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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Very interested to see follow up on this. I was NW 5/6. Going for my back half, second >3k FUT, with him shortly. I am very pleased with the hairline, dense and natural looking, A+, couldn’t be happier. Behind hairline to midscalp is decent, a B. Had some native miniaturized hair in mid scalp that he worked through, I presume native hair gone by now. Scar is 1-3mm, well hidden with 3 guard, fade to a 1 below it works well.
  2. If the scar stretched in this scenario, would it even be a problem if the original scar is about to be cut out?
  3. Thank you for sharing. Interesting to see how far forward he took the second procedure from the crown to just behind hairline.
  4. Hopefully the next 6 to 12 months will really fill in the rest of your crown and midscalp nicely. Do you have immediate postop pictures of the second transplant? Curious how far forward he worked from the crown into midscalp.
  5. Thanks for the update, this is a major improvement compared to your original pictures!
  6. was this your first transplant, ie did you have a prior one done on your hairline that grew much faster?
  7. Despite everything I’ve read, I would still probably be concerned if it was me….. even knowing it is not unusual to see a much later start to sprouting in the crown vs front (3 vs 5/6 months) and takes longer to mature (up to 12 vs up to 18 months). Hang in there. Hopefully by 1 year it will be a substantial improvement.
  8. I had FUT with Dr. Bloxham. Very happy with results. No train track marks. Staples really didn’t bother me at all except last few days when trying to lay flat on my back and leaning directly on them. Swelling wasn’t bad, don’t know that would be any different with FUT versus FUE. best of luck!
  9. Hair on the sides and shock loss maybe such that the scar can be hidden, but may not be at 2 months. Top of head may still be red, fully shaed all the grafts. Could potentially use some skin tone concealer and/or dermmatch to help in one or both areas…… but probably still hat territory for formal affairs if it’s important to not have anyone know you had something done.
  10. That is the initial redness The persistent redness is neovascularization, new little blood vessels under a fresh/thin layer of skin.
  11. Mine lasted 3 to 4 months in the frontal band where I had dense packing of grafts. I tried everything I read about in here and Google. Nothing made a difference except time and using skin tone consealer. I did not try covering with dermmatch last time but I will try on my second ht. In hindsight, I wish I would have tried concealer sooner. I.e. after the first few weeks, maybe a month, when the skin incisions were all healed.
  12. While quality of grafts transplanted has essentially caught up with FUE vs FUT, the real debate is still there for a high NW patient who needs essentially their whole scalp covered with grafts. An interesting point, which I haven’t seen brought up before on here, is that while there’s only a very very small group of doctors frequently rec’d for FUE for Norwood 6/7 (eugenix, pitella, zarev), theres an equally small group rec’d for high quality FUT (h&w, bloxham, hattington). Maybe a few others. thoughts?
  13. Id like to try this, preferably one with no scent, any recs on brands you’ve used?
  14. I think there’s a fair amount of high quality US options, at about half the price of Konior, but that’s still out of range for many people at 15-20k.
  15. How long after a first FUT would it be safe to start working on scalp exercises in preparation for a second FUT? Excellent results with my first one both on the hair and scar about 6 months ago. Second one will be for the crown. I figured it could only help to maximize scalp laxity by starting momths in advance, but I don’t want to chance stretching my original scar by starting too early. Thanks
  16. Similar situation. Debating to get mine filled vs not when I get my crown done. Already had first HT filling frontal half nicely.
  17. Looks like shedding to me. I shed most of mine within 1-2 weeks after staple removal. Also, youve gotta get more aggressive cleaning the scar. Shouldn’t be any dried blood over it at this point.
  18. Can dermatch be used at that point for redness? I made a separate post about it, but no one responded.
  19. I came across one of his older videos, where he explains about decreasing the density behind frontal band re blood supply. Doesn’t excuse a poor outcome, but is the rationale behind what a few people mentioned
  20. For me it was the classic reasons… -destined for NW 7, so gets me every possible scalp graft from the safest areas possible - don’t have any plans to wear hair shorter than a 3 guard on sides and back
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