorwong and ho long does it generally take for him to get back to you? I was hoping to speak to someone at the clinic regarding potential surgery but had no response to either the whatsapp (from his website) or email. Is the clinic known for being slow to respond? I assume the reason is that he is very busy at the moment
  5. Hi, I am considering Dr Bonaros but not seeing many posts about him on this forum. How have your results been?
  6. Thanks for your response. Are there any Europe/Turkey based clinics that come recommended for beard to scalp? I'm UK based myself.
  7. Hi, I'm looking to have a second fue transplant. My first was 5 years ago and everything was great until recent months when I seem to have lost a lot of density. This has mainly been from the midsection and it now gives my hair a very much 'see-through' look which was not there previously. I was told after my surgery that I did not have much left in my donor area (about 500 or so grafts), therefore I think any further surgery will need to use beard or body hairs. With that being the case I am interested in contacting clinics that specialize in using beard/body hair as donor areas. Does anyone have any recommendations for such clinics, other than Eugenix? Any advice much appreciated. Thanks
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