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Posts posted by Mike1212321312

  1. Hello all, 

    An opportunity came up to get a hair transplant with one of my preferred doctors, who usually have a long waitlist or at least don't work with my availability. It would occur at the beginning of June, with about 3500 grafts, mainly in the frontal area. The problem is I'll be on vacation in Spain from the 1st to the 30th of August. I've read about the sun and transplants and how it should be avoided for a while. I have no problem wearing a cap 99% of the time, but what about when I go swimming? Or if I go for a hike and sweat a lot with the hat, would that be a big issue? I guess I'm asking those who've had a transplant and a vacation soon after: how did it affect the result? 



  2. Hello! 

    Look for some advice/ help to determine if i should consider a HT

    some stats 

    -29 years old

    - started balding at 19 

    -have smp and it actually doesn't look bad when my heads shaved. 

    - not on any meds.

    -all mothers side are norwood 7

    -Fathers side all have full head of hair 

    i suppose my main question would be, if i were to start med/roller/minx for let say 1-1.5 years and lets say everything remains the same or improves, who would you guys suggest for a doctor that would handle such a level of baldness?

    I've attached some pics. The longer hair ones are about 5 weeks or grown--shorter like 3 weeks


    thanks in advance 


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