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Everything posted by Belve

  1. well everyone here said it’s too early to judge and the spacing looks ok, but you did an attack here one of the hundred you have done to Turkish clinics. I don’t defend any clinic as I said you. I’m just trying to expose your unethical behaviour and you a paid shill trying to sabotage a whole country not just the hair mills. the below message explains a lot. I remember in another post from you that was about a different country than Turkey in which a patient was worrying about his donor at 20 days post op you said to the patient “relax and be patient, in Turkey you would see the real horror” , which shows your EMPATHY and your AGENDA to ATTACK a specific country not just the hair mills. But now you say it’s overharvesting at 17 days post op without even seen the post op donor pictures and everyone said here it’s too early except of you, the reason you told that is obvious and anyone can understand it. You are a getting paid doing the dirty job here. Your behaviour from the first day you signed this forum before 4 months is unethical and all should learn about that. Have a nice day.
  2. You are getting paid to sabotage the clinics that are from a specific country (Turkey). That’s the only reason you signed to this forum before 4 months and you started working to sabotage Turkish clinics you have in you agenda from the first day. I don’t defend any hairmill. You are attacking a whole country because you have this in your agenda. You are exposed on that thread and on other threads that are related to a clinic from Turkey, which are also Normal clinics and not hair mills. All posters on this thread said it’s to early to judge at 17 days and said after they saw the post op donor pictures that donor extraction spacing is ok but you did another attack to this patient, one of the hundred attacks that you have done during the 4 months you are on this forum. You started doing that from your first day showing that you signed for that reason and you are following a specific agenda. I remember in another post from a different country than Turkey in which a patient was worrying about his donor at 20 days you said to the patient “relax and be patient, in Turkey you would see the real horror” , which shows your EMPATHY and your AGENDA to ATTACK a specific country not just the hair mills. But now you say it’s overharvesting at 17 days post op without even seen the post op donor pictures. You are a paid troll doing the dirty job here. Your behaviour is unethical and all should learn about you
  3. I don’t defend any hair mill and in general I don’t defend any clinic. I’m just trying to expose your unethical behaviour, because you are getting paid to sabotage some specific clinics and anyone can see that.
  4. You can’t judge at 17 days post op without even seen post op pictures. The above members said that too. But because you agenda is to attack clinics from Turkey you told that. You are expose yourself on that post and anyone can see that you are an unethical paid troll. dr Bekir’s patient just shared his journey with the doctor and you asked him unethical questions that you don’t ask to other members sharing their journey. You were attacking this patient because he was from a Turkish clinic which is not hair mill. You are getting paid to do that attacks to specific clinics. You are an unethical paid troll doing that job here I don’t defend any garbage clinic, you are getting paid to attack every single clinic from Turkey not the hair mills but the normal clinics too.
  5. No you have empathy with Turkey and you always attack clinics from that country no matter they are hair mills or not. If he was from another country you would say it’s too early to judge but because he is from Turkey you make judgements at 17 days post op without even see the post op donor pictures. That’s an explain a lot about your unethical behaviour.
  6. I don’t defend any clinic from Turkey especially hair mills. I didn’t defend that clinic too. You are attacking all clinics from Turkey because you are getting paid to do that. You were attacking the last time a patient from dr Bekir which is not a hair mill. you are a paid troll and your reason to be here is to sabotage some specific clinics. You make judgements here at 17 days post op without even see the post op donor pictures, which is unethical. That means you are not reliable and the other member above understood that too
  7. Jjalay is always attacking clinics from Turkey because that’s his agenda to do so. If this patient was from another country he wouldn’t do that.
  8. You attack every single clinic from Turkey because you are getting paid from your clinic to do so. That’s the reason you are signed to this forum to sabotage clinics from Turkey I remember the last time you were attacking a patient doing his presentation from dr Bekir which is not a hair mill because he was from Turkey. You are an unethical paid troll
  9. Well you have no idea what you are telling to the op. you can’t judge at 17 days post op and it might be shock loss. Also you haven’t seen post pictures but you make judgements. That’s absolutely unethical what you are doing. You have empathy with a specific country and tiu are always attacking clinics from Turkey, because you have agenda to sabotage these specific clinics. The reason you are here is because you are getting paid to sabotage clinics
  10. Happy growing. You selected a great surgeon who specialises in high density hairlines! I would like to ask you what was the cost of your hair transplant per graft ?
  11. Great yield of grafts so far. It seems that you are going to get a great result. Waiting for your final result !
  12. Happy growing. Great plan and design. Dr bekir in Turkey seems to be a great choice of doctor who does the whole procedure by himself. Waiting for your future updates 😀
  13. The other doctors that I suggested have enough availability as I have seen from other members who contacted them. It doesn’t matter if he does it in one day or two. It depends on the number of grafts and every surgeon works differently. Bisanga is definitely much better option for hairline and he is in another league as we all know.
  14. I don’t think these 2 surgeons are comparable. Dr bisanga is a top and well known doctor and he is on another league. There are also another great surgeons to consider which are much better than Maras like Freitas, Lorenzo, couto, Ferreira, pinto, Eugenix ( Sethi, bansal), pittella, feriduni, lupanzula
  15. Waiting for your new update. HLC is a top clinic which produces great and very dense results and I’m sure you are going to be fully satisfied at the end. 😀
  16. Happy growing. Nice and clean work. Dr yaman is a great doctor and I’m sure you will be satisfied with your final result. Keep us updated 😀
  17. Awesome design and plan. Dr keser is one of the best doctors not only in Turkey but in general…
  18. Happy growing. You did a great choice by selecting a good and experienced surgeon like dr yaman and your result is Right on track. Waiting for your future updates.
  19. Happy growing the work looks nice. Why you didn’t shave your recipient area ? Was it your choice ?
  20. Stunning result as always from dr Freitas 🙌
  21. Exactly He promotes one particular doctor and he is trying to sabotage some specific doctors. @toon_toon is definitely a paid shill who made a new account here to do that job.
  22. You just made a new account here (not even one month member) and you act like you are an old member. So you definitely made this shill account to write what you don’t want to write with your main account or you probably got banned with your previous account. That’s a shill behaviour meaning you made a second account to promote one specific doctor and you are trying to sabotage some specific clinics. You are definitely getting paid to do that. I don’t sabotage any clinic like you with lies.
  23. There’s doctors doing the procedure alone. There’s not any fatigue and things like that. Ferreira and pinto do the procedure alone without techs. Pekiner the same.
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